Misc 92 Flashcards
In decline
فِي انْحِدَارْ
at the peak of performance
فِي أَوَجّْ العَطَاءْ
فِي أَيْ بْلَاصَةْ
in his days, his glory days
فِي أَيَّامَاتُو
in his mind, he thought that…
فِي بَالُو
he knows something, is aware
فِي بَالُو بْحَاجَةْ
in its place
فِي بُقْعِتْهَا
at the peak, top
فِي تُنْبِكْهَا
one after another
فِي جُرِّتْ بْعَضْهُمْ
on the edge
فِي حَافِّةْ
In a state of readiness, at attention
فِي حَالَةْ إِسْتَعْدَادْ
فِي حَتَّى بَرّْ
فِي حَتَّى بْلَاصَةْ
in mourning
فِي حِدَادْ
In the blink of an eye
فِي رَمْشِةْ عِينْ
in his perspective
فِي زَاوِيَةْ النَظَرْ مْتَاعُو
in a very deep sleep
فِي سَابَعْ نُومَةْ
on a platter, easily
فِي طْبَقْ
the same length or height as
فِي طُولْ
at his top, peak
فِي عِزُّو