misc Flashcards
when are inlays indicated rather than an onlay?
the size of the restoration is less than one third of the buccal lingual width.
when is an onlay indicated for rather than an inlay?
- group function
- height : width ratio is >1
- patient has parafunctional habits and heavy occlusal forces
- severely undermined cusps
what is the maximum safe dose for lidocaine?
3-4.5mg / kg
what is each GIC cement most suitable for?? 1-9
type 1: luting cements for crowns, bridges
type 2: restorations
type 3: fast setting lining material
type 4: fissure sealant
type 5: luting for orthodontics
type 6: core build up
type 7: fluoride releasing GIC
type 8: atraumatic restorations
type 9: paediatric restorations
what is eagle syndrome?
it occurs due to elongation of the styloid process or calcification of the stylohyoid ligament
* this may produce pain due to pressure on the head and neck
* characteristic pain on head turning
* dysphagia
* pain on mastication
how is cleft palate classified?
veau classification