Missed Period Flashcards
What kind of work conditions should be avoided while pregnant?
Prolonged standing
Exposure to chemicals
What kind of exercises should pregnant women avoid?
Anything that could lead to a fall or an abdominal injury
Are hair treatments okay?
No clear evidence exists to suggest they aren’t, but they should be avoided
Why should hot tubes be avoided?
Possible association with TN defects and miscarriage
What food should they avoid?
Raw foods Raw milk Soft cheese Unwashed produce Shell fish Steak-like fish
How much iron to pregers need?
30 mgs
When should the NT close?
By 4 weeks
When will the heart begin to beat?
By 7 to 8 weeks
Sources of toxo or listeria
Unwashed produce
Raw milk
Soft cheese- Listeria only
Sources of mercury
Shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish
Sources of salmonella
Raw eggs
Should women avoid sacharrin?
It can cross the placenta, so probably wise to be catious
Is caffeine safe?
In moderation, has some association with abortion and low birth weight
- not properly controlled for other factors though
Is aspartame safe?
Most likely
Avoid if you have PKU though
10 week evaluation
If mom titers are insufficient for rubella, what should be done?
Give after pregnancy
Complications from hyperemesis gravidum
Electrolyte imbalance
Weight loss
Dietary measure for nausea and vomiting
Eat small frequent meals
Sold bland foods that are high in carbs and low in fat
Salty in the morning
Sour and tart liquids are better than water
When can sex of baby be determined?
by 18th week
Risk for previa
Prior pregnancy > 35 Smoke Had twins in past Previous uterine surgery or c-section
What is the rule to follow when deciding if a previa will resolve on it’s own?
The earlier in pregnancy the more likely it will resolve on it’s own.
- 24 to 27 weeks there is a 50/50 chance
Marginal previas are also more likely to resolve
When should previas seek help
If bleeding starts to occur
If previa is present at time of delivery
23 weeks
- Anticipatory guidance
Car seats
Breast feeding
When should you screen for gestational diabetes?
24 to 28 weeks
- 1 hr glucose tolerance test
BP elevation prior to 20th week of pregnancy and persists beyond 12 weeks postpartum
Chronic hypertension
Normotensive prior to 20 weeks gestation
BP > 140/90 without proteinuria
Gestational hypertension
Normotensive prior to 20 weeks gestation
BP > 140/90 with proteinuria (0.3 g or greater in 24 hrs)
Mom has seizures
No known seizure disorder
Risk factors of preeclampsia or eclampsia?
Lower SES
Teens to low twenties
> 35
What would categorize HTN, preeclampsia, or eclampsia as severe?
> 160 or >110 for 6+ hrs
Why is severe HTN, preeclampsia, or eclampsia concerning?
Associated with
- Preterm delivery
- Small for gestational age
- Abruption
When will the babies eyes open?
27 weeks
- They also begin to practice breathing
Screening for gestational diabetes with 3 hr GTT Fasting 1 hr 2 hr 3 hr
95+ or 105+ 180+ or 190+ 155+ or 165+ 140+ or 145+ - Need two to get dx - Just remember 1st set and add 10 to the first 3 and five to the last