Minerals P.2 Flashcards
Crystal shape aka
Habit: shape of ind. crystals or aggregates of crystals
Habit of quartz
six sided (hexagon) and pyramid-like ends
Habit of garnet, magnetite, pyrite
12-sided, octahedron, blocky
What minerals have a cube-like habit?
fluorite and halite
Habit adjectives
blocky, banded, cubic, fibrous, bladed (elongated), tabular (tablet shaped), granular (aggregates of crystals)
what scale is used? tools associated with it and their hardness
resistance to being scratched
mohs scale
fingernail (2.5)
penny (3.5)
iron nail (4.5)
glass plate (5.5)
streak plate (6.5)
Hardness (what will be scratched, who is the scratcher?)
scratched: softer mineral
scratcher: harder mineral
what is the chemical formula for graphite? hardness compared to diamond
C, softer bc the diamond has a more compact crystal structure
what are hard minerals used as
Index minerals in order from soft to hard
talc, gypsum, calcite, fluorite, apatite, orthoclase, quartz, topaz, conundrum, diamond
what determines hardness (3)
- repeating pattern
- strength and type of bond
- crystalline structure
abrasives using minerals
saw: diamonds
sandpaper: garnet
what do people use to color their skin and hair? another mineral with distinctive color
hematite (red) and limonite, a variety of goethite, (yellow)
malachite (green/bluish)
tendency of a mineral to break along planes on weak bonding (easier to break in that direction)
cleavage planes vs directions of cleavage
planes: smooth, flat surfaces
directions: cleavage suface with a different orientation
how do you know when a mineral demonstrates cleavage? how do you find cleavage planes?
when broken, pieces will all have the same geometry
rotate it in light
what group of minerals have 1 direction of cleavage, what’s special about them? what two minerals are a part of that group? analogy
Micas (flat sheets that can peel)
includes muscovite (lighter) and biotite (darker)
book pages can be peeled, but you can’t bend the book spine
how many directions of cleavage does halite have? Angles? habit
3 directions, 90 degrees, cubic
how many directions of cleavage does quartz have?
none, fractures into pieces that don’t resemble each other or the original crystal bc Si&O bonds are equally strong
how many directions of cleavage does olivine have?
none, fractures into pieces that don’t resemble each other or the original crystal
how many directions of cleavage does feldspar have? angles?
2 directions, 90 degrees
how many directions of cleavage does hornblende have? angles
2 directions, 120 degrees and 60 degrees
how many directions of cleavage does calcite have? angles? shape
3 directions, 75 degrees, rhombus
how many directions of cleavage does fluorite have? galena?
4 directions
3 directions