Military awards Flashcards
What is the purpose of the D.A. Military Awards Program?
Provide recognition for acts valor, exceptional service, special skills, and acts of heroism
What is the highest peacetime award for valor?
The soldier’s medal
What is an award?
A decoration, medal, badge, or ribbon given to an individual or unit
What is a decoration?
An award given to an individual for specific act of service
What is DA Form 7013?
Certificate of Appreciation
What is the highest award given by the Army in time of war?
The Medal of Honor
What is engraved on the reverse side of the Medal of Honor?
The grade, name, and organization of the awardee
What is engraved on the reverse side of every decoration (other than the medal of honor)?
The name of the awardee
How many stars are on the blue silk shield of the Army Medal of Honor is suspended from?
Who is the approving authority for the Medal of Honor?
The U.S. Congress
What AR covers military awards?
AR 600-8-22
Who awards the Medal of Honor?
What word is inscribed on the suspension bar of the medal of honor?
What is DA Form 2442?
Certificate of Achievement
What is the time limit for recommending an award?
Two years
How many V devices may be worn on a ribbon?
No more than 1
The V device is authorized for wear on what decorations?
Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star Medal, Air Medal, ARCOM, Joint Service commendation medal
How many different weapons are authorized component bars?
Who can make recommendations for an award?
Any person having knowledge of an outstanding act or achievement
To whom is the purple heart awarded?
To anyone wounded or killed in action against an armed enemy
What is the second highest award for valor?
Distinguished Service Cross
What is a DA Form 4950?
Good Conduct Medal Certificate
Name the four special skills tabs
Ranger, Special forces, President’s Hundred, Sapper
Name appurtenances
Oak leaf clusters, V devices, numerals, clasps, service stars, arrowhead, ten-year device, m device
What are the three Army Combat Badges?
Combat Infantryman Badge, Combat Action Badge, Combat medical badge