Minorities Flashcards
Early 1600’s not enslaved- indentured servants.
Late 1600’s hereditary slaves.
Tobacco plantations in Virginia and Maryland.
1776: 20% of population slaves.
1794: Cotton Gin invented- result more slaves needed.
1808: Import of slaves banned.
3/5th compromise.
one slave is equal to 3/5th of a white male.
The missouri compromise
Missouri and Maine join the USA, Missouri a slave state, Maine a free state.
Compromise of 1850
California free, New Mexico- self-determining.
Fugitive slave act
Owners can catch escaped slaves in free states
Kansas Nebraska act
Popular sovereignty- decide themselves by popular vote.
The act of leaving the union of the USA. The southern states seceded from the north before the Civil War.
People who oppose slavery. Want to abolish slavery.
Emancipation Proclamation 1863
The document which abolishes slavery.
Underground Railroad
Series of routes and safe houses to help slaves escape to safe areas in Canada and Mexico.
Civil War
Unionists: Northern state, abolitionists
Confederates: Southern States, slave owners.
Reconstruction: After the war, the 2 years it took to rebuild.
Jim Crow Laws
Laws to maintain segregation in the southern US.
Organization set-up to fight for African American rights.
Biggest minority in the USA. Very diverse group. Hard to define. Many new immigrants from Latin America and Mexico. Poverty and poor English an issue.
discriminated against in the past. Anti-Asian immigration laws. Japanese Internment camps during WWII. Today Asians are the most successful immigrant group
Less successful than whites in the US. Still face discrimination