formulas to learn on this trip Flashcards
Wen Dan Tang (Warm the Gallbladder Decoction)
Clear Heat, Transform Phlegm: Phlegm-Heat accumulation in interior with disharmony between GB and ST, plus Qi stagnation. Regulates Qi, transforms Phlegm, CLEARS GB, harmonizes ST. FOR Phlegm-Heat - dizziness, vertigo, nausea/vomiting, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, palpitations, indeterminate gnawing hunger, seizes with copious sputum, focal distention in chest, bitter taste in mouth, slight thirst. T: greasy yellow t.c. P: slipper OR wiry.
Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan (Clear the Qi and Transform Phlegm Pill)
Clear Heat, Transform Phlegm: Phlegm-Heat clumping in LU and obstructing descent of LU Qi. Clears Heat, transforms Phlegm, directs rebellious Qi downward, stops cough. FOR coughing of yellow, viscous, sputum that is difficult to expectorate, focal distention and a feeling of fullness in the chest and diaphragm, nausea, or in severe cases difficulty breathing. T: red with greasy yellow t.c. P: slippery, rapid.
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang (Notopterygium Decoction to Overcome Dampness)
Dispel Wind-Dampness: Wind-Cold-Damp attacking superficial aspects of the exterior and muscle levels, obstructing qi and blood flow (Wind-Damp predominant). Expels Wind-Cold and overcomes Dampness. FOR heay, painful head, generalized sensation of heaviness, back pain or generalized pain, stiff neck, difficulty rotating or bending trunk, mild fever, chills. T: white t.c. P: floating.
Gui Zhi Shao Yao Zhi Mu Tang (Cinnamon Twig, Peony, and Anemarrhena Decoction)
Dispel Wind-Dampness: Wind-Cold-Damp lodged in joints, constrains Qi dynamic and generates Heat. Unblocks flow of yang Qi, promotes movement, dispels Wind, eliminates Dampness, clears Heat. FOR Bi - swollen and painful joints epecially in lower extremities that are warm to touch and worse at night, reduced ROM in affected joints, chills, NO sweat, weight loss, HA, dizziness, SOB, feeling as though about to vomit. T: white greasy t.c. P: wiry, slippery.
Juan Bi Tang (Remove Painful Obstructions from Awakening of the Mind in Medical Studies)
Dispel Wind-Dampness: Wind-Cold-Damp obstructing channels and joints, leading to Blood and Qi stagnation. Removes Wind-Cold-Dampness, regulates Qi, invigorates Blood, alleviates pain. FOR joint pain that increases with cold and decreases with warmth, possibly accompanied by sensation of heaviness and numbness in limbs. T: thick white t.c. P: slow, maybe slippery.
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang (Angelica Pubescens and Sangjisheng Decoction)
Dispel Wind-Dampness: Wind-Cold-Dampness invading joints, sinews, bones, channels, disturbing blood flow, injuring KID and LIV, weakening Qi and Blood. Expels Wind-Cold-Dampness, disperses Bi, tonifies LIV and KID, strengthens Qi and Blood. FOR heavy and painful sensations at fixed locations in the lower back and lower extremities, accompanied by weakness and stiffness, aversion to cold, preference for warmth, palpitations, SOB. T: pale, white t.c. P: thin, weak, slow. May be paresthesia or numbness.
Cang Er Zi San (Xanthium Powder)
Dredge and disperse external Wind: External Wind attacking nose, obstructing Lung Qi and Wei Qi flow, with constraint of nasal discharge turning to Heat. Disperses Wind, attacks pain, ublocks nose for copious, prurulent, and even foul-smelling nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, dizziness, frontal HA. T: normal/thing greasy white t.c.
Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San (Ligusticum Chuanxiong Powder to be Taken with Green Tea)
Dredge and disperse external Wind: Wind invading the head and obstructing the clear yang qi flow. Disperses Wind and alleviates HA for externaly contacted Wind HA in any part of head with fever and chills, dizziness, nasal congestion. T: thin white t.c. P: floating.
Xiao Feng San (Eliminate Wind Powder from Orthodox Lineage)
Dredge and disperse external Wind: Wind-Heat, Wind-Damp, or Wind-Heat-Damp invading body and becoming trapped among flesh, skin, interstices, and pores, settling into blood bessels. Disperses Wind, eliminates Dampness, clears Heat, cools Blood for “Wind rash”/”Dampness rash”. T: yellow/white t.c. P: forceful, floating, rapid.
Er Chen Tang (Two-Cured Decoction)
Dry Damp, Expel Phlegm: Dampness-Phlegm accumulation in the interior due to SP and LU failing to transform and transport fluids. Dries Dampness, transforms Phlegm, regulates Qi, and harmonizes the MB. FOR Damp-Phlegm - coughing with copious white sputum easiy expectorated, focal distention and stifling sensation in the chest and diaphragm, palpitations, nausea/vomiting, dizziness. T: white and moist or greasy t.c. P: slippery.
Ba Zhen Tang (Eight-Treasure Decoction)
Expel Dampness, clear Damp-Heat: Damp-Heat accumulates in lower burner esp BL, disrupting Qi transformation. Clears Heat, drains Fire, promotes urination, unblocks Lin. FOR frequent, urgent, dark, scanty, difficult, painful urination usually with burning, dry mouth&throat. T: yellow greasy t.c. P: slippery, rapid. Maybe urine retention with lower abdominal distention, pain.
Er Miao San (Two-Marvel Powder)
Expel Dampness, clear Damp-Heat: Damp-Heat in lower burner or lower half of body. Clears Heat, dries Dampness. FOR soreness, pain in lower back/extremities (sinews/bones), weakness/atrophy lower extremities. Red, hot, swollen, painful feet/knees. Thick yellow foul-smelling vaginal discharge. All accompanied by scanty, yellow urine and yellow, greasy t.c.
Yin Chen Hao Tang (Artemisia Yinchenhao Decoction)
Expel Dampness, clear Damp-Heat: Dampness and Heat clumping and accumulating in the interior, disturbing dredging function of LIV, causes bile seep into exterior. Clear Heat, resolve Dampness, reduce jaundice. FOR whole-body bright yellow jaundice, slight abdominal distention, thirst but only able to take sips, little/no sweat, or sweating only from head. T: yellow greasy t.c. P: slippery, rapid.
Wu Ling San (Five-Ingredient Powder with Poria)
Expel Dampness, promote urination to leach out Dampness: Can be 1. Water build-up disorder (Wind-Cold penetrated BL, causing HA, fever, irritability, strong thirst but vomit after drinking, urinary difficulty, possible sudden turmoil disorder) 2. Internal accumulation of Water/Damp due to SP deficiency (edema, heavy body, diarrhea, urinary difficulty, possible suddent turmoil disorder) 3. Retention of thin mucus in lower burner (throbbing pulsations just below umbilicus, vomit frothy saliva, vertigo, S.O.B., cough). Promotes urination, drains Damp, strengthens SP, warms yang, promotes transforming functions of Qi.
Zhu Ling Tang (Polyporus Decoction)
Expel Dampness, promote urination to leach out Dampness: clumping of water and Heat, Heat injures yin and Water+Heat disturbs water pathways. Promotes urination, clears Heat, nourishes yin FOR urinary difficulty with fever, thirst with desire to drink, maybe diarrhea, cough, nausea, irritability, insomnia.
Wu Pi San (Five-Peel Powder)
Expel Dampness, promote urination to leach out Dampness: vigorous Dampness with Qi stagnation obstructing SP and LU. Resolves Dampness, reduces edema, regulates Qi, strengthens SP. FOR skin edema, generalized, with sensation of heaviness, distention, fullness in epigastrium and abdomen, labored and heavy breathing, urinary difficulty. T: white greasy t.c. P: submerged, moderate.
Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang (Poria, Cinnamon Twig, Atractylodis Macrocephalae and Licorice Decoction)
Expel Dampness, warm & transform water & Dampness: SP yang deficiency that fails to transform thin fluids leading to thin mucus accumulation in epigastrium. Warms and transforms Phlegm and thin mucus, strengthens SP, resolves Dampness. FOR fullness in chest and hypochondria, palpitations, SOB, coughing up clearn and watery sputum, dizziness/vertigo. T: pale, swollen, white slippery/greasy t.c. P: slippery and wiry OR soggy.
Zhen Wu Tang (True Warrior Decoction)
Expel Dampness, warm & transform water & Dampness: yin edema. Warms yang and promotes urination FOR either 1. retention of fluid water due to KD/SP and KD yang deficiency not transforming water (abdominal pain aggravated by cold, urinary difficulty, deep aching heaviness in extremities, maybe also generalized edema, loose stools, dizziness, heavy head, palps, coughing, vomiting. T: pale/dark, swollen with tooth marks, white slippery t.c. P: submerged, thin, forceless) 2. Over-induced sweating on a yang warp disorder which injured yang qi and damaged fluids (external disorder with sweating that does not educe fever, pulsations in epigastrium, dizziness, twitching, feeling of being about to fall over. T: white slippery t.c. P: submerged, thin, forceless)
Shi Pi Yin (Bolster the Spleen Decoction)
Expel Dampness, warm & transform water & Dampness: yin type edema. Warms yang, strengthens SP, moves Qi, promotes urination. FOR generalized edema more severe below waist, cold extremities, chest and abdominal fullness and distention, heavy body, loss of appetite, NO thirst, scanty urine, semi-liquid unformed stools. T: THICK greasy t.c. P: submerged, slow OR submerged, thin.
Gan Mai Da Zao Tang (Licorice, Wheat, and Jujube Decoction)
For Chest Bi with Bao Yuan Tang. For PMS, HT Blood and SP Qi Xu type, with Yang Xin tang.
Xing Su San (Apricot Kernel and Perilla Leaf Powder)
Gently Disperse and Moisten Dryness: Externally-contracted cool-dryness invading to exterior and interfering with Lung’s disseminating, clearing and descending functions, forming thin mucus. Gently disperses cool-dryness, disseminates Lung qi, and transforms thin mucus. FOR slight HA, chills no sweating, cough w/watery sputum, stuffy nose, dry throat. T: dry white t.c. P: wiry.
Sang Xing Tang (Mulberry Leaf and Apricot Kernel Decoction)
Gently Disperse and Moisten Dryness: Externally-contracted warm-dryness invading to exterior and interfering with Lung’s disseminating, clearing and descending functions, injuring fluids. Clears, disperses warm-dryness and moistens Lungs. Moderate fever, HA, thirst, dry/hacking cough with scanty, thick, sticky sputum. T: red with thin, dry white t.c. P: floating, rapid, ESP ON R. (WHY?)
Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang (Eliminate Dryness and Rescue the Lungs Decoction)
Gently Disperse and Moisten Dryness: Warm-dryness attacking Lungs with damage to yin AND qi. (Depeleting LU yin severely, injuring LU qi mildly.) Clears warm-dryness, moistens Lungs. FOR HA, fever, hacking cough, wheezing, dry and parched throat, dry nasal passages, sensation of fullness in chest, hypochondriac pain, irritability, thirst. T: dry without coating. Pulse: deficient, big, rapid.
Tao He Cheng Qi Tang (Peach Pit Decoction to Order the Qi)
Invigorate blood: blood stagnation with Heat blocking lower burner. MC: low abdominal acute pain. EXCESS Heat Patterns ONLY. Invigorates blood, spreads LIV Qi. Urine ok, dys-/amenorrhea, night fever, irritability, restless, can also have delirious speech/mania d/t H disturbing Shen.
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang (Drive Out Stasis in the Mansion of Blood Decoction)
Invigorate blood: blood stasis in chest, obstructed blood circulation and LIV Qi flow; constraint of Qi and Blood turning to Heat. Invigorates blood, dispels blood stasis, spreads LIV Qi, unblock a channels. For chest, hypochondriac pain, chronic stubborn HA, chronic hiccup, choking sensation when drinking, dry heaves, depression, sensation of warmth in chest, palms, restlessness, etc. Evening tidal feve. T: dark red, dark on sides. P: choppy, wiry, tight.
Sheng Hua Tang (Generation and Transformation Decoction)
Invigorate blood: blood stasis in the womb due to Cold entering the womb and blood deficiency during the postpartum period. Invigorates the blood, transforms and dispels blood stasis, warms the menses and alleviates pain. For retained lochia with cold pain in low abdomen. T: pale purple OR pale with purple spots. P: thin, submerged, choppy. CI Qi deficiency or Heat.
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan (Cinnamon Twig and Poria Pill)
Invigorate blood: blood stasis with damp-phlegm obstructing womb. Invigorates blood, transforms blood stasis, reduces fixed abdominal masses. Originally for stasis bleeding, restless fetus during pregnancy with excess low abdomen pain. Probably had masses before pregnancy. Excess low abdomen pain, retained lochia, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea.
Fu Yuan Huo Xue Tang (Revive Health by Invigorating the Blood Decoction)
Invigorate blood: blood stasis with Qi stagnation obstructing vessels and channels. Invigorates blood, dispels blood stasis, spreads LIV Qi, unblocks channels for traumatic injury pain especially in chest, hypochondria, flanks.
Wen Jing Tang (Warm the Menses Decoction)
Invigorate blood: deficiency and cold of the ren and Chong Mai with blood stasis and blood deficiency. Warms vessels, dispels cold, nourishes blood, and dispels blood stasis for variety of gynecological disorders including mild persistent menstruation, extended/continuous menstruation, bleeding between periods, pain/distention/cold in low abdomen, infertility, dry lips/mouth, low grade fever at dusk, warm palms and soles. T: purplish. P: fine and rough.
Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang (Tonify the Yang to Restore Five (Tenths) Decoction)
Invigorate blood: Qi deficiency leading to blood stasis, with channels and collaterals obstruction. Tonifies Qi, invigorates blood, in locks channels for post stroke. Or atrophy disorder.
Shi Xiao San (Sudden Smile Powder)
Invigorate blood: retention of blood stasis in low/middle abdomen/epigastrium and obstruction of blood circulation. Invigorates blood, dispels blood stasis, disperses accumulation, alleviates pain. For postpartum abdominal pain, retained lochia, or any pain in low/middle abdomen or epigastrium including dysmenorrhea/irregular menses. If Qi stagnation must add regulate Qi herbs.
Bei Mu Gua Lou San (Fritillaria and Trichosanthes Fruit Powder)
Moisten Dryness, Transform Phlegm: Phlegm-Dryness stuck or trapped in LU that interrupts flow of LU Qi. Moistens LU, clears Heat, regulates Qi and transforms Phlegm. FOR cough with deep-seated sputum that is difficult to expectorate, wheezing, dry and sore throat. T: red and dry with white t.c. P: rapid and thin but strong.
Ling Jiao Gou Teng Tang (Antelope Horn and Uncaria Decoction)
Pacify & Extinguish internal Wind: Heat excess in LIV channel stirring up internal wind. Cools LIV, extinguishes Wind, increases fluids, relaxes sinews FOR warm-febrile diseases including persisten high fever, irritability, restessness, dizziness, vertigo, twitching/spasms of extremities. T: depp-red, dry/burnt with prickles. P: wiry, rapid. Extreme: impairment/loss of consciousness.
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin (Gastrodia and Uncaria Decoction)
Pacify & Extinguish internal Wind: LIV and KID deficiency causes hyperactive LIV yang, leads to internal stirring of LIV wind. Calms LIV, extinguishes Wind, clears Heat, invigorates blood, tonifies LIV and KID. For HA, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, blurred vision, sensation of heat rushing to head, insomnia with dream-disturbed sleep. T: red. P: wiry, rapid. Severe cases: numbness/twitching/spasming extremities, hemiplegia.
Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang (Sedate the Liver and Extinguish Wind Decoction)
Pacify & Extinguish internal Wind: LIV and KID yin deficiency with ascendant LIV yang generating internal Wind and excessive upward gushing of yang qi leading to congestion of Blood in the brain. Sedates LIV, extinguishes Wind, nourishes yin, anchors yang. For PRECURSOR to Wind-stroke. Dizziness, vertigo, eyes feel distended, tinnitus, head feels feverish, HA, irritability, fluses face. P: wiry, long, forceful. Maybe frequent belching, progressive motor dusfunction, mental confusion, inability to recover after loss of consciousness. Can be used for hypertension d/t LIV and KID yin deficiency with ascendant LIV yang.
Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang (Drive Out Blood Stasis Below the Diaphragm Decoction)
Presence of chronic/intense emotional strain (anger, frustration, resentment, etc.) Qi stagnation s/s: distending pain before/during start of period, feeling distention in abdomen and breasts, hesitant start to period. Blood stasis s/s: intense, stabbing pain before/during start of period, dark menstrual blood with large clots, pain relieved after passing clots. Regulate Qi, invigorate Blood, eliminate stasis, stop pain
Bao He Wan (Preserve Harmony Pill)
Reduce Food Stagnation: food stagnation due to overeating which obstructs Qi mechanism of MB, ascending/descending functions of SP/ST. Reduces food stagnation, harmonizes ST. FOR acute food stagnation - focal distention and fullness in chest and epigastrium, abdominal distention with occasional pain, rotten-smelling belching, acid regurgitation, nausea/vomiting, aversion to food. Maybe diarrhea. T: yellow greasy t.c. P: slippery, rapid.
Huai Hua San (Sophora Japonica Flower Powder)
Stop bleeding: Damp-Heat toxin or Wind-Heat toxin accumulation in Intestines and ST, injuring blood vessels/collaterals. Cools Intestines, stops bleeding, disperses Wind, promotes movement of Qi. For bright red bleeding from rectum with defecation typically before stool, blood in stools, hemorrhoids with bright or dark red bleeding. T: red body. P: wiry, rapid or soggy.
Jiao Ai Tang (Ass-Hide Gelatin and Mugwort Decoction)
Stop bleeding: deficiency and damage to ren and Chong Mai with blood deficiency and cold in womb. Nourishes blood, stops bleeding, regulates menstruation, calms fetus. For abnormal uterine bleeding (excess or constant menstruation, postpartum, or during pregnancy). Blood is pale, thin, no clots. Weak sore low back, dull complexion. T: pale, thin white t.c. P: thin, frail. CI Heat, look for COLD s/s.
Shi Hui San (Ten Partially-Charred Substance Powder)
Stop bleeding: Fire blazing in middle and upper burners which injures blood vessels, forcing blood to move recklessly. Cools blood and stops bleeding, clear Heat, drains Fire. For nosebleed/vomiting/spitting/coughing bright red blood. T: red. P: rapid. Usually acute. Excess Heat patterns ONLY.
Xiao Ji Yin Zi (Cephalanoplos Decoction)
Stop bleeding: static Heat accumulation in low burner, injuring blood collaterals, causing blood to seep down into BL. Cools blood, stops bleeding, promotes urination, unblocks Lin. For blood Lin or just blood in urine with thirst, irritability. T : red, thin yellow t.c. P: rapid, forceful.
Ping Wei San (Calm the Stomach Powder)
Transform Dampness, harmonize ST: Dampness accumulates in MB, obstructs Qi dynamic, disturbs SP transforming & transporting food, and disharmonizes ST. Dries Dampness, improves SP transporting function, promotes movement of QI, harmonizes ST. FOR distention/fullness in abdomen/epigastrium, loss of taste/appetite, heavy limbs, loose stool/diarrhea, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, belching, acid reflux. T: swollen, thick white greasy t.c. P: moderate/slippery.
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San (Agastache Powder to Rectify the Qi)
Transform Dampness, harmonize ST: external Wind-Cold with internal stagnation of Dampness. Releases exterior, transforms Dampness, regulates Qi, harmonizes MB. FOR: fever&chills, HA, fullness/oppression in chest, pain in epigastrium&abdomen, nausea/vomiting, borborygmus, diarrhea, loss of taste. T: white greasy t.c. P: moderate, soggy. CAN BE for malarial or sudden turmoil disorders with these s/s.
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang (Pinellia, Atractylodis Macrocephalae, and Gastrodia Decoction)
Transform Phlegm, Extinguish Wind: upward Wind-Phlegm veiling clear yang and disturbing sensory orifices with underlying SP deficiency and LIV Qi ascending as Wind. Strengthens SP, dispels Dampness, transforms Phlegm, extinguishes Wind. FOR dizziness/vertigo, HA with stifling sensation in chest, nausea/vomiting, copious sputum. T: white greasy t.c. P: slippery, wiry.
San Zi Yang Qin Tang (Three-Seed Decoction to Nourish One’s Parents)
Warm and Transform Phlegm-Cold: Phlegm-Cold clogging the LU with Qi and harbored food stagnation. Directs Qi downward, transforms Phlegm, and reduces harbored food. FOR coughing and wheezing disorders with copious sputum, focal distention in chest, loss of appetite, digestive difficulties. T: white greasy t.c. P: rapid, slippery.