Missing Person Flashcards
What is the definition of a Marginalized and Vulnerable Community?
Marginalized and Vulnerable Community means racialized, Indigenous, LGBTQ2S+, homeless, underhoused, or another group which may increase the risks associated with their disappearance due to an elevated risk of violence and criminal exploitation.
What is the definition of a Domiciliary Hostel?
Domiciliary Hostel
This means a privately operated facility licenced and supervised by the Family and Children’s Services Division of the York Region Community Services and Housing Department that provides long-term, supervised accommodation for adults with psychiatric or related disabilities who require supervision of their daily living activities but whose movements are not restricted.
What is the definition of Despondent?
Despondent means a person who is feeling or showing signs of extreme hopelessness, despair, depression or is suicidal.
Extreme hopelessness, despair, depression, suicidal
What is the definition of a Missing Person?
means a person who has been reported by someone as missing because the person is concerned and believes the individual is:
(i) lost;
(ii) overdue to arrive at a specific place; or
(iii) despondent or suicidal and has left a place with no destination.
What is the definition of a Moderate Response?
Moderate Response means a score of 19-24 according to the Search Urgency Report that involves investigation by the Lead Investigator and is appropriate when the information available indicates:
(i) the missing person is at no known risk; and
(ii) is known to be a Voluntary Missing Person or habitual Runaway; or
(iii) is believed to be outside the Province of Ontario.
What is a Yellow Notice?
Yellow Notice
means a notice from INTERPOL to National Central Bureaus of member Countries to help locate missing persons, often minors, or to help identify persons who, through circumstances beyond their control, are unable to identify themselves.
RTOC manual adds in a plate into ALRP
Appendix B
Categories of Permissible Manual Plate Entries (RTOC)
- The RTOC may add Manual Plate Entries to the YRP hotlist for:
a) a plate associated with an Amber Alert; and
b) in cases where an individual’s life is in immediate jeopardy (such as, a missing vulnerable person, active shooter or where there is an immediate threat to the life and safety of police officers).
As a helpful comparator, the RTOC may consider adding a plate in circumstances where they would normally authorize an emergency ping of an individual’s phone.
NOTE: The MTO-generated hotlist gets automatically updated every 24 hours. Licence plates added to CPIC by way of MRE / Versadex in most cases will get onto the MTO-generated hotlist approximately every 24 hours, once added to CPIC. The YRP hotlist can be updated within 10 minutes of an entry being made by the RTOC. Manual entries are removed as soon as the issue for its inclusion has been resolved. This function is reserved for the above-described situations only.
What is Children, Youth and Family (CYF) Situation Tables
Children, Youth and Family (CYF) Situation Tables to engage an intervention team who can develop a plan to better support them within the community. To engage this program, members should complete form YRP201 Children, Youth and Family Situation Tables Referral and email it to crp@yrp.ca. For added clarity, this referral is not limited to only vulnerable people but is available to anyone that could benefit from additional support.
What are the three levels of search urgency
- Urgent Response (8-10)
- Sgt attends, Notify CIB and Consult with Search Commander - Measured Response (11-18)
- Sgt attends, Notify CIB and consider consultation with search commander - Moderate Response (19-24)
-Notify Sgt/CIB
What do you do for Urgent Response?
Patrol sergeant attends and CIB is notified.
Consult with search commander
What do you do for measured Response?
Patrol sergeant attends and CIB is notified.
Consider consultation with search commander.
What do you do for Moderate Response?
Notify PS and CIB
Who can initiate a ground search?
(who authorizes it)
The RTOC or another Senior Officer involved in the missing person investigation.
Who controls the ground search?
Search Manager
When do you notify a search commander?
Urgent Response (8-10)
If a one (1) is scored in two or more sections in Category A, B or C, a SAR manager shall be contacted, regardless of the overall score
A= Weather Profile
C=Medical Condition
Explain the Missing Person Act of 2018 and came into force on July 1, 2019
(a) obtain a court order for a person or entity to produce records that would assist in locating a missing person;
(b) obtain a search warrant to allow entry onto a premises to locate a missing person; and
(c) make an urgent demand for records without judicial authorization.
Criminal Code sealing orders are not available to warrants sought under the Missing Persons Act, 2018. Where a warrant contains sensitive information that should not be released or made accessible, Officers shall consult with Legal Services to obtain a common law sealing order.
Government Forms for Missing Person.
(i) Information to Obtain a Warrant Authorizing Entry 0260E;
(ii) Warrant Authorizing Entry, issued by the Justice 0261E;
(iii) Information to Obtain an Order for the Production of Records 0262E;
(iv) Order for the Production of Records, issued by the Justice 0263E;
(v) Urgent Demands for Records, issued by the officer to demand records from a person or entity 0264E; and
(vi) Urgent Demand for Records Report 0265E.
What steps need to be taken if you make an Urgent Demand for Records Report 0265E ?
(i) must include a description of the information the officer accessed, and contact information for a member of the police service;
(ii) may be provided verbally or in writing; and
(iii) if the notice is provided verbally, the Officer shall provide a written copy of the notice upon the person’s request;
(b) Complete the Urgent Demand for Records Report which can be found at YRPNet/YRP Documents/YRP Government Forms within 30 days and email it to the Sgt, Quality Assurance and Risk Management at QAU@YRP.CA .
Who has jurisdiction for a Missing Person
Responsibility is the locals CIB of the missing person
What are your additional steps if the missing person meets one or more of the High Risk for Human Trafficking indicators listed in Part 8?
(i) if the missing person is 18 years of age or younger, ensure to flag the GO Report as a High-Risk Youth;
(ii) notify a Detective or Detective Sergeant of the Counter Exploitation Unit - Human Trafficking Section; and
(iii) if there is any indication that the missing person is suspected as having involvement in the sex-trade industry, contact a Detective Sergeant or Detective in the Counter Exploitation Unit – Human Trafficking Section by telephone as soon as practical. Contact the RTOC after hours for the on-call investigator
What are your additional steps if the person meets one or more of the High Risk Traveller (HRT) indicators listed in Part 10 of the YRP475 Missing person report.
(i) notify a PS that the missing person has met criteria for a High Risk Traveller; and
(ii) consult with a Det of CIB
- Engage a member of the Strategic Intelligence Unit as soon as Practical
Notify PS,Det and Strategic Intelligence
CIB Steps for a missing person
Found in LE-026 Missing person
1. Current photograph of missing person obtained
2. CPIC Ontario Police Commission 105 Dental or Disaster form obtained from dentist
3. Fingerprints of missing person obtained
4. Cellular telephone carrier contacted
5. Online/Social media activities identified and monitored
6. Interviews with friends and family completed
7. Recent communications reviewed (text messages, blogs, e-mail, voice mail)
8. Bank accounts checked and flagged
9. Credit cards identified, flagged, and activity checked
10. CPIC Entry and Zone Alert
11. Neighbouring police agencies notified
12. Canada Border Services Agency notified
13. Airports notified
14. EMS to be contacted and HOSPITALS to check for a “John DOE” or anyone matching the description of the missing person
15. Missing person’s school or employer checked
16. All Transit notified
17. Statement from last person to see missing person
18. Statement from complainant
19.Statement from other residents of household
20. Statement from friends
21. CPIC offline search on the missing person and any vehicles associated
22. CAS contacted to determine if any previous contact with missing person or family.
23. Consider reviewing the YRPNet Complaint Areas Database and/or engaging the High Risk Offenders Unit to check the geographic area for registered sex offenders
24. Ride sharing services notified
25. ViCLAS report submitted (required within 21 days)
26. Media release prepared in conjunction with Corporate Communications
27. Photo posted on e-parade
28. Engage Cybercrime to conduct a Open Source search on the Missing person.
29. ALPR - request RTC add the missing person’s plate