Minimum Altitude And Weather Flashcards
During enroute phase of HVGNO at what altitude can the pilot not fly below
500’ AGL
What altitude must HNVGO reconnaissance be conducted at?
500’ AGL
For HNVGO only takeoff and landings are authorized below?
300’ AGL
As a minimum, obstruction should be cleared by?
30’ AGL
On the ground what is the minimum clearance from obstructions?
At what altitude should Air Methods pilots operate when able during cruise flight day or night?
1000’ AGL
If permitted a pilot should perform what type of check in a hover?
10% power margin below minimum takeoff power must exist before takeoff.
A turn on course will not be made until what altitude is made during the day?
300’ AGL
A turn on course will not be made until what altitude is made at night?
500’ AGL
When may a SVFR be requested?
When weather ceiling are being reported below 1000’ AGL
What is Air Methods minimum cloud and visibility requirements for SVFR day time operations?
700’ ceilings and 2 SM visibility
What is Air Methods minimum cloud and visibility requirements for SVFR during night operations?
800’ ceilings and 3 SM of visibility
What are your class G non-mountainous local flying area ceiling and visibility requirements for day, night and NVGO?
-800’ ceilings
-2SM visibility
-1000’ ceilings
-3SM visibility
-800’ ceilings
-3SM visibility
What are your class G non-mountainous non-local flying area ceiling and visibility requirements for day, night and NVGO?
-800’ ceilings
-3SM visibility
-1000’ ceilings
-5SM visibility
-1000’ ceilings
-3SM visibility
What are your class G mountainous local flying area ceiling and visibility requirements for day, night and NVGO?
-800’ ceilings
-3SM visibility
-1500’ ceilings
-3SM visibility
-1000’ ceilings
-3SM visibility
What are your class G mountainous non-local flying area ceiling and visibility requirements for day, night and NVGO?
-1000’ ceilings
-3SM visibility
-1500’ ceilings
-3SM visibility
-1000’ ceilings
-5SM visibility
What is considered to be VFR flight rule?
Greater than 3000’ ceilings and 5 SM visibility
What is considered marginal flight rules
Ceilings are between 1000’ - 3000’ and or visibility and between 3-5 SM
What are IFR weather
Ceiling are between 500’ - 1000’ and or visibility is between 1SM - 3SM
What is considered to be LIFR weather
When ceilings are less then 500’ ceilings and visibility is less then 1SM
What is class G airspace wx minimums?
Day 1/2 SM visibility / Night 1 SM visibility
-clear of clouds
*Above 1200’ - 10,000’
Day 1 SM visibility / Night 3 SM visibility
-500’ below
-1000’ above
-2000’ horizontal
*Above 10,000’
-5 SM visibility
-1,000’ below
-1,000’ above
-1,000’ horizontal