Misc Herbal Stuff To Learn Flashcards
Er Xian Tang is for what pattern and indications?
2 Immortals Decoction for Kidney Yin and Yang Deficiency with Empty Fire. Menopausal hypertension, fatigue, aversion to old, low back pain, weak legs. Think hot flash followed by chills. T pale swollen, P weak esp proximal. Chiefs are Xian Mao and Yin Yang Huo. Xian Ling Pi is another name for Yin Tang Huo.
Qing Ying Tang endangered species herb and its substitution?
Xi Jiao, use Shui Niu Jiao instead
Qing Ying Tang chief herb?
Xi Jiao (substitute Shui Niu Jiao)
Zao Jiao Ci
Warm and Transform Cold Phlegm, Stop Cough. Acrid, warm. LIV, LU, ST. (LI?) 1. Draws out toxicity, discharges pus, activates the Blood and reduces swelling (early-stages of swollen sores to encourage suppuration or to induce those already formed to burst). 2. Expels Wind and kills parasites (tinea and leprosy). CI pregnancy, open sores.
Ba Zhen Tang
TONIFY QI and BLOOD. For Qi deficiency (esp. SP and LU qi) plus blood deficiency. Combo of Si Wu Tang and Si Jun Zi Tang with Sheng Jiang, Da Zao. Chiefs: Ren Shen, Shu Di Huang. Pallid/sallow complexion, palps w/anxiety, reduced appetite, SOB, laconic speech, extremities easily fatigued, lightheaded/vertigo. T: pale, white t.c. P: thing and frail OR lg/deficient/no strength. IF COLD, add Rou Gui and Huang Qi to create Shi Quan Da Bu Tang.
Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang
Tonify Blood for Deficiency Heat Patterns from Blood Deficiency and Floating Yang: heat sensations in muscles, red face, irritability, thirst for warm beverage, loss of appetite, fever & HA due to loss of blood. Chief is Huang Qi! Tonify Qi to tonify blood quickly, hold blood. 5:1 ratio of Huang Qi to Dang Gui. Huang Qi 30g, Dang Gui 6g.
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang contains what other formula?
Si Wu Tang - this formula is for Bi d/t exterior Wind-Damp with underlying KID and LIV deficiency; Si Wu Tang nourishes and invigorates blood.
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin
Pacify & Extinguish internal Wind: LIV and KID deficiency causes hyperactive LIV yang, leads to internal stirring of LIV wind. Calms LIV, extinguishes Wind, clears Heat, invigorates blood, tonifies LIV and KID. For HA, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, blurred vision, sensation of heat rushing to head, insomnia with dream-disturbed sleep. T: red. P: wiry, rapid. Severe cases: numbness/twitching/spasming extremities, hemiplegia. Dx: Hyperactive Liver Yang Leading to Internal Stirring of Liver Wind. Chief herbs: Tian Ma + Gou Teng. MODERN formula: actually targets hypertensive HAs with herbs shown to biomedically reduce hypertension.
Du Qi Wan= what formula plus what herb?
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan + Wu Wei Zi
Er Zhi Wan
Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency; tonify and nourish yin; Nu Zhen Zi + Mo Han Lian (1:1); NOT heavy/greasy like Liu Wei Di Huang Wan. For low back/knees weak/sore, dizziness/blurred vision, dream disturbed sleep.
Shi Hu channels entered?
KD, ST. (sweet, sl. salty, bland, sl. cold, it nourishes ST and generates fluids; nourishes KD yin and clears Heat; improces vision, strengthens low back and knees; it is Dendrobium Orchid).
Jia Jian Wei Rui Tang vs. Sang Xing Tang?
JJWR for cough w/thick yellow sputum that is difficult to expectorate, SXT for no sputum
envoy in Huang Lian E Jiao Tang?
Ji Zi Huang (egg yolk)
Ji Xue Teng
INVIGORATE BLOOD. Spatholobus vine. 1. Invigorates Blood, tonifies Blood (irregular menses, painful dysmenorrhea and postpartum pain). 2. Unblocks channels and relaxes tendons (numbness, paralysis in extremities, pain in lumbar and knees, Wind-Damp Bi).
Gui Zhi Tang vs. Xiao Jian Zhong Tang… what is the ratio of Gui Zhi to Bai Shao?
In Xiao Jian Zhong Tang, ratio is 2:1, Bai Shao 18 and Gui Zhi 9. In Gui Zhi Tang, ratio is 1:1.
Sang Piao Xiao san
Frequent Urination, Incontinence, Enuresis, or Spermatorrhea due to Kidney & Heart Qi Deficiency; frequent urination (sometimes to the point of incontinence), urine the color of rice water, sometimes with: spermatorrhea, disorientation, forgetfulness [can tx enuresis in children or frequent urination with anxiety]
Modifications for Liu Wei Di Huang Wan?
For severe fluid depletion with Heat s/s, use Sheng Di Huang instead of Shu Di Huang.
For Xiao Ke, remove Ze Xie and replace with 30g+ (lg dose) of Tian Hua Fen.
For SP deficiency, add Bai Zhu, Sha Ren, and Chen Pi.
For childhood nutritional impairment with abd. distention, loose watery stool, remove Shu Di Huang and replace with Bai Zhu, Ji Nei Jin, and Sha Ren.
For optic neuritis, optic nerve atrophy, or central retinitis, add Chai Hu, Dang Gui, and Wu Wei Zi.
For hypertension, add Sang Ye, Di Long, and Niu Xi.
For chronic nephritis, add Yi Mu Cao, Tian Hua Fen, and Dan Zhu Ye.
For irregular menses, add Ai Ye and Xiang Fu.
Modifications for Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin?
For more severe s/s, add Ling Yang Jiao.
For severe dizziness, add Dai Zhe Shi, Mu Li, Long Gu, or Ci Shi.
For LIV Fire, add Long Dan Cao, Xia Ku Cao, and Mu Dan Pi.
For LIV & KD Yin deficiencies, add Nu Zhen Zi, Gou Qi Zi, Bai Shao, Sheng Di Huang or He Shou Wu.
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
Enriches the Yin and tonifies the KID. For soreness and weakness in low back, lightheadedness, vertigo, tinnitus, diminished hearing, night sweats, spontaneous and nocturnal emissions. Maybe 5 palm heat, chronic dry/sore throat, Xiao Ke (wasting and thirsting), toothache. T: red with little/no coat. P: rapid, thin.
Which formulas contain Si Wu Tang?
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang, Ba Zhen Tang, Shi Quan Da Bu Tang (mod. of Ba Zhen Tang), Tai Shan Pan Shi San (also mod. Ba Zhen Tang), ……Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tong contains Si Wu Tang modification (Shu Di becomes Sheng Di, Bai Shao becomes Chi Shao, Zhi Shi becomes Zhi Ke, Dang Gui same, Chuan Xiong same and a chief herb) + Tao Ren + Hong Hua (both chiefs) + Si Ni San + Jie Geng + Niu Xi.
Jie Geng
DISSOLVE COLD-PHLEGM. Bitter, acrid, neutral; enters LU. 1. Opens and disseminates LU Qi, expels Phlegm (externally contracted pathogens, internal accumulation of Phlegm obstructing LU Qi, cough w/viscous sputum; used for this in Xing Su San / Sang Ju Yin). 2. Benefit throat (sore throat, loss of voice). 3. Promote discharge of pus (LU abscess w/coughing pus). 4. Raise Qi and GUIDE actions of herbs to upper body (for abnormal descent of SP Qi).
Cang Er Zi San side effect?
Da Bu Yin Wan vs. Zuo Gui Wan pulses?
DBYW pulse floating at proximal position
Xuan Shen
CLEAR BLOOD HEAT. Ningpo figwort root. Salt, sweet, bitter, cold. Enters KD, LU, ST. 1. Clears Blood Heat (heat in Ying / Nutritive Qi level, with fever thirst, agitation; used for this in Qing Ying Tang). 2. Nourish Yin, generate fluids (warm febrile disease injuring Yin, leading to Empty Fire blazing; used for this in Bai He Gu Jin Tang). 3. Resolve toxins, dissipate nodules (heat-toxin sores, sore swollen throat, scrofula, nodules).
He Huan Pi
CALM SHEN. Mimosa Bark. Sweet, neutral. Enters LIV, ST. 1. Calm Spirit, relieve Qi stagnation (bad temper, insomnia, irritability, poor memory). 2. Invigorate Blood, stop pain (pain and swelling d/t trauma, including fractures) 3. Dissipate swelling, reduce abscesses (painful, swollen abscesses, esp. LU). 6-15g dosage.
Ye Jiao Teng
CALM SHEN. Fleeceflower stem. 1. Nourish HT Blood, calm Spirit (insomnia/dream disturbed sleep and irritiability d/t Yin and Blood deficiency (used for this in Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin). 2. Open channels and dispel Wind (generalized weakness, soreness, pain and numbness - auxiliary for Bi) 3. Relieve itching (external wash for itching and skin rash)
Tian Tai Wu Yao San
Cold invading LIV Channel causing Qi stagnation, pain. Wu Yao is chief. Wu Yao + Xiao Hui Xiang warm the LIV channel.
Purpose of Gan Cao in Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang vs. Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang
In Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang, Gan Cao harmonizes actions of other herbs and assists Ren Shen and Da Zao to benefit the middle burner. In Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang, Gan Cao is increased to 12g for severe ST Qi deficiency. (All Xie Xin Tang formulas treat Pi Syndrome.)
Liang Ge San - indications (besides constipation)?
Skin disorders, fever, red face, nosebleed, oral ulceration - if due to heat and clumping in upper and middle burner. Lian Qiao is chief herb.
Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang
Night fever and morning coolness due to hidden Heat; yin deficiency wit hHeat in Ying level during later stage of febrile disease. Qing Hao and Bie Jia are chiefs.
Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang
Yin deficiency with Empty Heat causing night sweats, fever, red face, dry mouth, parched lips, irritability, thirst with desire to drink WARM beverage, loss of appetite, emaciation. T: pale P: big, surging, empty. ALSO for fever/HA from acute blood loss or Yin-type ulcers. Chiefs are Dang Gui, Sheng Di Huang and Shu Di Huang. Then has 3 Yellow Bros. to clear Heat and Huang Qi to tonify, bringing it to 6 Yellow total.
Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang indications?
Fever, profuse sweat, fatigue, vomiting, parched mouth and throat, thirst with desire to drink, irritability, nausea and SOB, stifling sensation in chest. T: red, dry thing coat P: empty, rapdi, thin. This is Qi Level Heat injuring Qi and Fluid. Also used for SummerHeat injuring Qi and Fluid. Chiefs: Shi Gao 30g, Dan Zhu Yu 6-12g - clears Qi Level Heat. Also has Ren Shen for injured Qi, Mai Men Dong for injured fluids, Ban Xia for nausea/stifling in chest, ZGC and Jing Mi.
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
Heat lodged in LU. W-C/W-H from exterior condition about 2 weeks ago, has now transformed to interior Heat. Fever (Qi Level, organ Heat in LU) with or without sweat (depending on W-H or W-C etiology), maybe aversion to W/C. Cough/wheeze/labored breathing, NASAL FLARING and pain (flaring b/c LU opens to nose; Heat is inside LU; flaring like top of kettle full of Heat).