Mastitis control 1 and 2 Flashcards
How can you or the farmer know:
- How much clinical mastitis there is on a farm?
- How much sub-clinical mastitis?
- What are the main pathogens causing problems ?
- In parlour monitoring
- Clinical case records
- Somatic cell counts
- Bulk tank bactoscan
- Bacteriology
- Multiplex PCR
How can in parlour monitoring provide information about mastitis in a herd?
Fore milking
Clinical Signs - visual and palpable changes in the udder
In line filters
- Individual
- Main milk filter
California mastitis test
What does the California mastitis test detect?
Can see which 1/4s of the udder are affected
Name 3 causes of photosensitisation
Plant ingestion
Liver disease
What is the target for the % of a herd affected by mastitis per year?
Less than 20%
A high mastitis recurrence rate is linked to which pathogens?
Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcus uberis
OR problems with therpay
How is seasonality linked to mastitis pathogens
Environmental when housed, contagious all year round
Milk exceeding a SCC of … will be excluded from the supermarket supply
How long are cows with SCC of 250,000+ excluded from supermarket supply?
3 months - until under 250,000
How is SCC linked to herd size?
In one survey, as herd size increased SCC decreased
What are the benefits of assessing individual cow cell counts?
- Identifies high cell count cows in herd, identifies chronically infected, stage of lactation
- Use to plan strategies for individual problem cows
How should you interpret an individual cell count of under 100,000 cells/ml?
No infection likely
How should you interpret an individual cell count of 100,000-200,000 cells/ml?
Likely one infected quarter with minor pathogen
How should you interpret an individual cell count of over 200,000 cells/ml?
Infected quarter with major pathogen - quarter not identified
List 4 contagious mastitis pathogens
Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcus uberis
Streptococcus agalactiae
Streptococcus dysgalactiae
What should happen to milk collected from cows with very high SCC
Dump it - should not enter the bulk tank
Once you have identified problem cows what are the next steps?
- Keep milk from tank if required
- Culture and sensitivity
- Tail tape
- Separate group
- Treat, cull or dry off any high SCC
- Mastitis investigation for underlying risk factors
How should you treat staph aureus and strep uberis infections?
Extended course of intramammary therapy e.g. cloxacillin 6 days or Systemic e.g tylosin
What is a bacteroscan?
An actual count of bacterial numbers in milk
Measured weekly or daily
A raised Bactoscan indicates what possible management problems?
Poor housing hygiene
Poor premilking teat preparation
High levels of mastitis on the farm
Poor plant cleaning