Mixed Flashcards
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Bloody diarrhoea causing organisms
Bac: E coli, Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, Clostridium
Viruses: rotavirus
Parasites: Giardia, Entamoeba
4 histological layers of colon
Mucosa: epithelium + lamina propria + muscularis mucosa
Muscularis propria
Pancreatic enzymes
Amylase: starch
Lipase: lipids
Chymotrypsin, trypsin, elastase: proteins
Role of cholesterol
Component of cell membranes, precursor of steroid hormones, precursor of bile acids, component of plasma lipoproteins
Why would ferritin be high if iron is low?
Ferritin= acute phase reactant of liver, elevated in times of illness or inflammation
3 bands of colon that longitudinal muscle fibres of muscular external are arranged into
taeniae coli
Venous ulcer typical appearance
Gaiter region- lower 1/3 of leg
Common over medial malleolus
May form Majrjolin’s ulcer (squamous cell carcinoma) if left
Basal cell carcinoma
May present as ulcer/lesion on sun exposed places
Starts as slow growing nodule that may be itchy/bleeds
Necrosis of centre leaves rolled edge
No lymphadenopathy + no mets
Squamous cell carcinoma
Bleeding more common + lymphadenopathy
Characteristic everted edge
Ischaemic ulcers
Very painful
Deeper than venous ulcers -> can penetrate down to the bone
Surrounding area cold as result of ischaemia
Neuropathic ulcers
Impaired sensation
DM most common cause
Characteristically painless
Ankle brachial pressure index
> 0.9 normal
0.6-0.9 claudication but no rest pain
<0.6 rest pain, critical ischaemia
Big surgical risk factors for PE
Pelvic + orthopaedic surgery
Bladder cancer presentation
Painless haematuria
50-70yrs old
UK incidence of bladder cancer
1/6000 a year
Dilated tapering oesophagus on Ba swallow
Ddx of abdo cases
Abdo pain Abdo distention Change in bowel habits GI bleed Jaundice Ascites
Constant gastro pain indicates
Colicky gastro pain indicates
Enzyme reduced in chronic pancreatitis
Faecal elastase
5 causes of abdo distension
Fluid Flatus Faeces Fat Fetus
What may cause Flatus and what signs/Hx might you be looking for?
Obstruction - N&V - Bowels not opening - High pitched tinkling sounds Look for previous surgery eg adhesions Tender irreducible hernia in groin
According to old classification, what are the two types of ascites and what may cause them
- Cirrhosis, Cardiac failure, Nephrotic syndrome ie the failures
- Malignancy (abdo, pelvic, peritoneal mesothelioma)
- Infection (TB, myogenic)
- Budd-chiari syndrome (hepatic vein thrombosis)
Low albumin gradient (ascites)
Serum-ascites albumin gradient <11g/L
- nephrotic syndrome
- TB
- pancreatitis (acute, chronic)
- cancer
- peritonitis
High albumin gradient (ascites)
Serum-ascites albumin gradient >11g/L
- Portal HTN
- Constrictive pericarditis
- Cardiac failure (acute, chronic)
- Cirrhosis
Pale stools is caused by lack of
Cause of decreased conjugation of bilirubin
Gilberts syndrome
Causes of post-hepatic jaundice
Gallstones in GBD
Cancer of head of pancreas
What is Trousseau’s sign of malignancy?
Superficial thrombophlebitis
-> Pancreatic cancer
Marker for pancreatic cancer
Possible differentials for bloody diarrhoea
Infective colitis
- C -> Campylobacter
- H -> Haemorrhagic E Coli
- E -> Entamoeba histolytica
- S -> Salmonella
- S -> Shigella
Inflammatory colitis
- In young
- Extra-GI manifestations: episcleritis, scleritis, uveitis, erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum
Ischaemic colitis
- In elderly
Management of acute GI bleed
ABC IV access Fluids G&S, Cross-match (X-match) OGD: find underlying cause If variceal bleed treat with: -> Antibiotics (Tazosin to treat any bac translocation) -> Terlipressin (causes splanchnic vasoconstriction)
Terlipressin causes
splanchnic vasoconstriction
- use in variceal bleed
How to manage acute abdo?
NBM + NG tube
TRIPLE A: Analgesia Anti-emetics Anti-biotics: --> cover anaerobes (metronidazole) --> Cef + Met
Monitor vitals + Urine output
How to manage ascites
- Diuretics (furosemide/spiro)
- Fluid restriction if Na <120
- Weight management (daily)
- Dietary Na restriction
- Therapeutic paracentesis
- If neutrophils >250 then SBP so ANTIBIOTICS
Investigations for Jaundice
Bloods - FBC/LFTs/CRP Abdo USS - Gallstones better seen after pt has fasted due to distended, bile filled gallbladder - Look for duct dilatation
Dysphagia + weight loss investigations
PR bleed + weight loss
How to manage encephalopathy
Phosphate enemas
Avoid sedation
Treat infections
Exclude a GI bleed
Treat cause
Anastamotic leak (cause + presentation)
Post-op complication
- Diffuse abdo tenderness (due to peritonitis)
- Guarding/tenderness
- Hypotensive/tachycardic
Pelvic abscess presentation
eg due to post-appendectomy
- Pain
- Fever
- Sweats
- Mucus in diarrhoea
Recurrent abdo pain, bloating
Improves with defecation
Change in the frequency/form of stool
there will be no anaemia, weight loss, PR bleeding or nocturnal symptoms
Treatment of IBS
Anti-spasmodics: for abdo pain
If constipation: laxatives
If diarrhoea: anti-diarrhoeals eg loperamide
A 26yo woman has intermittent loose stool for the last 3 months on a background of IBS. She is otherwise well, no abdo pain, no vomiting, no weight loss. Her abdomen is soft and non-tender, bowel sounds normal. Her temperature is 37.1°C, pulse rate 64bpm, BP 114/76mmHg, RR of 14 breaths/min and Oxygen sat 100% breathing air.
Hb 140, WCC: 5.4, Urea: 3.6, Creatinine: 66, LFT: Normal, CRP <5, Uripe dip: no abnormality
Prescribe a med
Loperamide, 2mg, Oral, PRN
A 54 year old man has epigastric pain for 2 months. The pain started after he sustained a sporting injury, for which he took ibuprofen. His physical examination is normal. His temperature is 37.3°C, pulse rate 78 bpm, BP 136/76 mmHg, respiratory rate 14 breaths per minute and oxygen saturation 100 % breathing air.
Full blood count unremarkable
Upper GI Endoscopy: Small gastric ulcer with a smooth rounded edge, appears benign
Helicobacter pylori test negative
Please prescribe the most appropriate medication.
The target blood pressure for patients with chronic renal disease or diabetes plus microalbuminuria is a blood pressure less than
What is the KDIGO classification used for?
Serum creatinine >26micromol/L within last 48hrs
Serum creatinine 1.5x baseline within preceding 7 days
Urine volume <0.5ml/kg/hr for 6hours
Causes of hypokalaemia
Severe vomiting
Failure of kidneys to produce urine
What can be checked in blood for lupus?
- Complement levels: low in active lupus
- Anti dsDNA antibodies: high in active lupus
- ANA - associated with SLE
4 indications of RRT
- Hyperkalaemia refractory to medical management
- Pulmonary oedema refractory to medical management
- Severe metabolic academia
- Uraemic complications
Normal eGFR
> 90ml/min per 1.73m2
Chronic use of which drugs are a risk of CKD
Painless haematuria in a 50-70yr old think
Bladder cancer
Cytoscopy is
Endoscopy of urinary bladder via the urethra
LUTS Frequency Urgency Nocturia Dysuria Hesitancy Incomplete voiding Poor stream Straining
First line treatment for UTI
Trimethoprim or Nitrofurantoin
Normal urine output
1mL per kg per hour
<0.5mL per kg per hour or <400mL per day
First thing to check with pt on ward who has reduced urinary output
Catheter not blocked
How much fluid do febrile pts need
500mL for every 1 degree above 37
What types of drugs can be nephrotoxic
ACE inhibitors
Antibiotics eg gentamicin or vancomycin
What marker is unhelpful when checking for an obstructive cause in acute urinary retention?
PSA as raised anyway so can’t tell if prostate problem or not
Typical presentation of acromegaly
Prominent jaw and brow
Large hands and feet
Typical presentation of acromegaly
Prominent jaw and brow Large hands and feet Sweating glycosuria enlarged nose soft tissue changes organomegaly visual impairment (if impact on optic chiasm)
Cadmium is related to which type of cancer
How can you distinguish between BPH and prostate cancer on DRE?
BPH: smooth enlargement, bilateral, midline sulcus
Ca: Hard, asymmetrical, nodular, loss of midline sulcus
Polycystic kidney disease mode of inheritance
Autosomal dominant
Mutation on PKD1 on chromosome 16
Polycystic kidney disease
85% of cases
PKD2 mutation chromosome 4
15% of cases
Condition associated with berry aneurysms
Polycystic kidney disease
May present as SAH
ACEi are contra-indicated in which renal condition
Renal artery stenosis
What lung finding may you see in renal artery stenosis pts?
Hx of flash pulmonary oedema
Gold standard investigation for renal artery stenosis
Digital subtraction angiography
Markers for testicular cancer
- alpha feto-protein
- beta-HCG
- lactate dehydrogenase
What is the problem with myoglobin?
Excess insulin injection results in
Reduction in K+ due to shift into intracellular compartment
Pts become sweaty, irritable, can eventually fall into coma
MOA biguanides
decrease HGO
increase peripheral glucose uptake
MOA thiazolidinediones
activate PPAR-gamma, which increases LPL and FATP1 transcription -> increases peripheral insulin sensitivity
MOA sulphonylureas
block K(ATP) channel in pancreatic b cells, causing depolarisation and Ca entry -> stimulates insulin secretion
What is needed to manage a HONKC
IV insulin (50U soluble in 50ml of normal saline) \+ thromboprophylaxis
Groin lump in male that reduces completely when they lie down
Saphena varix
Where is the saphenofemoral junction?
2-3cm inferolateral to pubic tubercle
Pantaloon hernia
coexisting direct and indirect inguinal hernias
Differentials for non-tender, fluctuant groin lump with cough impulse
hernia or
saphena varix
Boundaries of Hesselbach’s triangle
Medially: rectus sheath
Inferiorly: inguinal ligament
Superiorly: deep inferior epigastric artery
Boundaries of inguinal canal
Anterior: Skin, superficial fascia, external oblique aponeurosis, internal oblique (lateral 1/3)
Posterior: Transversalis abdominis + conjoint tendon
Roof: internal oblique + transverses abdominis
Floor: inguinal ligament
Boundaries of femoral canal
Anterior: Inguinal ligament
Posterior: pectineal ligament and pectineus
Medial: lacunar ligament
Lateral: femoral vein
Risks of surgery in general
Haemorrhage Infection Thromboembolism Anaesthetic complications Death
Maydl’s hernia
W loop ie two loops of bowel herniate, with intraabdo portion in the middle
Urine dip result in diabetes
Management of hyperkalaemia
IV calcium Insulin and dextrose (moves K from extra-cellular compartment to intra-cellular) Nebulised salbutamol Ca resonium Dialysis
Management of hyperkalaemia
IV calcium
Insulin and dextrose (moves K from extra-cellular compartment to intra-cellular)
Nebulised salbutamol
Ca resonium
(would see massive inverted t waves on ecg)
Nephrotic syndrome
> 3g protein
Normal protein in urine
Normal protein to creatinine ratio
Robson staging
Renal cell carcinoma
Diabetics are at risk of which condition between buttocks
Pilonidal sinus
Oesophageal varices treatment
Propanolol + endoscopic variceal banding
Iron deficiency
Endocrine disorders eg acromegaly or hypothyroidism
What happens to cells in alcoholism?
Increased MCV
Mutation in a gene on chromosome 13 for ATP7B
copper transporting ATPase
wilsons disease
Caeruloplasmin is a
acute phase protein
Inflammatory infiltrate, crypt abscesses + goblet cell depletion on histology report
Barium enema in Crohn’s reveals
cobblestoning, rose thorn ulcers, +/- colonic strictures
Smoking increases risk of which bowel disease
Crohn’s (3-4x)
Triple therapy
Seven-day course of twice daily omeprazole 20mg, 1g amoxicillin and 500 mg clarithromycin
Most common cause of upper GI bleeding
Peptic ulcer
Treatment for chronic hep B
Interferon alpha (but SEs of flu symptoms eg headaches, myalgia, pyrexia, chills, bone marrow suppression + depression) Nucleoside/nucleotide analogues eg tenofovir, adefovir, entecavir
Histological report of HAV/HEV
Zone 3 necrosis
Inflammatory cell infiltration of portal tracts
Bile duct proliferation
Histological report of HCV
Chronic hepatitis
Lymphoid follicles in portal tracts
Fatty change
Cirrhosis may be present
Bile acid sequestrant
- either lowers cholesterol
- used in hepatitis infections to reduce diarrhoea
Signs of portal HTN
Caput medusae
Hepatic hydrothorax
A tranudative pleural effusion in pts with portal HTN with no underlying primary cardiopulmonary cause
Opthalmoplegia, ataxia, confusion
Thiamine/B1 deficiency
3Ds of pellagra
Foul breath
Potential causes of peritonitis
Perforation of peptic/duodenal ulcer diverticulum appendix bowel gallbladder
Who is primary peritonitis seen in
Adolescent females
SBP management
Cefuroxime + Metronidazole
Nausea + sweating usually associated with
cardiac pain
indicates ischaemia
Who do silent infarcts occur in?
Elderly & diabetics
Which two enzymes can be raised post MI?
AST (24hrs)
LDH (48hrs)
Unstable angina or NSTEMI on ECG may show
ST depression
T wave inversion
ST elevation (>1mm in limb leads, >2mm in chest leads) Hyperacute T waves New onset LBBB Later changes: - T wave inversion - Pathological Q waves
Posterior MI on ECG
Tall R wave
5 (weird) tests to do for ischaemic heart disease
rMPI (technetium 99 or tetrofosmin) Echo (either at rest or exercise/dobutamine stress) Pharm stress testing Cardiac catheterisation/angiography Coronary Ca scoring
What pharm agents can induce a tachycardia
(don’t give 1/2 in reactive airway disease or AV block)
What should all stable angina patients receive?
75mg aspirin per day
Echo in MI may reveal
RWMA: regional wall motion abnormality
Right heart murmurs are louder on…
ie tricuspid or pulmonary
Pan systolic murmur indicates
Mitral regurg
Tricuspid regurg
Ventricular septal defect
Slow rising pulse associated with
aortic stenosis
Mitral regurgitation is associated with
Displaced apex beat
Tricuspid regurgitation is associated with
raised JVP
Ventricular septal defect
Loudest left sternal border, accompanied with parasternal thrill
Coarse crackles
Consolidation or bronchiectasis
Fine crackles
Pulmonary oedema or fibrosis
On ECG how do you differentiate between AF and SVT?
Both have no P waves before the QRS complexes
in AF its irregular rhythm
In AVRT what do you see on ECG leading into QRS complex
Delta wave