Mini Chap 11 Flashcards
Affective forecasting
Ability to predict our own and others happiness
Anorexia nerves a
Eating disorder assosciated with excessive weight loss and irrational perception that one is overweight
Broaden and build theory
Theory proposing that happiness predisposes us to think more openly
Bulimia nervosa
Eating disorder assosciated with pattern of binging and purging in an effort to lose or maintain weight
Cannon bard theory
Theory p[roposing that an emotion provoking event leads simultaneously to an emotion and to bodily reactions
Cognitive theories of emotion
Theories proposing that emotions are products of thinking
Defensive pessimism
Strategy of anticipating failure and compensating for this expectation by mentally overpreparing for negative outcomes
Discrete emotions theory
Theory that humans experience a small number of distinct emotions that are rooted in our biology
Display rules
Cross cultural guidelines for how and when to express emotions
Drive reduction theory
Theory proposing that certain drives like hunger thirst and sex motivate us to act in ways that minimize aversive states
Mental states or feeling assosciated with our evaluation of experiences
Excitement phase
Phases in human sexual response in which people experience sexual pleasure and notice physiological changes associated with it
Facial feedback hypothesis
Theory that blood vessels in the face feedback temperature information in the brain altering our experience of emotions
Glucostatic theory
Theory that when our blood glucose levels drop, hunger creates a drive to eat to restore the proper level of glucose
Guilty knowledge test
Alternative to the polygraph test that relies on the premise that criminals harbour concealed knowledge about the crime that innocent people do