Misc 81 Flashcards
he’s shy
عَنْدُو الحِشْمَةْ
he is lucky
عَنْدُو الزّْهَرْ
to have patience, long-suffering (past singular masculine)
عَنْدُو السُّوفِلْ
he’s brave enough
عَنْدُو الشَّجَاعَةْ الكَافْيَةْ
he’s always lazy, tired, worn out
عَنْدُو الفَشْلَةْ
he has potential, giftings
عَنْدُو إِمْكَانِيَّاتْ
he has hope
عَنْدُو أَمَلْ
he has endurance
عَنْدُو أُنْدُورُونْسْ
he has a mission
عَنْدُو أُورْدِرْ مِيسْيُونْ
he has faith
عَنْدُو إِيمَانْ
he has a badge
عَنْدُو بَادْجْ
he has his share, part
عَنْدُو بَايْ
have a subscription card
عندو بطاقة إنخراط
he tends to, he’s likely to
عَنْدُو تُونْدُونْسْ
he has confidence in himself
عَنْدُو ثِقَةْ فِي رُوحُو
he is curious
عَنْدُو حُبّْ الِإطِّلَاعْ
he has connections
عَنْدُو خْيُوطْ
he’s extremely intelligent
عَنْدُو ذْكَاءْ غَيْرْ عَادِي
to doubt (past singular masculine)
عَنْدُو شُكُوكْ
he has a girlfriend
عَنْدُو صَاحْبَةْ