Mixed Flashcards
TEE absolute contraindications
1) perforated viscus
2) symptomatic esophageal stricture
3) esophageal tumor
4) esophageal perforation or laceration
5) esophageal diverticulum
6) active upper GI bleed
To optimize 3D echo temporal resolution
Decrease volume size: width (lateral and elevation planes) and depth (axial plane)
Decrease scan line density
Multi-beat acquisition
To optimize 3D echo spatial resolution
Change frequency (?increase) Change focus Put gain in mid range Put compression in mid range Get image in near field
Major Duke criteria
2 for endocarditis:
1) positive blood culture
- positive blood culture with typical organisms
- persistently positive blood culture
- single positive blood culture for Coxiella burnetii or positive IgG titers
2) endocardial involvement
- vegetation
- abscess
- new partial dehiscence of prosthetic valve
- new valvular regurgitation
Area length method
For LA volume = (8 x A1 x A2) / 3 x pi x L A1 = area apical 4 chamber A2 = area apical 2 chamber L = shortest length btw apical 2 and apical 4
Mitral inflow and pulmonary flow tracing changes with increasing LA pressures
increase E shorten deceleration time increase E/A decrease S wave velocity (pulm vein systole) decrease S/D ratio
Threshold for concentric hypertrophy/remodeling
Relative wall thickness >0.42
Threshold for hypertrophy
> 95ml/m2 for women
>115ml/m2 for men
Wall motion score
= sum score for segments / #segments visualized
like an average wall motion abnormality score
Fractional shortening =
Normal value for fractional shortening
> 18%
4 grade wall motion scoring
1: normal or hyperdynamic
2: hypokinetic
3: akinetic
4: dyskinetic or aneurysmal
LV relative wall thickness
= (2 x post wall thickness) / LVEDD
dilated cardiomyopathy M mode finding
E point septal separation >10mm
Mild aortic stenosis
AVA >1.5cm2
MG <20mmHg
Vel <3cm/sec
Mod aortic stenosis
AVA 1-1.5cm2
MG 20-39mmHg
Vel 3-3.9cm/sec
Severe aortic stenosis
AVA <=1cm2
MG >=40mmHg
Vel >=4cm/sec
Surgical repair ascending aorta indications
> =5.5cm
>=5cm if FH dissection, >=0.5cm/yr growth rate
Mod-sev AI echo surveillance
Mild AI echo surveillance
<200msec if acute
Vena contracta for AI severity
<0.3cm: mild AI
>=0.6cm: severe AI
Surgery for asymptomatic chronic AI
- EF <=50%
- Undergoing other surgery
- LVESD >50mm or >25mm/m2
Severe mitral stenosis
MVA 1.0 - 1.5cm2
Mean grad 5-10mmHg
PHT >150msec
PASP >30mmHg
Progressive mitral stenosis
MVA > 1.5cm2
Mean grad <5mmHg
PHT from DT
PHT = 0.29 x DT
half velocity
V1/2 = Vmax/1.4
Wilkins score
Balloon valvuloplasty if <8 1 mild - 4 severe - mobility - thickening - calcification - sub valv thickening
Class I recs for surgery for mitral regurgitation
- Sx chronic severe primary MR and LVEF >30%
- ASx chronic severe primary MR and LVEF 30-60% and/or LVESD >=40mm
Tricuspid leaflets seen
A4C: septal and anterior
Parasternal long: septal and anterior
Parasternal short: posterior and (septal vs anterior)
Severe TS
Mean grad >5-7mmHg (end expiration)
PHT >= 190msec
TVA <= 1.0cm2
Severe TR
ERO > 40mm2
RV >45ml
Mild MR
ERO <0.2cm2
RV <30cc
RF <30%
VC <0.3cm
Severe non ischemic MR
ERO >=0.4cm2
RV >=60cc
RF >=50%
VC >0.7cm
Severe ischemic MR
ERO >0.2cm2
RV >=30cc
Severe pulmonic stenosis
Vmax >4m/sec
Indications for pulmonary valvotomy
- Sx and peak grad >=50mmHg or mean grad >=30mmHg
- ASx and peak grad >=60mmHg or mean grad >=40mmHg
Echo surveillance for ASx PS
q2yrs for peak grad >30mmHg, otherwise q5yrs
Acceleration time
For prosthetic valves
>100msec = pathologic obstruction
DVT (DI) for aortic valves (native and prosthetic)
<0.25 highly suggests pathologic obstruction
Aortic Patient prosthesis mismatch (PPM)
measure indexed EOA
>0.85: none
0.66-0.85: moderate
<=0.65: severe
Mitral valve prosthesis E velocity interp
> =0.19msec: prosthesis dysfunction
Mitral valve prosthesis VTI ratio
> =2.2: prosthesis dysfunction
Mitral valve prosthesis PHT
> =130msec highly suggestive of obstruction
Mitral PPM
Indexed EOA
>1.2: none
0.91-1.20: moderate
<=0.9: severe
Suspect prosthetic mitral stenosis
E velocity >1.9m/sec
Mean grad >=6mmHg
PHT >=130msec
Suspect prosthetic mitral regurg
E vel >1.9m/sec
Mean grad >=6mmHg
DI >=2.2
PHT <130msec
ERO cut offs AI
Mild <0.1
Mod 0.1 - 0.29
Sev >0.3
Rergurg vol cut offs AI
Mild <30cc
Mod 30-59cc
Sev >60cc
Regurg fraction cut offs AI
Mild <30
Mod 30-49
Sev >50
PHT <250
Jet width cut offs AI
Mild <25% LVOT
Mod 25-64%
Sev >65%
Jet area cut offs AI
Mild <5
Mod 5-59
Sev >60
Vena contracta cut offs AI
Mild <3
Mod 3-6
Sev >6
AI severity post TAVR
Mild <10% circumferential extent
Mod 10-29%
Severe >=30%
Normal stroke volume index
Simplified MR ERO
= (PISA radius)2 / 2
LVOT gradient
= 4 (MR vel)2 + LAP - SBP
Magnificent 4 in diastology
1) E’ velocity: >7-10 abnormal
2) E/e’ (nml EF) and E/A (dec EF): E/e’ >2.8m/sec abnormal
3) TR velocity: >2.8m/sec abnormal
4) LAVI: >34ml/m2 abnormal
See an L wave?
put grade II diastolic dysfunction
an index of myocardial contractility
= 32,000 / (time in msec to get from 1m/sec to 4 m/sec)
nml >1200
abnml <1000
goal MI with contrast
0.2 - 0.3
transverse sinus
recess around great arteries
E/e’ suggestive of increased filling pressure
septal E/e’ >15
PVR estimate
peak TR/RVOT VTI >=0.175 correlates with PVR >2 Woods units