Milestones, Screening & Vaccinations Flashcards
what is the purpose of screening children?
- check milestones
- check vaccination
- deliver health promotion
- target supervision & interventions to risk groups
what milestones are reached at 1 month?
- able to raise head from surface when lying on tummy
- pays attention to someone’s face
- moves arms & legs energetically
- likes to be held/rocked
what milestones are reached at 2 months?
- smiles and coos
- rolls part way to side when lying on back
- grunts & sighs
what milestones are reached at 3 months?
- eyes follow a moving object
- able to hold head erect
- grasps objects when placed in their hand
- babbles
what milestones are reached at 4 months?
- holds a rattle for extended period of time
- laughs out loud
- sits supported for short spells
- recognises bottle & familiar faces
what milestones are reached at 5 months?
- reaches for & holds objects
- stands firmly when help
- stretches out arms to be picked up
- likes to play peek a boo
what milestones are reached at 6 months?
- turns over from back to stomach
- turns towards sounds
- sits with a little suppport
- listens to own voice
- crows & squeals
what milestones are reached at 7 months?
- can transfer objects between hands
- can sit for a few minutes without support
- pats and smiles at image in mirror
- creeps
what milestones are reached at 8 months?
- can sit steadily for about 5 mins
- crawls on hands & knees
- grasps things with thumb & first 2 fingers
- likes to be near parent
what milestones are reached at 9 months?
- says mama / dada
- responds to name
- can stand for a short period of time
- able to hit objects together
- copies sounds
what milestones are reached at 10 months?
- able to pull self up while holding something
- can drink from a cup when held
what milestones are reached at 11 months?
- can walk holding onto things
what milestones are reached at 12 months?
- waves bye
- can walk with one hand held
- says 2 words beside mama/dada
- enjoys some solids
- finger feeds
what milestones are reached at 15 months?
- walking
- shows desires by pointing
- scribbles on paper
- begins using spoon
what milestones are reached at 18 months?
- can build block tower
- likes to climb
- can say 6 words
- drinks from cup
what milestones are reached at 2 years?
- able to run
- walks up & down stairs with alternating feet
- says about 50 words
- sometimes uses 2 word sentences
what milestones are reached at 3 years?
- knows gender
- dresses self
- can follow 2 commands
- knows body parts
- jumping
what milestones are reached at 4 years?
- wash hands and face without help
- can stand on 1 foot
- can catch tossed ball
what milestones are reached at 5 years?
- can follow 3 commands
- can skip
Why are children vaccinated?
- prevention of infectious diseases
- reduce/eliminate infection disease from community via herd immunity
examples of vaccines available?
- tetanus
- typhoid
- polio
- measles
- mumps
- rubella
why might people refuse childhood immunisation?
- religious / philosophical grounds
- prevent ‘painful assault’ on child
- benefits don’t outweigh risks