MK Chapter 18 Flashcards
Major Sales Management Decision Areas
- Establishing sales force objectives
- determining sales force size
- recruiting and selecting salespeople
- training sales personnel
- compensating salespeople
- motivating salespeople
- managing sales territories
- controlling and evaluating sales force performance
Major Types of Sales Force Compensation Methods
Straight Salary
Straight Commission
Straight Salary
- Paying salespeople a specific amount per time period
- Most useful when compensating new salesperson, moving into new territories or customers, sales requiring many services for customers
- Salary remains the same until pay increase
- Provides salespeople with more security but less incentive
Straight Commission
- Paying salespeople according to the amount of their sales in given time period
- Commission may be based on percentage of sales or on a sliding scale
- Requires highly aggressive selling and minimal nonselling tasks
- Provides salespeople with maximum incentive but little financial security
- Paying salespeople a fixed salary plus a commission based on sales volume
- Most popular compensation method
- Provides level of security and some incentive
- Can require that salesperson exceeds a certain sales level before earning a commission
Consumer Sales Promotion Methods
- Coupons and Cents-Off Offers
- Refunds and Rebates
- Frequent User Incentives
- Point-of-Purchase Materials
- Free Samples and Premiums
- Premiums
- Consumer Games, Contests, and Sweepstakes
Coupons and Cents-Off Offers
Cents-off offers
-Promotions that let buyers pay less than the
regular price to encourage purchase
Refunds and Rebates
Money refunds
-Offering consumers money when they mail in
a proof of purchase, usually for multiple
product purchases
-Sending consumers a specific amount of
money for making a single product purchase
Frequent User Incentives
Incentive programs that foster consumer
loyalty by rewarding customers’ repeat (frequent) purchases
Point-of-Purchase Materials
Point-of-purchase displays
-Signs, window displays, display racks, and
similar means used to attract customers and to
encourage immediate purchases
-Manufacturers use it temporarily to encourage
trial use and purchase of a product or to show
how a product works.
-Highly effective yet costly in practice
Free Samples and Premiums
Free samples
-Samples of a product given out to encourage
trial and purchase
-Used to increase sales volume and obtain
desirable distribution for fast turnover products
-The most expensive form of sales promotion
-Items offered free or at a minimal cost as a
bonus for purchasing a product
-Premium must match both the target market
and the brand’s image.
-Premiums must be easily recognizable and
Consumer Games, Contests, and Sweepstakes
Consumer contests and games
-Individuals compete for prizes based on
analytical or creative skills.
-Competitions for prizes are used to generate
retail traffic and to increase exposure to
promotional messages.
Consumer sweepstakes
-A sales promotion in which entrants submit
their names for inclusion in a drawing for
-Used more than contests and attract more
widespread interest
Trade Sales Promotion Methods
Trade Allowances Cooperative Advertising and Dealer Listings Free Merchandise and Gifts Premium (Push) Money Sales Contests
Trade Allowances
Buying allowance
Buy-back allowance
Scan-back allowance
Merchandise allowances
Buying allowance
A temporary price reduction to resellers for purchasing specified quantities of a product
Buy-back allowance
A sum of money a producer gives a reseller for each additional unit bought after an initial promotion deal is over
Scan-back allowance
A manufacturer’s reward to retailers based on the number of pieces scanned
Merchandise allowances
A manufacturer’s agreement to help resellers pay for special promotional efforts
Cooperative Advertising and Dealer Listings
Cooperative advertising
Dealer listings
Cooperative advertising
Sharing of media costs by manufacturer and retailer for advertising the manufacturer’s products
Dealer listings
Ads promoting a product and identifying retailers that sell the product; influences retailers to carry the products, builds traffic at the retail level, and encourages consumers to shop at participating dealers
Free Merchandise and Gifts
Free merchandise
Free merchandise
-A manufacturer’s reward given to resellers for
purchasing a stated quantity of goods
-Usually takes the form of a reduced invoice
Premium (Push) Money
Extra compensation to salespersons for pushing a line of products
Sales Contests
A means of motivating distributors, retailers, and salespeople by recognizing outstanding achievements