Customs and courtesies (American Flag) Flashcards
What AR cover salutes, honors and visits of courtesy?
AR 600-25
Salutes are not required to be rendered or returned when the senior or subordinate, or both are what?
In civilian attire.
Engaged in routine work if the salute would interfere.
Carrying articles with both hands so occupied as to make saluting impracticable.
Working as a member of a detail, or engaged in sports or social functions where saluting would present a safety hazard.
In public places such as theaters, churches, and in public conveyances.
In the ranks of a formation.
When do you salute inside a building?
When reporting to your commander When reporting to a pay officer When reporting to a military board At an indoor ceremony At sentry duty indoors
What is the origin of the salute?
The origin of the Hand Salute is uncertain. Some historians believe it began in late Roman times when assassinations were common. A citizen who wanted to see a public official had to approach with his right hand raised to show that he did not hold a weapon. Knights in armor raised visors with the right hand when meeting a comrade. This practice gradually became a way of showing respect and,in early American history, sometimes involved removing the hat. By 1820, the motion was modified to touching the hat, and since then it has become the Hand Salute used today.
Can you salute a prisoner?
No, they have lost the right be saluted.
What is the proper process for reporting to an Officer indoors?
Whenreporting to an officer in his office, the soldier removes his headgear,knocks, and enters when told to do so. He approaches within two steps of the officer’s desk, halts, salutes, and reports, “Sir (Ma’am), Private Jones reports.” The salute is held until the report is completed and the salute has been returned by the officer. When the business is completed, the soldier salutes, holds the salute until it has been returned, executes the appropriate facing movement, and departs. When reporting indoors under arms, the procedure is the same except that the headgear is not removed and the soldier renders the salute prescribed for the weapon with which he is armed.
What is the proper process for reporting to an Officer outdoors?
When reporting outdoors, the soldier moves rapidly toward the officer, halts approximately three steps from the officer, salutes, and reports (as when indoors). When the soldier is dismissed by the officer, salutes are again exchanged. If underarms, the soldier carries the weapon in the manner prescribed for saluting.
Enlisted members generally do not exchange salutes, what are some examples of when they would exchange salutes?
When rendering reports in formation
When reporting to an enlisted president of a board
On what command would you salute while in formation?
Individuals in formation do not salute or return salutes except at the command Present,ARMS
Is the recipient of the Medal of Honor (Enlisted or Commissioned) entitled to a salute ?
Where do you walk when walking with someone that is senior to you?
On the senior person’s left
When meeting an officer in the open, how far away should you be before rendering the hand salute?
Approximately 6 paces when our paths will bring you close by, or within speaking distance when making eye contact
Who salutes in a group of soldiers not in formation?
The first person to see the officer should call the group to attention and everyone should salute
When a President or Former President of the U.S. arrives and leaves an army installation, how many gun salute do they get?
21 gun salute, both times
When lowering the flag (retreat) the flag is folded (cocked hat) and treated as a cased color. Do persons meeting the flag detail salute the flag?
No. Once the flag has been folded (cocked hat), it is treated as a cased Color and not saluted by persons meeting the flag detail. The flag will be treated with the utmost dignity and respect but not be rendered any sort of honors.
Who will set the time of sounding reveille and retreat?
Installation commanders
During the sounding of reveille, when is the flag hoisted?
On the first note or reveille
At the last note of retreat, what will happen?
a gun will be fired (if available) on military installations, followed by the playing of the national anthem or sound of “To The Color” (using a drum and bugle corps, a bugler, or recorded music) concurrent with the lowering of the flag.The flag will be lowered to ensure completion at the last note of the music.The same respect will be observed by all military personnel whether the national anthem is played or “To the Color” is sounded.
When foreign soldiers are invited by U.S. forces to participate in parades, where will they be positioned?
they will be assigned a position of honor ahead of U.S. soldiers. As a special compliment, a small escort of honor composed of U.S. soldiers will precede the foreign soldiers.
What is the official song of the U.S. Army?
“The Army Goes Rolling Along”
When was “The Army Goes Rolling Along” dedicated by the Secretary of the Army?
Veterans Day, 11 November 1956, and officially announced on 12 December 19
During the playing of the Army Song, how will individuals stand?
They will stand at attention and sing the lyrics of the Army Song when played.
The Army Song is always played at the conclusion of what events
Honor Guard Ceremonies.
What is it customary for all Officers of a unit, organization or installation to do on New Year’s Day?
Call upon the commanding officer on New Year’s Day. The commander may designate a convenient hour and place for receiving such visits or omit the visit if desired. Commanders may exercise the option to have such visits take place on a day other than New Year’s Day if deemed more practical.
What personnel are included in Full Military Funeral Honors?
9–memberteam (6 pallbearers and/or firing party, a chaplain, and officer and/or NCO in charge, and a bugler (if available)). The team serves as pallbearers and thefiring party, folds and presents the American flag to the next of kin, and plays “Taps.” A member of the decedent’s parent military Service will present the flag
Who exits a military vehicle first?
The senior person, then in ascending order
What is the only time that you do not remove your headgear when reporting to an officer indoors?
When under arms
When are you considered to be under arms?
When you are carrying a weapon in your hand, by sling or by holster
How long is the call “to the color”
40 seconds
What are the courtesies rendered by individuals during Reveille if they are in uniform and in formation either with or without headgear?
Execute”Present Arms” at the command of officer or NCO in charge. Execute”Order Arms” at the command of officer or NCO in charge
What are the courtesies rendered by individuals during Reveille if they are in uniform and not in formation either with or without headgear?
At the first note of music, face flag and render hand salute (if flag is not in view, face direction of music).
End salute on last note of music
What are the courtesies rendered by individuals during Retreat and To the Color if they are in uniform and in formation either with or without headgear?
At the first note of Retreat, execute “Parade Rest” at the command of the officer or NCO in charge. Remain at Parade Rest until given “Attention” by officer or NCO in charge.
At the first note of To the Color, execute “Present Arms” at the command of officer or NCO in charge. Execute “Order Arms” at the command of officer or NCO in charge.
What are the courtesies rendered by individuals during Retreat and To the Color if they are in uniform and not in formation either with or without headgear?
At the first note of Retreat, face flag and stand at attention (if flag is not in view, face direction of music). Remain at attention until last note of “TO THE COLOR” has been played.
At the first note of To the Color: If outdoors, render hand salute; if indoors, stand at attention. Hold this position until the last note of music has been played
How many stripes are on the American Flag
13, 7 red, 6 white