Minor Oral Surgery SCOT Flashcards
5 reasons to surgically remove fresh roots
Large fragments
Infected/non-vital roots
Associated pathology
Risk re PMH
Orthodontic extractions
2 reasons to leave fresh roots
Small apical fragments that are not infected/no associated pathology
Small apical fragments close to important anatomical structures
6 reasons to surgically remove old roots
Large fragments not covered by bone
Painful/ulcerated through mucosa
Infected roots
Associated pathology
Risk re PMH
2 reasons to leave old roots
Important anatomical structures close
6 stages of a surgical extraction
Creation of a mucoperiosteal flap
Bone removal
Delivery of the root/tooth
Wound closure
Why cut a flap with broad base
Ensures good blood supply to promote healing
Why cut flap to sub periosteal level
Ensures flap integrity
Why should the flap include inter-dental papillae
Promotes healing
3 reasons for bone removal
Exposes roots
Creates points of application for elevators/forceps
Provides space to facilitate delivery of roots
4 structures at risk during bone removal
Inferior alveolar nerve
Lingual nerve
Mental nerve
Maxillary antrum
Why must the state of bone be considered in elderly patients
Generally inelastic therefore requires more work to create points of application
Why must the angulation of the root be considered
Bone removal must follow the root
4 problems with too much bone removal
Can compromise creating a point of application
Increased post-op pain
Increased swelling
Slower healing
3 problems with too little bone removal
Inadequate access
Ineffective point of application
Prolongs surgery
3 advantages of ensuring a good wound toilet
Promotes healing
Reduces post-op inflammation and pain
Reduces risk of post-op infection
What needs to be removed during debridement
Fragments of bone, tooth, filling material
Granulation tissue
Sharp edges
What suture material and needle is commonly used for basic intra-oral suturing
3/0 vicryl rapide
22mm 1/2 circle cutting needle
What is the method of wound healing used for surgical extractions
Primary intention
What is the site of wound healing
Vascular tissue: dermis or sub mucosa
What is the benefit of slightly everting a wound
Ensures good dermis layer contact to promote rapid healing and minimise scarring
Where ideally should suture knots be positioned
Buccally or labially away from tongue
At which angle should the needle be forming introduced at and why
90 degrees to the tissue to avoid the needle cutting out