Misc 16 Flashcards
something good
حَاجَة بَاهْيَة
something visible
حَاجَة تِتْشَافْ بِالعِينْ
something new
حَاجَة جْدِيدَة
something natural
حَاجَة طَبِيعِيَّة
something secondary, to the side
حَاجَة عَلَى جْنَبْ
something that doesn’t concern someone
حَاجَة مَا تَعْنِيهِشْ
something you hope for
حَاجَة مَرْجُوَّة
something made up
حَاجَة مْطَلّْعِينْهَا
something repeated, mass-produced
حَاجَة مْعَاوْدَة
something tangible
حَاجَة مَلْمُوسَة
something unexpected
حَاجَة مُوشْ مُتْوَقّْعَة
something great
حَاجَة هَايْلَة
something to avoid
حَاجَة وَاحِدْ يِتْجَنَّبْهَا
something likely to happen
حَاجَة وَارْدَة
something that someone ignores
حَاجَة يِجْهِلْهَا
he needs (something)
he needs advice
حَاجْتُو بِنْصِيحَة
to argue, give proof (past singular masculine)
on the pilgrimage to Mecca