What is a parasitic infection caused by the introduction of the protozoan organisms into the blood by the bite of a female anopheles mosquito?
What is plasmodium?
malaria parasite
Is it the male or female Anopheles mosquito that bites humans?
What is injected into a human when bitten by a mosquito?
Sporozoites enter what cells of the liver to become chizonts?
parenchymal cells
Sporozoites development in the liver is referred to as what?
Pre-erythrocytic cycle.
Further sporozoites development in the liver after RBC invasion is known as what?
Exoerythrocytic cycle.
Inside parenchymal cells, Schizonts rupture, releasing _____, which then burst out of liver cells to invade RBCs.
Merozoites develop to form immature what?
(ring stage) trophozoites
After merozoites develop to form immature (ring stage) trophozoites they become actively amoeboid and begin to feed on what?
Hgb inside RBC’s
What is a pigment composed of hematin and protein, increased levels being responsible for symptomatic reactions (elevated temps) in malaria?
Malarial pigment
Mature trophozoites develop into what?
When RBC’s rupture in malaria, schizonts rupture, releasing what?
Gametocytes are derived from what?
True or False
Gametocytes are ingested by mosquitos
Gametocytes ingested by mosquitos is the beginning of sexual reproduction, resulting in the production of what?
Fertile zygote encysts, penetrates the midgut wall of mosquito forming what?
When oocyst matures, it ruptures and releases what inside the mosquito?
Once released by oocyst, sporozoites migrate to where in the mosquito to be injected into a new host?
salivary glands
All stages of asexual cycle of malaria can be demonstrated in a peripheral blood smear with the exception of what?
P. falciparum.
Only in rings and gametocytes do RBC membranes become sticky as the parasite matures, cells begin to adhere to what parts of the internal organs interfering with normal blood flow?
endothelial lining of capillaries of internal organs
What is a light blue circular structure with a red chromatin dot?
Ring form of P. falciparum
- Double chromatin dots are common
- Multiple ring forms common
- Marginal or applique
- RBC - usually normal in size
What kind of gametocyte of P. falciparum is curved sausage/ banana shaped with central large chromatin dot covered with centralized mass of hemazoin?
Macrogametocyte (female)
What kind of gametocyte of P. falciparum is shorter and wider than female with rounded ends, diffused chromatin seen with hemazoin granules?
Microgametocyte (male)
True or False
Gametocyte of P. falciparum is considered diagnostic
How many types of malaria are found in humans?
Four types
Which form of malaria is this?
- Erythrocytic cycle (Malignant Tertian): Fever every 48 hours or every 2nd day.
- Most Fatal: Likely to cause intravascular hemolysis (destruction of the RBCs).
a. Fever is prolonged and intensified.
Plasmodium Falciparum:
Which form of malaria is this?
- Erythrocytic cycle (Benign Tertian): Fever every 48 hours or every 2nd day
- Most common
Plasmodium Vivax
What form of malaria is this?
Erythrocytic cycle (Benign Tertian): Fever every 48 hours or every 2nd day
Plasmodium Ovale
What form of malaria is this?
Erythrocytic cycle (Benign Quartan): Fever every 72 hours or every 3rd day
Plasmodium Malariae
When collecting a blood sample for malaria what kind of tube is used?
A malaria blood sample can be stored for up to three days at what temperature range if it cannot be tested immediately?
2-30 degrees Celsius
IF the blood sample is refrigerated, should you allow it to return room temperature prior to performing the test for malaria?
15-30 degrees Celsius
What is Reagent A of the Rapid Malaria test composed of?
Tris buffer containing detergent and sodium azide.
Priming the Sample (purple) pad.
For the venipuncture method for malaria testing how many MICROLITERS of blood do you collect?
15 microliters
Priming the reagent (white) pad
Place how many drops of Reagent A onto the reagent pad? Allowing the first drop to absorb before placing the next drop.
2 drops
Priming the reagent (white) pad
You should allow the mixture to run through the whole test strip
Priming the reagent (white) pad
True or False
If the mixture does not run through the whole test strip in a minute, an additional drop of reagent a must be applied.
Priming the reagent (white) pad
Before the mixture reaches the top of the test strip, add an additional ___
drops of reagent strip to the wash pad. Allow each drop to fully absorb.
Results for the Rapid Malaria test are invalid after how long?
after 15 minutes
True or False
With the Rapid Malaria test the “C” Control line must appear in order for the test to be valid.
Result interpretation
Positive for Plasmodium Falciparum would be what line on the Rapid Malaria test?
Result interpretation
Positive for Plasmodium Vivax, Malariae, or Ovale. May indicate mixed infection of the three malaria parasites would be what line on the Rapid Malaria test?
Result interpretation
Positive for Plasmodium Falciparum and other types of malaria in a mixed infection would be what line on the Rapid Malaria test?
T1 and T2
Result interpretation
Only the C line on the Rapid Malaria test would indicate what?
Negative result
True or False
The test is invalid if the Control “C” line does not appear
True or False
Rapid Malaria samples must be obtained when the patient does not have a fever
Samples must be obtained when patient is febrile.
Who must the test be sent to after it is confirmed with a thick and thin smear?
False positive malaria test results can appear in patients with what conditions?
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Chronic viral infections - Hepatitis C
- Patient with other blood parasite – Babesia
True or False
You need to send unstained smears to the Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Unit (NEPMU) as soon as possible for identification and confirmation.
What is a highly contagious, acute, viral infection of the respiratory tract?
What is a communicable disease that is easily transmitted through coughing and sneezing of aerosolized droplets containing the live virus?
What causes annual cold weather outbreaks of acute febrile upper and lower respiratory tract illness with characteristic accompanying systemic failures?
True or False
Influenza B is usually more common than A
Influenza A is usually more common than B, and produces more serious illness
Influenza is best diagnosed within how long?
the first 2-3 days
What are these symptoms of?
- Fever or feeling feverish
- Chills
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Muscle or body aches
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Vomiting and diarrhea (more common in children)
What are some benefits of Influenza testing?
- Enable appropriate therapy
2. Facilitate prompt treatment
True or False
Some antivirals used for Influenza are only effective if administered within 48 hours of symptom onset
What alternative swabs can be used for the Rapid Influenza test?
- Sterile rayon
- Foam
- Polyester
- HydraFlock flocked (standard tip)
Do Rapid Influenza elution solution test vials come pre-filled?
Sample preparation Influenza
When inserting the swab into the test vial how many times should you vigorously rotate it in the liquid?
three times
Testing Procedure Influenza
After filling the pipette, you will SLOWLY drop by drop add the entire contents of the pipette onto the WHITE sample pad, what is the total content of the pipette you are adding to the MIDDLE of this sample pad?
Sample preparation Influenza
True or False
After pressing the swab against the inside of the vial and turning to remove the sample and discarding the swab, you can wait to test the liquid sample.
False, you need to test it as soon as possible
Testing Procedure Influenza
True or False
You do not add sample to the pink/purple colored pad