Miscarriage ☺️ Flashcards
Description and epidemiology
- Up to 20% miscarry early
- 50% of conceptions => non development of the blastocyst
Fetal loss within 20wks
Vaginal bleeding + abdo pain => CONTACT GP, MIDWIFE
-light vaginal bleeding is common in 1st trimester
- Vaginal fluid/tissue
- No longer experiencing symptoms of pregnancy (nausea, breast tenderness)
Reducing the risks
Avoid smoking, alcohol, drug use
Healthy weight, diet, reducing infection risk before pregnancy
Maternal age
Types of miscarriage
Threatened - CAN BE SAVED
- light bleeding, pain
- cervix closed
Missed - dead fetus
- light bleeding
- cervix closed
Inevitable - dead fetus expelled out
- heavy bleeds, clots, pain
- cervix open
Incomplete - some tissue remains in uterus
- bleeding, pain
- cervix open
TVUS - assess location and viability
-look for heartbeat and growth
bhCG measurements - serum levels are low and fall
-prognosis not good
Expectant management if incomplete/missed
- wait 2wks for tissue to pass out naturally => pain, bleeding should stop
- take a pregnancy test after 3wks
Medical management if symptoms persist after 2wks of expectant management/expectant isn’t appropriate
- misoprostol pessaries => cramping, heavy bleeds
- take a pregnancy test after 3wks
Surgical management if symptoms persist after 2wks of expectant/pregnancy products retained after medical
-suction out remaining tissue
Support after miscarriage
Emotional impact can be huge on both parents
Bereavement support