First Aid Flashcards
What FM covers First Aid?
FM 4-25.11
What is self aid?
Emergency treatment one applies to oneself
Name some items that you might use for a splint from your military equipment?
Rifle, entrenching tool, tent poles and stakes, web belt, and bayonent
what is the quickest way to splint a broken leg?
tie the broken leg securely to the unbroken leg
how many pressure points, which can be used to control bleeding with fingers, thumbs, or hands are there on the human body?
What is the object of first aid?
To stop bleeding; overcome shock; relieve pain; prevent infection
What is the unique feature of type “O” blood
it is a universal donor
When would you not remove a casualties clothing to expose a wound?
If in a chemical environment or if the clothing is stuck to the wound
what soldiers are most likely to suffer heat injuries?
soldiers: not accustomed to the heat, overweight soldiers, prior heat casualties, and already dehydrated (alcohol use, diarrhea, or lack of water)
What are the three categories of heat injuries.
heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke
What are the signs and symptoms
cramping of the extremities, excessive sweating, adominanal cramps
What is the treatment of heat cramps
move casulaty to cool shaded area, loosen or remove clothing, have them slowly drink water, seek medical attention
What is the treatment of heat exhaustion
move casulaty to cool shaded area, loosen or remove clothing, have them slowly drink water, elevate imbs, seek medical attention
What is the treatment of heat stroke
move casualty to cool shaded area, loosen or remove clothing, spray or pour water on them, massage extremities and skin, elevate limbs, slowly drink water, seek medical attention immediately
Two types of fractures
open and closed fractures
What are signs of open fracture
bone protruding through skin, bleeding
signs of closed fracture
swelling, distortion, deformity, unless body positions
What do you do first with an open fracture
stop bleeding
how tight should the turniquit be
enough to stop bright red bleeding
three types of bleeding
atrial bleeding, venous bleeding, capillary bleeding
four common areas for check pulse
wrist, neck, groin, ankle
how to treat shock
PELCRN, position casualty on back, elevate the legs, loosen clothing, reassure, notify med personnel
How to stop bleeding
apply field dressing, manual pressure, elevate limb, apply pressure dressing, digital pressure, apply turniquet
what is cpr
cardiopulmonary receitation
When do you stop cpr
person starts breathing on own, physically can’t continue, doctor tells you stop, relieved by others
rescue breathing
mouth to mouth and mouth to nose
what does aids stand for
Acquired Immune deficiency syndrom
what is aids
the end stage of hiv infection
how long is manual pressure applied for bleeding
5-10 minutes
what should you do before leaving a unconscious casulaty
place on side as to not choke on own vomit
what does cold stand for
keep it clean, avoid overheating, wear it loose, keep it dry
What are the 8 steps in evaluating a casualty
check for: responsiveness, breathing, pulse, bleeding, shock, fractures, burns, possible concussions