Mirco Lec 1 Flashcards
Eukaryotic microbes
Metabolisms is much less diverse than that found in prokaryotes, primary aerobic respiration, and oxygenic photosynthesis. Doesn’t have a universally accepted phytogeny.
Nutrition comes from organic molecules or sunlight. Most are motile. Most are unicellular, some are multicellular. cell wall is present in many but not all.
Nutrition comes from organic molecules only. Most are nonmotile. Most are multicellular, some are unicellular. Cell wall is present in all.
Consists of Protozoa and Algae. All lack fully functional mitochondria. Energy harvesting mechanism is primary fermentative. Two sublineages are Diplomonads and Parabasalids.
lack Golgi but contain two nuclei, most inhabit gut of animals including mammals. Aerotolerant anaerobes, does not utilize using oxygen. Example Giardia intestinal is a human pathogen that causes travelers diarhea
inhabits an intestinal tract of animals as well as mouth-genital tract of mammals. Example trichomonas vaginalis which causes veneral diseases in humans.
Aerobic Protozoa
most are obligate aerobes. There are 10 sublineages
contain a single mitochondrion within which is a kinetoplast ( a mass of thousands of copies of mitochondrial DNA. Example is Trypanosoma Gambiense which causes sleeping sickness.
Amoebas and Amoeboflagellates
Form cytoplasmic protrusions for false foot for locomotion. Example Entamoeba histolytic causes amoebic dysentery.
Slime Molds
Complex life cycle involving an amoeba-like vegetative stage and of fungus life reproductive stage. Found in temperate forests searching for prey amongst fallen leaves. Acellular slime molds consist of a multinucleate cytoplasm that can measure a meter or so across when nutrients become depleted, vertical structures form containing spores.
Conatins 2 nuclei and covered with cilia that can be used for locomotion and or ingestion of prey. Found in aquatic habitats and moist soils. Example is paramecium species.
consists of several phototrophic species that produce toxins that causes paralytic shellfish poisoning in humans. Due to red color of organisms massive population causes red trail.
Different host organisms for life cycle and Plasmodium species causes malaria.