Minority Influence Flashcards
What is minority influence
A form of social influence in which the minority persuade others to adopt their beliefs
Uses informational social influence resulting in internalisation
What are the three key behaviours for minority influence
- Consistency
- Commitment
- Flexibility
How does consistency enhance minority influence
- keeping the same beliefs over time
- It creates a more powerful message and demonstrates confidence
How does commitment enhancement influence
- Risky actions show dedication to the cause
How does flexibility enhance minority influence
-  The minority can’t be seen as rigid (dogmatic) or inflexible as this is offputting
- A balance must be made between consistency and flexibility
What is the snowball effect
- When people in the majority slowly convert their views to the minority
- The more this occurs the faster the rate of conversion
Outline Moscovici’s Research into minority influence and consistency
- 172 participants tested for colourblindness
- Allocated into groups of six with four participants and two Confederates
- Participants were asked to view 36 blue coloured slides and asked if they were green or blue
- Condition A Had the Confederates called the slides green consistently (36/36 trials)
- Condition B Had the Confederate cool the slides green inconsistently (24/36 trials)
What were the findings of Moscovici’s study into minority influence and consistency 
In condition A 32% gave the same answer as the minority on at least one trial
With the participants giving the same wrong answer on 8.42% of trials
In condition B The participant gave the wrong answer on 1.25% of the trials
In a control group with no Confederates participants got the colour wrong on 0.25% of trials
AO3 Evaluation of minority influence
+ Moscovici’s research shows support For minority influence and consistency
- The tasks lack mundane realism meaning the findings may lack external validity as they are limited in reflecting real life social situations
- 68% never agreed with the minority
+ Real life applications can come from the gay rights movement or the suffragettes which used minority influence to create social change, they all showed consistency, flexibility and commitment (dying, getting arrested etc.)