This class was created by Brainscape user Derja Ninja. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (254)

Pack for donkey 1,
Cockadoodle doo rooster s crowing 2,
To cluck like a chicken past sing...
402  cards
To worship honor serve past singu...,
To be full of the holy spirit pas...,
To be baptized past singular masc...
196  cards
Cities, regions and places
Tunisians 1,
The eiffel tower 2,
From tozer 3
282  cards
Impermaeable water proof water pr...,
To undress strip past singular ma...,
Any wrap for head especially in s...
177  cards
Economy and shopping
Cash 1,
Coin change 2,
To go to the cashier counter past...
434  cards
Academic 1,
To learn to understand past singu...,
Education learning 3
206  cards
Ksad depressed 1,
To be pathetic to induce pity lit...,
To be angry mad past singular mas...
423  cards
Brother 1,
Polyandry to have more than one h...,
Polygamy to have more than one wi...
234  cards
Food (part 1 of 2)
Can pop etc 1,
Night club 2,
Dash eg of salt 3
500  cards
Food (part 2 of 2)
Pestil pounding instrument 1,
Inedible 2,
Mustard 3
199  cards
Health, body, medicine (part 1 of 2)
To catch something contagious pas...,
Obstructed to have stomach pain 2,
To be constipated past singular m...
500  cards
Health, body, medicine (part 2 of 2)
He felt dizzy 1,
Shoulders 2,
Contacts connections 3
326  cards
Around the house
Blanket wrap 1,
To sweep past singular masculine 2,
Air conditioning 3
347  cards
To groom in front of the mirror m...,
To do a pedicure manicure to groo...,
Gargling 3
143  cards
Prayers done before sitting in th...,
Interpretation of the quran 2,
Islamic thinking philosophy 3
276  cards
Music and the arts
Of theater acting 1,
Theater 2,
Jazz 3
195  cards
Plants, geology, parts of the world
Grafting tree 1,
Mulberry similar to blackberry 2,
Mulberry tree 3
190  cards
Politics and law (part 1 of 2)
Inquiry investigation 1,
Information criminal intelligence 2,
Residential census 3
500  cards
Politics and law (part 2 of 2)
To be thrown in prison past singu...,
Legislation 2,
Sentencing ruling in a court case 3
114  cards
Seasons and weather
Traditional calendar period 1,
To grow strong turn into a storm ...,
Snow 3
109  cards
Sports and games
Esperance a tunis soccer team aka...,
To fish with a net past singular ...,
Marble small ball 3
350  cards
Attached file 1,
Technology 2,
Ring once or twice without answer...
115  cards
To get some from one place and so...,
Tunnel 2,
Tunis air 3
216  cards
Weddings and celebrations
Song at the end of a wedding cere...,
Funeral 2,
To get prepared for the wedding p...
78  cards
Compensation payment 1,
To get a little money with simple...,
To retire take retirement past si...
383  cards
500 most frequent words
In on to 1,
On about against 2,
From since 3
500  cards
501-1000 most frequent words
Artist musician 1,
Karim man s name 2,
Generous kind noble 3
500  cards
Misc 1
Forever eternal 1,
To walk like a baby learn to walk...,
To cause to faint or pass out mak...
50  cards
Misc 2
To live alongside live with live ...,
To make tired cause fatigue wear ...,
Fatigue tiredness 3
50  cards
Misc 3
To pledge promise covenant past s...,
To become deformed crooked past s...,
To grow used to to adjust past si...
50  cards
Misc 4
Accompanying interpretation attac...,
Dust particles 2,
Dust particle 3
50  cards
Misc 5
To walk with your chest puffed ou...,
He gets things done and will help...,
Something that tires the body out 3
50  cards
Misc 6
Explosion popping 1,
To speak talk past singular mascu...,
Entrusting assigning giving of re...
50  cards
Misc 7
To twist turn writhe past singula...,
To be twisted turned bent past si...,
To be done completed past singula...
50  cards
Misc 8
To discuss talk about past singul...,
To develop grow increase past sin...,
To take consider take up past sin...
50  cards
Misc 9
To crush mash ground past singula...,
To be lifted up past singular mas...,
To lead to take you to past singu...
50  cards
Misc 10
To expand make greater wider past...,
To solicit ask for past singular ...,
To acquire have access to get pas...
50  cards
Misc 11
Second 1,
Second as in time 60 seconds 2,
To verify check confirm past sing...
50  cards
Misc 12
Ungrateful 1,
To discuss talk about debate past...,
Gravity attraction 3
50  cards
Misc 13
To paddle oar past singular mascu...,
Table schedule 2,
Result objective goal purpose 3
50  cards
Misc 14
Lash 1,
Meeting sitting hearing 2,
To say inappropriate things past ...
50  cards
Misc 15
Someone or something really big 1,
Jihane woman s name 2,
A region side area 3
50  cards
Misc 16
Something 1,
Something good 2,
Something visible 3
50  cards
Misc 17
He s memorized it 1,
Barefoot 2,
He hates has lost hope is bitter ...
50  cards
Misc 18
Military prison 1,
Women s prison 2,
Hangman s rope 3
50  cards
Misc 19
Stronger or taking a firm positio...,
Rough not smooth 2,
Bayonet 3
50  cards
Misc 20
According to expectations the rep...,
Depending on the mood 2,
He s counting stars doesn t have ...
50  cards
Misc 21
A crowd and a goalkeeper a large ...,
To prepare past singular masculine 2,
To be present past singular mascu...
50  cards
Misc 22
To hold a grudge against past sin...,
To disdain look down on despise p...,
To look down upon yourself past s...
50  cards
Misc 23
A series 1,
A pipe for the transportation of ...,
A kind of gummy candy 3
50  cards
Misc 24
Hannen tunisian woman s name 1,
Aqueducts 2,
Hannibal a famous carthaginian wa...
50  cards
Misc 25
To become agitated past singular ...,
Because 2,
His benefit for his sake 3
50  cards
Misc 26
He worked well 1,
He worked effectively efficiently 2,
He worked in order to defend his ...
50  cards
Misc 27
To work the lank with a pitchfork...,
To make a lot of trouble mess up ...,
To take someone or something out ...
50  cards
Misc 28
A loss too bad 1,
Too bad 2,
To think incorrectly past singula...
50  cards
Misc 29
Quick hands 1,
Sleight of hand 2,
He made it lighter 3
50  cards
Misc 30
Arrival 1,
He left a gap after his departure...,
Don t switch off the light 3
50  cards
Misc 31
My brother hey you 1,
Is this the road that takes to 2,
Please tell me where 3
50  cards
Misc 32
Decisive 1,
To defend past singular masculine 2,
He defended himself 3
50  cards
Misc 33
He became confused 1,
He was tongue tied 2,
To do something forecefully 3
50  cards
Misc 34
A good push 1,
A good amount of money 2,
She pushed the child 3
50  cards
Misc 35
To spoil past singular masculine 1,
Dalanda woman s name 2,
He told him how to get where he w...
50  cards
Misc 36
Solar cycle 1,
To treat everyone the same withou...,
To have fun at someone s expense ...
50  cards
Misc 37
Solvent 1,
Discipline 2,
Waste scraps leftovers 3
50  cards
Misc 38
Departure 1,
Gold 2,
Mind 3
50  cards
Misc 39
Please lower the price 1,
Ragheb man s name 2,
To desire something want it past ...
50  cards
Misc 40
To piece together the story past ...,
To introduce people let them get ...,
Knot 3
50  cards
Misc 41
Trip to outer space 1,
Trip to outer space 2,
To have mercy on past singular ma...
50  cards
Misc 42
To subscribe register past singul...,
To give tenure past singular masc...,
To draw paint past singular mascu...
50  cards
Misc 43
To lift weights work out past sin...,
To be lenient on merciful to some...,
Rafik man s name 3
50  cards
Misc 44
To throw himself go into somethin...,
To cast a glance peek past singul...,
To ring past singular masculine 3
50  cards
Misc 45
Roman westerner 1,
Round session 2,
Splendor beauty style aspect 3
50  cards
Misc 46
Marijuana slang 1,
To go away disappear past singula...,
Fornicator adulterer 3
50  cards
Misc 47
To scrape past singular masculine 1,
To slip slide past singular mascu...,
To mock joke with make fun of ind...
50  cards
Misc 48
To decorate make more beautiful p...,
To embellish a speech past singul...,
Zaineb woman s name 3
50  cards
Misc 49
Sami man s name 1,
Samia woman s name 2,
Syntax grammar 3
50  cards
Misc 50
To cover cover over past singular...,
To cover over a woman s sins mist...,
Strategy 3
50  cards
Misc 51
Theft robbery 1,
To go around circulate take a tou...,
To swim underwater fly in the air...
50  cards
Misc 52
Safety 1,
Looting 2,
To rob loot past singular masculi...
50  cards
Misc 53
To listen to something by acciden...,
To listen to the advice of past s...,
Reputation 3
50  cards
Misc 54
Second lieutenant 1,
Abuse misuse 2,
Lack of concentration 3
50  cards
Misc 55
Tourism 1,
God bless you your excellecy 2,
Burial car hearse 3
50  cards
Misc 56
Synonym 1,
Signal 2,
A toothpaste brand 3
50  cards
Misc 57
To agree have the same opinion pa...,
To chat past singular masculine 2,
To feel really hot warm past sing...
50  cards
Misc 58
Shtraf the sound of a clash or sm...,
To insult past singular masculine 2,
Courageous 3
50  cards
Misc 59
To grab catch something so it doe...,
To grab by the throat past singul...,
To grab his hand past singular ma...
50  cards
Misc 60
Slogan motto symbol 1,
Ray of sunshine 2,
Diameter 3
50  cards
Misc 61
To have a lot of doubt past singu...,
To doubt wonder not trust past si...,
That s what there was 3
50  cards
Misc 62
Chinese 1,
Chinese person 2,
Junky chinese goods 3
50  cards
Misc 63
To smoke hookah past singular mas...,
Waterpipe hookah 2,
Turkish waterpipe hookah nicer an...
50  cards
Misc 64
Clear pure 1,
Waiting room 2,
Saleh man s name 3
50  cards
Misc 65
To collide hit past singular masc...,
To go for it start past singular ...,
Collision 3
50  cards
Misc 66
Safia woman s name 1,
To shape form past singular mascu...,
To strike hit past singular mascu...
50  cards
Misc 67
To put a special stamp on an enve...,
Solid firm 2,
Survey poll 3
50  cards
Misc 68
To strike where the fighters were...,
State of being a little crazy 2,
A hit 3
50  cards
Misc 69
It broke into pieces fell apart 1,
It all went to pieces ended up in...,
He lost doesn t have it went down 3
50  cards
Misc 70
Trabelsi last name 1,
Beating 2,
Style type 3
50  cards
Misc 71
Extinguished out off 1,
To blow out put out a candle past...,
To turn off the light past singul...
50  cards
Misc 72
To be strong still alive and well...,
Red mercurochrome 2,
To shove push down past singular ...
50  cards
Misc 73
To be always with someone somethi...,
Passerby 2,
Something that happens but no one...
50  cards
Misc 74
Dreamer 1,
Has a life plan 2,
Has an exemption 3
50  cards
Misc 75
To make a place smoky fill with s...,
Ajmi man s name 2,
To count past singular masculine 3
50  cards
Misc 76
Wide 1,
First sergeant 2,
Long standing has a long and rich...
50  cards
Misc 77
He gave me a sign signal 1,
To give something under the table...,
To give an award past singular ma...
50  cards
Misc 78
To step on past singular masculine 1,
To step on something past singula...,
To put out a cigarette step on it...
50  cards
Misc 79
Together mixed 1,
To build higher past singular mas...,
On the side 3
50  cards
Misc 80
To answer let someone know past s...,
To make a complaint ask for somet...,
To network past singular masculine 3
50  cards
Misc 81
He s shy 1,
He is lucky 2,
To have patience long suffering p...
50  cards
Misc 82
To rely on depend on past singula...,
To let someone or something swim ...,
To soak past singular masculine 3
50  cards
Misc 83
There 1,
To take over a place steal it pas...,
Raid 3
50  cards
Misc 84
To look from the window past sing...,
A look stare 2,
To look down upon past singular m...
50  cards
Misc 85
Hide and seek 1,
Monster ghoul ghost 2,
When the cat s away the mice come...
50  cards
Misc 86
Omen bad sign 1,
Valid 2,
Successful active person 3
50  cards
Misc 87
To step over past singular mascul...,
To check up on examine past singu...,
Male especially tough strong one 3
50  cards
Misc 88
Putting down one s cards upon win...,
Fresh 2,
Farshishi person kasserine 3
50  cards
Misc 89
To corrupt someone or something p...,
To become corrupt past singular m...,
To decompose go bad go rotten pas...
50  cards
Misc 90
Only that s all 1,
To steal someone else s place pas...,
To untie a knot past singular mas...
50  cards
Misc 91
Feminism 1,
He doesn t stop talking 2,
To reject an idea doubt someone s...
50  cards
Misc 92
In decline 1,
At the peak of performance 2,
Anywhere 3
50  cards
Misc 93
Vibration 1,
Category type denomination class 2,
Social class 3
50  cards
Misc 94
To have taken things into account...,
Watch tower guard tower 2,
They think the same way act the s...
50  cards
Misc 95
Before 1,
Bc 2,
One before the last penultimate 3
50  cards
Misc 96
Free of charge 1,
Decision 2,
Grievous serious dangerous 3
50  cards
Misc 97
He read quietly 1,
To read in a loud voice past sing...,
To read fluently past singular ma...
50  cards
Misc 98
Sector field 1,
Pole 2,
Polar 3
50  cards
Misc 99
A few a little 1,
Disrespect 2,
Immodesty lack of respect 3
50  cards
Misc 100
Caucasian 1,
To go into one s shell past singu...,
To cuddle snuggle up due to cold ...
50  cards
Misc 101
To be past singular masculine 1,
Just now 2,
He was a permanent member 3
50  cards
Misc 102
Liar 1,
Lie 2,
To drag behind past singular masc...
50  cards
Misc 103
To reveal something hidden past s...,
To pull down one s pants show pri...,
To reveal the truth past singular...
50  cards
Misc 104
To face something difficult and n...,
To give a mission appoint past si...,
Calculation 3
50  cards
Misc 105
Corner 1,
To burn with a cigarette butt pas...,
To lock past singular masculine 3
50  cards
Misc 106
How did you figure out come up wi...,
What s his perspective on life 2,
Like as 3
50  cards
Misc 107
Foundation 1,
Bass music 2,
He granted his wishes 3
50  cards
Misc 108
To toy with death to do something...,
To toy with one s life do somethi...,
To toy with one s life do somethi...
50  cards
Misc 109
To collect gather one s things pa...,
Gathering get together 2,
To hint at indicate past singular...
50  cards
Misc 110
What that 1,
First half of negation 2,
Hanging stuck in the air 3
50  cards
Misc 111
He s always active doing something 1,
He tells secrets doesn t keep his...,
Thankless ungrateful returns good...
50  cards
Misc 112
Jackhammer 1,
Not funny annoying bad 2,
Brand 3
50  cards
Misc 113
Someone who makes fun of people j...,
They re just probabilities possib...,
He s a loser doesn t succeed in a...
50  cards
Misc 114
From old generations traditional 1,
For women 2,
Ready prepared 3
50  cards
Misc 115
Fun good time pleasure 1,
Multi various 2,
Passing by 3
50  cards
Misc 116
Sure about something convinced 1,
Heartthrob star 2,
Strong thick 3
50  cards
Misc 117
Calculated recorded 1,
So what i know and don t care 2,
Stuffed 3
50  cards
Misc 118
He s gone senile 1,
He s wise thinks clearly and care...,
He s not focused thinking of some...
50  cards
Misc 119
Sitting cross legged 1,
Tied to connected to 2,
The right size height 3
50  cards
Misc 120
Maroua woman s name 1,
Woman 2,
Done taken care of going well 3
50  cards
Misc 121
Ready 1,
Beneficiary to get something out ...,
Future 3
50  cards
Misc 122
Something someone you want to avo...,
Unmoved staying put 2,
Poisoned 3
50  cards
Misc 123
Orientalist likes the east 1,
Pointed to the east 2,
Bright shining 3
50  cards
Misc 124
Quick walking pace 1,
He walks quickly 2,
He walks slowly 3
50  cards
Misc 125
Embroidered 1,
Blood stained 2,
It has a strong taste 3
50  cards
Misc 126
Knowledge 1,
Acquaintance 2,
He didn t know how to answer 3
50  cards
Misc 127
Negotiations 1,
Fabricated fake made up 2,
Map key legend 3
50  cards
Misc 128
Nibbled at 1,
Taken care of finished 2,
Extremely dark 3
50  cards
Misc 129
Space shuttle 1,
On top of each other piled on 2,
Maki man s name 3
50  cards
Misc 130
Corridor walkway passageway cross...,
Touched 2,
Demon possessed 3
50  cards
Misc 131
Monji man s name 1,
Jinx bad luck 2,
He granted it to him 3
50  cards
Misc 132
Hallucinating seeing things 1,
Crazy for her can t stop thinking...,
Broken down corrupt 3
50  cards
Misc 133
Distributor distributed 1,
Switchblade pocket knife 2,
Foam 3
50  cards
Misc 134
Najia woman s name 1,
Rescued survivor 2,
Rare 3
50  cards
Misc 135
To make someone succeed pass a sc...,
To whittle carve make with wood 2,
To be able to allowed to can 3
50  cards
Misc 136
To steal grab 1,
Pronunciation 2,
To pronounce speak 3
50  cards
Misc 137
Byzantine debate pointless discus...,
Points 2,
Made a hole 3
50  cards
Misc 138
Representation in place of 1,
Prick sob sex fiend 2,
Nitrate 3
50  cards
Misc 139
To cheer yell 1,
To hit break knock down 2,
To immigrate leave 3
50  cards
Misc 140
To muddy dirty with one s feet 1,
To cheer praise 2,
Distress problems 3
50  cards
Misc 141
Hardly standing on his feet 1,
Standing tall straight up 2,
Supporting him behind him 3
50  cards
Misc 142
To transmit information 1,
To come to a really dangerous pla...,
Took us to its result was 3
50  cards
Misc 143
Where have you been how are you 1,
We ll sleep wherever we are when ...,
It comes randomly he s unlucky 3
50  cards
Misc 144
Fortune telling tarot card readin...,
Or 2,
Aluminum 3
50  cards
Misc 145
To contact someone catch up to so...,
To block prevent 2,
To give back return 3
50  cards
Misc 146
Communication 1,
To rely on depend on 2,
Walking 3
50  cards
Misc 147
To glare look at carefully stare 1,
To scratch scrape 2,
Hottest room in the hammam sauna 3
50  cards
Misc 148
Following 1,
To be removed taken off knocked d...,
To join become part of 3
50  cards
Misc 149
To stroll around with no purpose ...,
His fun what he likes to do 2,
Bachar man s name 3
50  cards
Misc 150
To wait expect 1,
Childhood youth 2,
To meet cross paths at 3
50  cards
Misc 151
To deserve earn positive 1,
To discover find 2,
Bourtal neighborhood in tunis 3
50  cards
Misc 152
Building 1,
To trust believe in 2,
Tolerance peace 3
50  cards
Misc 153
To impact affect 1,
Answer response 2,
To bypass get around evade 3
50  cards
Misc 154
To encourage enliven the crowd 1,
To assume bear responsibility 2,
We 3
50  cards
Misc 155
Finally 1,
Performance 2,
To adapt to get used to acclimate 3
50  cards
Misc 156
Four 1,
Fourteen 2,
Fortieth anniversary celebration 3
50  cards
Misc 157
To support be behind endorse reco...,
Crisis 2,
Couples duos doubles 3
50  cards
Misc 158
To take advantage of the opportun...,
To exploit his influence 2,
To use one s time 3
50  cards
Misc 159
To found start establish 1,
To start a relationship 2,
To make an action plan 3
50  cards
Misc 160
Suspicion 1,
To ask for help advice directions 2,
To become famous 3
50  cards
Misc 161
Illumination lighting 1,
Addition something added 2,
Additional 3
50  cards
Misc 162
Actions works 1,
Someone with poor eyesight 2,
One eyed 3
50  cards
Misc 163
The far left 1,
The far right 2,
Less 3
50  cards
Misc 164
To present show at an exposition 1,
To deport expel 2,
Ecstasy drug 3
50  cards
Misc 165
The weather 1,
To insist urge 2,
Begging insisting whining 3
50  cards
Misc 166
Emirati citizen 1,
Sign proof 2,
Exercise practice carry out 3
50  cards
Misc 167
To rock back and forth in the wav...,
Ammonitrate agricultural fertiliz...,
Illiterate can t read write 3
50  cards
Misc 168
To belong to be affiliated with 1,
Intimacy 2,
Opportunist 3
50  cards
Misc 169
Revival new life 1,
Reflection 2,
To carry out influence perform 3
50  cards
Misc 170
To lift up one s hands surrender ...,
To raise a finger in order to ask...,
To take all of them get all of it...
50  cards
Misc 171
To show the way 1,
To point show with one s finger 2,
To show off 3
50  cards
Misc 172
Emergency 1,
Erotic 2,
Isolated on one s own 3
50  cards
Misc 173
Barrier block 1,
Definitely for sure 2,
Database 3
50  cards
Misc 174
Maybe could be 1,
Especially 2,
Could i ask you something 3
50  cards
Misc 175
To smell bad give off a bad smell 1,
To light burn incense 2,
To offend say something rude 3
50  cards
Misc 176
Mugging robbery 1,
To mug rob 2,
Outsider 3
50  cards
Misc 177
To spill 1,
To ejaculate 2,
Sperm crass 3
50  cards
Misc 178
After three days 1,
To imagine be far away from reali...,
To get off something away from it 3
50  cards
Misc 179
To make something wet wet 1,
Without 2,
Don t make any noise stop the noi...
50  cards
Misc 180
Ben ayed last name 1,
Ben farhat last name 2,
Building construction 3
50  cards
Misc 181
Counterfeit falsified fake poor q...,
Buddhist 2,
Infant carrier 3
50  cards
Misc 182
Well water 1,
Beer cans 2,
Glass beer bottle 3
50  cards
Misc 183
Principle 1,
Probable likely 2,
Probability 3
50  cards
Misc 184
Thumbtack 1,
Power strength 2,
Pedestrian 3
50  cards
Misc 185
Violent exchange 1,
Sword duel 2,
To bless 3
50  cards
Misc 186
It can be taken out off easily 1,
To check make sure 2,
To fix put in place 3
50  cards
Misc 187
Sexual harassement 1,
To burn the throat 2,
To be slightly burned 3
50  cards
Misc 188
Rustle scratching sound 1,
To belong to have to do with 2,
Specialization specialty 3
50  cards
Misc 189
Education discipline politeness 1,
Nickname 2,
Ranking order arrangement 3
50  cards
Misc 190
Whistling 1,
Recommendation reference support 2,
Fraud counterfeiting 3
50  cards
Misc 191
To be shocked amazed 1,
Acting up talking disturbance 2,
To smoke a hookah pipe 3
50  cards
Misc 192
To come across meet cross paths 1,
Introduction greeting 2,
To know someone well spend time t...
50  cards
Misc 193
Abir woman s name 1,
Abnormal strange 2,
Abnormal strange 3
50  cards
Misc 194
Aida woman s name 1,
Proof percentage of alcohol 2,
Ali man s name 3
50  cards
Misc 195
At home homemaker 1,
At rock bottom awful 2,
Attack 3
50  cards
Misc 196
Book 1,
Book publishing 2,
Booty loot 3
50  cards
Misc 197
Catapult trebuchet 1,
Clip section sketch 2,
Cemetery 3
50  cards
Misc 198
Compatible in agreement 1,
Overpowering dominating greater 2,
Competent 3
50  cards
Misc 199
To create a group 1,
To create an association organiza...,
Creator inventor 3
50  cards
Misc 200
Dialogue conversation 1,
To disrespect dishonor past singu...,
To die pass away past singular ma...
50  cards
Misc 201
Ebb and flow low tide and high ti...,
Edition printing 2,
Editor preparer writer 3
50  cards
Misc 202
Expected anticipated 1,
Experienced has experience 2,
Experimental science 3
50  cards
Misc 203
Final end 1,
Finnish 2,
Firas man s name 3
50  cards
Misc 204
Corporal 1,
Objective goal 2,
From over there from the other si...
50  cards
Misc 205
Goodbye taking leave 1,
Gossip talking about people 2,
Greasy waxed 3
50  cards
Misc 206
To not greet in reply past singul...,
To not want to know past singular...,
He doesn t know what he s talking...
50  cards
Misc 207
He wants to would prefer to 1,
Heathen pagan 2,
Hebrew 3
50  cards
Misc 208
Impeccable perfect blameless 1,
Imperfections defects 2,
Important 3
50  cards
Misc 209
Service office 1,
Interested into fan of 2,
Intermediary go between 3
50  cards
Misc 210
Kilogram 1,
Kilometer 2,
Aware of everything knowing every...
50  cards
Misc 211
Logo 1,
Lonely alone on one s own 2,
Look style 3
50  cards
Misc 212
Marijuana 1,
Marines naval forces 2,
Marveled fan of amazed 3
50  cards
Misc 213
Internal emigration 1,
Millions 2,
Mineral 3
50  cards
Misc 214
Mystery intrigue 1,
Nabeul city on the tunisian penin...,
Nabil man s name 3
50  cards
Misc 215
Not always 1,
Not attentive not paying attention 2,
Unclear 3
50  cards
Misc 216
Opposed 1,
Oppressed victimized 2,
Optimistic hopeful 3
50  cards
Misc 217
Place area 1,
To play a role act past singular ...,
To play the right way to not chea...
50  cards
Misc 218
To publish print past singular ma...,
To punish past singular masculine 2,
Purity 3
50  cards
Misc 219
Structuring forming 1,
To end in result in past singular...,
Result end 3
50  cards
Misc 220
Shelter refuge 1,
Shift change for the better 2,
To shoot with a gun past singular...
50  cards
Misc 221
Spy 1,
Stable fixed 2,
Stable settled 3
50  cards
Misc 222
To watch out for someone take car...,
To take off remove past singular ...,
Gift talent 3
50  cards
Misc 223
Good man gets things done 1,
This 2,
This year 3
50  cards
Misc 224
Undesirable not wanted 1,
Undressed naked 2,
Unexpected 3
50  cards
Misc 225
Wael man s name 1,
Faithfulness 2,
Wafa woman s name 3
50  cards
Misc 226
Without oversight 1,
Without criticizing 2,
No doubt doubtless 3
50  cards
Misc 227
To earn acquire past singular mas...,
Daily 2,
Diary agenda schedule 3
36  cards

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