mirror neurons evaluation Flashcards
there is evidence to support an important role for mirror neurons in human social cognition
there is evidence to support an important role for mirror neurons in human social cognition
Haker et al (2012) demonstrated that Brodman’s area 9 in the right frontal lobe, an area of the brain believed to be rich in mirror neurons, is involved in contagious yawning
This is widely seen as an example of human empathy and thus ability to perceive mental states in others showing that mirror neurons play an important role in empathy
there is evidence to support an important role for mirror neurons in human social cognition
there is evidence to support an important role for mirror neurons in human social cognition
Mouras et al asked male participants to watch either a fishing documentary or heterosexual pornography.
Brian activity was measured using an fMRI and arousal by a pressure-sensitive penis ring
Pars opercularis activity was seen immediately before sexual arousal
Pars opercularis is a region of the brain believed to be rich in mirror neurons so the findings are consistent with the idea that mirror neurons play a role in perspective-taking
there is evidence for atypical mirror neurons in ASD
there is evidence for atypical mirror neurons in ASD
Hadjikani reviewed the evidence for the link between AD and deficiency in mirror neuron function and found some support.
Structural brain scans have shown a smaller average thickness for the pars opercilaris ( an area believed to be rich in mirror neurons) in participants with ASD
Studies using functional scans have shown lower activity in brain areas associated with mirror neurons in participants with ASD
HOWEVER, not all findings have been replicated consistently so the evidence linking ASD to mirror neurons is mixed
This is a problem for the broken mirror theory of ASD as they is a lack of reliable direct evidence to support the theory
there are questions over the precise role of mirror neurons
there are questions about the precise role of mirror neurons
Hickock suggest mirror neuron activity may have more to do with using others’ behaviour to plan out own, rather than understanding the cognition behind it
Researchers should provide better evidence to support their claims of the role mirror neurons in social cognition