Internal Med 1 Test 3 - Stroke Flashcards
What is basic pathology of YIN closed syndrome organ stroke?
Internal Wind with Cold-Phlegm or Cold-Damp-Phlegm sealed in body, obstructing internal organs.
What is basic pathology of YANG closed syndrome organ stroke?
Internal Wind with Heat-Phlegm or Phlegm-Fire sealed in body, obstructing internal organs.
List all possible ETIOLOGY (causes) of Wind-Stroke.
external wind; excessive emotional strain/upset; over-indulging in ruch fatty food; excessivealcohol consumption; overwork; constitutional tendency toward Phlegm/LIV yang excess; advanced age; excessive sexual activities
List possible PATHOLOGY (patterns) of Wind-Stroke.
LIV yang rising, with Wind and Fire surging upwards. Deficient LIV & KID yin unable to anchor & restrain yang, causing internal movement of Wind. Heat-Phlegm/Wind-Phlegm/Damp-Phlegm disturbing organs & head. Depleted channels leading to external Wind lodging in channels. Qi deficiency with blood stasis.
Wind-Stroke has 4 crucial points for making dx.
- Identify character of disease. 2. Distinguish organ vs. channel stroke. 3. Differentiate closed vs flaccid collapse syndromes if organ stroke. 4. Determine likely progression, assess prognosis.
Channel Stroke - Depleted Channels with Wind Invasion - indications?
No loss of consciousness. Sudden facial paralysis, dysphasia, maybe fever and chills, arthralgia. T: normal, twc. P: floating&wiry / wiry&thready
Channel Stroke - Depleted Channels with Wind Invasion - tx?
Expel Wind, nourish blood, unblock channels
Channel Stroke - Depleted Channels with Wind Invasion - Formula?
Da Qin Jiao Tang (Major Large Gentiana Decoction) IF early/middle stage with internal heat. Use Xiao Xu Ming Tang (Minor Extend Life Decoction) if yang qi deficient with W-C-D invading channels.
Channel Stroke - LIV and KD Yin Deficiency with Rising LIV Yang and Wind - indications?
Progressive unilateral motor dysfunction, weakness, paralysis/numbness of extremities, facial paralysis, dysphasia, may develop over hours/days. Dizziness/vertigo, tinnitus, HA (often temporal/vertical), pressure behind eyes, blurring vision, sudden loss of vision in one eye, facial flushing, irritability and restlessness, insomnia or restless dream-disturbed sleep, lower back ache, hypertension. T: red with little/no coat. P: thready, wiry and rapid.
Channel Stroke - LIV and KD Yin Deficiency with Rising LIV Yang and Wind - tx strategy?
Sedate LIV, extinguish wind, nourish yin, anchor yang
Main difference in organ vs channel stroke sx?
Loss of consciousness vs none
Organ Stroke - CLOSED syndrome sx?
Loss of consciousness, eyes may be open, mouth clenched shut, hands clenched shut, limbs in rigid spasm, wheezing, no sweat (pores closed), urine retained, constipation, tongue stiff/deviated/greasy, pulse slippery
Organ Stroke - flaccid collapse syndrome sx?
Sudden loss of conscioussness, eyes closed, mouth may be open, hands relaxed, limbs in flaccidd paralysis, snoring/shallow breathing, sweating is copious/persistent (pores open), incontinence of urine and stool, tongue is flaccid and pale, pulse is thready, faint, barely palpable
Organ Stroke - what is pathology of closed vs flaccid collapse syndrome?
Closed is sealing of evil qi (Heat/Cold/Phlegm + internal Wind) within the body. Flaccid collapse is outward escape of yang qi.
What is basic pathology of YANG closed syndrome organ stroke?
Internal Wind with Heat-Phlegm or Phlegm-Fire sealed in body, obstructing internal organs.
What is basic pathology of YIN closed syndrome organ stroke?
Internal Wind with Cold-Phlegm or Cold-Damp-Phlegm sealed in body, obstructing internal organs.
Sequelea of Wind-Stroke: Hemiplegia may be due to?
Qi Deficiency with Blood Stasis or Ascendant LIV Yang with Obsruction of Channels
Hemiplegia due to Qi Deficiency with Blood Stasis - indications?
Motor impairment, paralysis, numbness or complete loss of sensation on oneside of body. Deviation of eyes and mouth. Frequent urination/incontinence. BP normal or slightly elevated. T: white coat. P: moderate.
Hemiplegia due to Qi Deficiency with Blood Stasis - tx strategy?
Tonify qi, invigorate blood, unblock channels
Hemiplegia due to Qi Deficiency with Blood Stasis - basic Formiula?
Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang
Hemiplegia due to Ascendant LIV Yang with Obsruction of Channels - indications?
Motor impairment, paralysis, numbness or complete loss of sensation on one side of body. HA, dizziness, tinnitus, facial flushing, irritability, hypertension. T: red with little/no coat OR red and stiff OR quivering. P: wiry and slippery OR wiry, thready and rapid.
Hemiplegia due to Ascendant LIV Yang with Obsruction of Channels - tx strategy?
Settle the LIV, subdue yang, extinguish Wind, unblock channels
Sequelea of Wind-Stroke: Slurred Speech may be due to?
Wind-Phlegm or LIV & KID Yin & Yang Deficiency
Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang (Sedate LIV Yang and Extinguish Wind Decoction) or Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin (Gastrodia and Uncaria Drink) can treat . . .
Hemiplegia due to Ascendant LIV Yang with Obsruction of Channels. Channel Stroke - LIV and KD Yin Deficiency with Rising LIV Yang and Wind.
Slurred Speech due to Wind-Phlegm - indications?
Stiffness of tongue, slurred speech, numbness of extremities. T: greasy white coat. P: wiry and slippery.
Slurred Speech due to Wind-Phlegm - tx strategy?
Extinguish Wind, eliminate Phlegm, open orifices
Slurred Speech due to LIV & KID Yin & Yang Deficiency - indications?
Slurred speech, stiffness or deviation of the tongue. Weakness, numbness or paralysis of lower limbs. Weak, sore lower back and knees. Palpitations. SOB. T: pale OR red. P: thready and weak OR deep, slow and thready.
Slurred Speech due to LIV & KID Yin & Yang Deficiency - tx strategy?
Nourish and tonify KID yin and yang, transform Phlegm, open orifices
Slurred Speech due to LIV & KID Yin & Yang Deficiency - basic Formula?
Di Huang Yin Zi (Rehmannia Decoction)
List possible PATHOLOGY (patterns) of Wind-Stroke.
LIV yang rising, with Wind and Fire surging upwards. Deficient LIV & KID yin unable to anchor & restrain yang, causing internal movement of Wind. Heat-Phlegm/Wind-Phlegm/Damp-Phlegm disturbing organs & head. Depleted channels leading to external Wind lodging in channels. Qi deficiency with blood stasis.
Wind-Stroke has 4 crucial points for making dx.
- Identify character of disease. 2. Distinguish organ vs. channel stroke. 3. Differentiate closed vs flaccid collapse syndromes if organ stroke. 4. Determine likely progression, assess prognosis.
Channel Stroke - Depleted Channels with Wind Invasion - indications?
No loss of consciousness. Sudden facial paralysis, dysphasia, maybe fever and chills, arthralgia. T: normal, twc. P: floating&wiry / wiry&thready
Channel Stroke - Depleted Channels with Wind Invasion - tx?
Expel Wind, nourish blood, unblock channels
Channel Stroke - LIV and KD Yin Deficiency with Rising LIV Yang and Wind - indications?
Progressive unilateral motor dysfunction, weakness, paralysis/numbness of extremities, facial paralysis, dysphasia, may develop over hours/days. Dizziness/vertigo, tinnitus, HA (often temporal/vertical), pressure behind eyes, blurring vision, sudden loss of vision in one eye, facial flushing, irritability and restlessness, insomnia or restless dream-disturbed sleep, lower back ache, hypertension. T: red with little/no coat. P: thready, wiry and rapid.
Channel Stroke - LIV and KD Yin Deficiency with Rising LIV Yang and Wind - tx strategy?
Sedate LIV, extinguish wind, nourish yin, anchor yang
Channel Stroke - Depleted Channels with Wind Invasion - Formula?
Da Qin Jiao Tang (Major Large Gentiana Decoction) IF early/middle stage with internal heat. Use Xiao Xu Ming Tang (Minor Extend Life Decoction) if yang qi deficient with W-C-D invading channels.
Channel Stroke - LIV and KD Yin Deficiency with Rising LIV Yang and Wind - basic formula?
Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang (Sedate LIV Yang and Extinguish Wind Decoction) or for fewer yin deficient signs, use Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin (Gastrodia and Uncaria Drink)
Organ Stroke - CLOSED syndrome sx?
Loss of consciousness, eyes may be open, mouth clenched shut, hands clenched shut, limbs in rigid spasm, wheezing, no sweat (pores closed), urine retained, constipation, tongue stiff/deviated/greasy, pulse slippery
Main difference in organ vs channel stroke sx?
Loss of consciousness vs none
Organ Stroke - flaccid collapse syndrome sx?
Sudden loss of conscioussness, eyes closed, mouth may be open, hands relaxed, limbs in flaccidd paralysis, snoring/shallow breathing, sweating is copious/persistent (pores open), incontinence of urine and stool, tongue is flaccid and pale, pulse is thready, faint, barely palpable
Organ Stroke - what is pathology of closed vs flaccid collapse syndrome?
Closed is sealing of evil qi (Heat/Cold/Phlegm + internal Wind) within the body. Flaccid collapse is outward escape of yang qi.
Sequelea of Wind-Stroke: Hemiplegia may be due to?
Qi Deficiency with Blood Stasis or Ascendant LIV Yang with Obsruction of Channels
Hemiplegia due to Qi Deficiency with Blood Stasis - indications?
Motor impairment, paralysis, numbness or complete loss of sensation on oneside of body. Deviation of eyes and mouth. Frequent urination/incontinence. BP normal or slightly elevated. T: white coat. P: moderate.
Hemiplegia due to Qi Deficiency with Blood Stasis - tx strategy?
Tonify qi, invigorate blood, unblock channels
Hemiplegia due to Ascendant LIV Yang with Obsruction of Channels - indications?
Motor impairment, paralysis, numbness or complete loss of sensation on one side of body. HA, dizziness, tinnitus, facial flushing, irritability, hypertension. T: red with little/no coat OR red and stiff OR quivering. P: wiry and slippery OR wiry, thready and rapid.
Channel Stroke - LIV and KD Yin Deficiency with Rising LIV Yang and Wind - basic formula?
Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang (Sedate LIV Yang and Extinguish Wind Decoction) or for fewer yin deficient signs, use Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin (Gastrodia and Uncaria Drink)
Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang (Sedate LIV Yang and Extinguish Wind Decoction) or Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin (Gastrodia and Uncaria Drink) can treat . . .
Hemiplegia due to Ascendant LIV Yang with Obsruction of Channels. Channel Stroke - LIV and KD Yin Deficiency with Rising LIV Yang and Wind.
Hemiplegia due to Ascendant LIV Yang with Obsruction of Channels - tx strategy?
Settle the LIV, subdue yang, extinguish Wind, unblock channels
Sequelea of Wind-Stroke: Slurred Speech may be due to?
Wind-Phlegm or LIV & KID Yin & Yang Deficiency
Slurred Speech due to Wind-Phlegm - tx strategy?
Extinguish Wind, eliminate Phlegm, open orifices
Slurred Speech due to Wind-Phlegm - indications?
Stiffness of tongue, slurred speech, numbness of extremities. T: greasy white coat. P: wiry and slippery.
Slurred Speech due to LIV & KID Yin & Yang Deficiency - tx strategy?
Nourish and tonify KID yin and yang, transform Phlegm, open orifices
Slurred Speech due to Wind-Phlegm - basic Formula?
Jie Yu Dan (Relax the Tongue Special Pill)
Slurred Speech due to LIV & KID Yin & Yang Deficiency - indications?
Slurred speech, stiffness or deviation of the tongue. Weakness, numbness or paralysis of lower limbs. Weak, sore lower back and knees. Palpitations. SOB. T: pale OR red. P: thready and weak OR deep, slow and thready.
Slurred Speech due to LIV & KID Yin & Yang Deficiency - basic Formula?
Di Huang Yin Zi (Rehmannia Decoction)
Hemiplegia due to Ascendant LIV Yang with Obsruction of Channels - basic Formula?
Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang (Sedate LIV Yang and Extinguish Wind Decoction) or Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin (Gastrodia and Uncaria Drink)