Mindmap 3 Flashcards
What Are The Common Barriers to Physical Activity (PA)
- Health issues
- Lazy/Fatigue
- Busy
- Fear
- Environment
- Lack of knowledge/medical advice
- Cost of leisure activities
What Are Stereotypes?
Represents common or generalized beliefs about a group of people. They tend to be oversimplified and widely held image or idea of a particular group.
What Is Ageism?
“Refers to the stereotypes (how we think), prejudice (how we feel) and discrimination (how we act) towards others or onself based on age”
What Is The Social Construction of Age?
The process of ageing is shaped by cultural, social and institutional factors and not solely determined by physical changes
What Are Masters Athletes
Athletes that are aged 35 or above
What Are The Benefits of Physical Activity?
- Physiological
* Improve muscle mass, bone density, sleep quality, musculoskeletal strength + prevent or delay chronic diseases - Social
* Expand social network and support - Psychological
* Enhance cognitive function +decrease stress, anxiety, depression
What Is Sport For Development And Peace?
SDP is a burgeoning social movement that advocates for the use of sport to attain specific development objectives for disadvantaged populations
How Can We Understand Sport in the Development Context?
Sport is physical, cultural, it can be competitive, recreational, non-competitive, and can be an agent of social, economic, and political change
What Are Global South Countries?
These countries are characterized by
* Generally poor material standards of living
* Limited infrastructure (including education)
* Poor nutritional standards and/or limited access to clean water
What Is Reflexivity?
Acknowledging & meaningfully engaging with power differences and our social locations
What Is Sport for Good?
A strong belief in the “civilizing power” of sport e.g., trade unionists in Worker Sport Association
What Is Sport For Development?
Use of sport as a tool to contribute to international development objectives
What Are SDP Possibilities and SDP Contradictions
- Does SDP empower participants or does it further their subordination
What Is Postcolonialism?
It is an impact of colonial and imperial practices on production and representation of identities. Implies a need for ethical engagement with global South. Therefore race, gender, class, colonialism, global capital, power, results in domination and resistance
What is do No Harm?
It requires taking proactive steps to counter potential negative impacts on participants and other actors