Explanations For Conformity Flashcards
Give 2 reasons why people conform
- the need to be liked
- the need to be right
Define informational social influence
Accepting the view point of others because you believe they have superior knowledge and are most likely to be right.
Define normative influence
When a person wants to be liked and respected so they follow the crowd in order to be accepted due to the fear of rejection
Explain the dual process dependency model (Deutsch and Gerard 1955)
“Informational and normative influence”
People conform because of
> informational social influence - conform because you believe in the superior knowledge of others, you want to be right occurs in ambiguous situations- leads to changing private opinion - linked to internalisation
> normative social influence - conform because you want to be liked and respected by others in unambiguous situations- doesn’t lead to changing private opinion
Outline Sherif (1935) into Informational social influence
- participants looked at a still point of light in the dark which appears to move (autokinetic effect)
- they were asked to estimate how far it moved, on their own first and then in groups
FINDINGS - when alone participants had their own estimates but in groups estimates got closer and closer
Outline Asch’s research into normative social influence and group conformity
- lab exp. 123 male US students
- 1 naive participant and 6-8 confederates
- 12/18 were critical trials where confederates gave the wrong answers
- participants had to look at 4 lines, 1 standard and 3 others and had to state which of the 3 lines were the same as the standard line
-baseline is naive participant gave wrong answer 37% of the time - 75% conformed at leats once
- 25% didn’t conform at all
- when interviewed after they said they conformed because they didn’t want to embarrass themselves
AO3 evaluation of Asch’s study
- temporal validity- 1950s US was during the Cold War meaning society may have been more susceptible to conform
- lacks population validity- only done in the US on males (gender bias)
- cultural variations, individualistic cultures much lower conformity and collectivist cultures had higher
- ethical issues deceiving and psychological harm
Name 3 factors that affect conformity
- group size
- task difficulty
- unanimity of the group
Explain how Asch’s found group size to affect conformity
- when majority was 1(3%)-2(13%) confederates there was little conformity
- 3+ confederates = 33% conformity
- little change after 4-5 confederates
- Bond and Smith meta-analysis on 133 Asch’s type studies found conformity peaks at around 4-5 confederate
Explain how the unanimity of the group can affect conformity rates
- one confederate giving right answer = conformity drops to 5.5%
- one confederate gives a different but wrong answer = conformity drops to 9%
- shows breaking the groups unanimity is a major factor affecting conformity
Explain how the difficulty of the task in Asch’s study can affect conformity rates
- in one variation he made the lines closer together in length increasing the ambiguity of the task
- in turn conformity increased