Milking Parlour and Mastitis Flashcards
How often do rubber units on clusters have to be replaced?
Every 2500 milking’s or every 6 months - whichever is closest
Describe the pathway of milk from the udder to the bulk tank
Udder -> teat -> short milk tube -> claw -> long milk tube -> bulk tank
Which feature on the cluster is required to allow milk to enter the claw?
Air bleed hole
How is milk removed from the udder by the milk machine?
Milk removed by creating negative pressure outside the teat – applying a vacuum (42-48 kpa) controlled by regulator
Does the vacuum on the milk machine need to be continuous, or not? Explain
Continuous vacuum would stop circulation in teat. Applied intermittently via pulsator liner opens and closes allowing teat to rest and circulation restored, 60/min
Which part of the milking machine connects the claw piece to the bulk tank?
Long milk tube
Where do environmental and contagious mastitis pathogens live?
- Contagious pathogens spread from cow to cow in the milk
- Environmental pathogens on teats and teat ends
What happens to the milking machine when the vacuum is off/on?
Vacuum off
- Liner closed
- Milk flow stops and test rests
Vacuum on
- Liner opens and milk flows out
How is the milking parlour involved in mastitis?
Milking Parlour Hygiene - prevent introduction and spread of infection
Milking machine:
- Damage to teats and teat ends
- Vector for spread of infection
Contamination of which part of the milking machine leads to transfer of pathogens onto teat skin?
How can inadequate milking machines lead to milk being flushed upwards into the teat canal, carrying pathogens with it?
Inadequate vacuums
Fluctuating vacuum
Blocked Air bleed
How can vacuums on milking machines lead to problems
- Too high
- Settings
- Regulator (usually in dairy) not working (if it is you should hear a hissing sound) - Fluctuating/ Inadequate vacuum:
- Inadequate vacuum pump
- Holes in tubing
- Liner slip/ clusters falling off
- Inadequate vacuum reserve
What are the consequences of a blocked air bleed?
Flooding of the claw piece
So milk not drained away from claw piece properly
- Teat end impacts
- Fluctuating vacuums
Why does faulty pulsation on milking machines cause problems?
Poor circulation
Set too fast (60 per minute) poor circulation
Set Inadequate rest phase (poor circulation)
Holes in tubing
List some simples tests that need to be carried out on milking machines
- Examine clusters: blocked air bleeds, cleanliness of liners, wear on liners, holes in tubing
- Vacuum gage in parlour note level and watch whilst milking and observe for fluctuations
- Liners slipping see, hear “shh” sound inadequate vacuum