Misc Flashcards
Kicking the can down the road
To postpone a decision or action.
the final straw
the last in a series of unpleasant events which finally makes you feel that you cannot continue to accept a bad situation
e.g. One night he came home drunk at 5 o’clock in the morning and that was the last straw.
peter out
To dwindle; to trail off; to diminish to nothing
e.g. BW’s funds petered out in the last two quarters
Give lie to
To contradict or show to be false.
e.g. The bet against Treasuries gave the lie to a criticism sometimes made of Dalio
That’ll be the day
That will never happen, that’s very unlikely, as in You think I’ll win the lottery? That’ll be the day!
pow wow
A brief discussion about a matter concerning a person or an event. Usually to come to a conclusion that needs to be addressed quickly.
1. Dude. Don’t carry on until we have a pow wow about this.
officer friendly
abusive cop
verb: The premature expulsion of consumed materials through the mouth and nose.
noun: The material that is expelled in the manner described above.
e. g. I’m gonna barf
Mouth off
To speak out of turn; to backtalk.
e.g. That bitch has a reputation four mouthing off at the worst possible moments, I should cut her throat before she says any other stuff!
wind someone up
irritate someone
look a million dollars
to look or feel extremely attractive
e.g. You look like a million dollars in that dress!
steno pool
office works (secretaries)
Out of line
Fig. beyond certain set or assumed limits.
e.g. Your bid on this project is completely out of line with our expectations.
basically a badass… this person is really cool.
Something else
A person, thing, or event that is quite remarkable, as in That pitcher is something else, or Her new film is something else.