Misc Flashcards
Project management technique for determining how much time a project needs before completion. Each activity assigned a best, worst, most probable completion time estimate.
Cluster zoning
Density of the subdivision is determined early on and a large piece of the land is set aside to create common green space for residents to enjoy
Skills of good leaders vs good managers
Leaders: political acumen, willingness to take appropriate risks, advocacy
Managers: attention to detail, deference to an existing power structure, willingness to get a clean resolution at the expense of the right resolution
Sector Theory
Stresses the role of transportation in urban development. City develops in sectors along the lines of communication from the CBD outward. High quality areas locate along roads, indust sectors along canals/railways away from high quality housing, working-class housing near industry
HUD Consolidated Plan
Designed to help communities assess their affordable housing and community development needs and the market to make data informed, place based decisions
Measureable. Two key attributes that often work together: disproportionality and institutionalized inequity
Peter Drucker
Created the Management by Objectives (MBO) technique
Locally Undesired Land Use (like a hazardous waste dump)
Appropriate for ranks, interval, and ratio data (not for categories, like nominal data)
Multiplier Analysis
Used to project the number of jobs created or lost. If an industry has a multiplier of 1.5 then 100 gained/lost jobs would result in 50 gained/lost in the rest of the economy (would move in the same direction at the rate of the multiplier)
Indian Reorganization Act
Aka the Wheeler-Howard Act (1934). Enacted to decrease federal control and increase self-government and responsibility of indigenous people.
National Heritage Areas
Legislatively authorized bc demonstrate nationally unique natural, cultural, historic or scenic resource and link natural and cultural resources. Est through an act of Congress with NPS assistance. Managed at local or regional level.
Planned Unit Development
Housing development not subject to standard zoning requirements for the area. Includes negotiated zoning requirements, flexibility in development, and varying densities.
Alan Ehrenhalt
Wrote about the “Great Inversion” (2012) where poorer diverse suburbs surround wealthier central cities (opposite of the conventional American narrative)
Inferential statistics
Use probability theory to determine characteristics abt a population based on observations for a sample of the population. These statistics reject the null hypothesis, they don’t prove it.
Right to Farm laws
Included in all 50 states. Attempt to preserve ag practices and make farming more viable.
Dillon’s Rule
Local government authority is derived from state government
Difference in means btw two subgroups.
Tax Increment Financing
Method of financing to provide front end funds to assist in large scale redevelopment
Urban Cluster vs Urban Areas
Both form urban cores of metro/micropolitan statistical areas. Metropolitan SA contain at least one UA of 50K or more, Micropolitan SA will contain at least one UC of btw 10-50K people.