milestones Flashcards
prone to creeping and crawling
birth to 10-13months
supine to prone is modified to partial roll and sit up pattern
2-3 years
symmetrical sit up pattern
4-5 years
kicking a ball, steering push toy, pulling on simple garment
2 years
walk on tip toes, jump with both feet, stand on one foot, throw and catch a ball using arms and body together
2.5 years
galloping but leading with preferred foot
2.5 years
pulling off pants and socks
eating with spoon with little spilling
2.5 years
impulse control
2.5 years
temporal sequence of further development of foot locomotion patterns: walking, running, single leap, jumping down, or bounce-jumping and galloping
- 5 years
alternate feet when ascending stairs, control speed of movement, pleasure in riding tricycle
3 years
hopping - momentary, single hop on preferred foot
3 years
feed themselves well and hold a glass with only one hand
3 years
put on pants, socks, and shoes (buttoning difficult)
3 years
potty training
3 years
less secure and physically coordinated, stumbling frequently, fear of falling
3.5 years
hands may show excessive dysmetria during block stacking
3.5 years
mealtime trying because food must be put on plate in a certain way
3.5 years
dressing process with special objection being expressed against clothing that goes over the head
3.5 years
10% difficult, 15% slow to warm up, wild, self-confidence, bragging
preschool aged
walk downstairs with one foot per step, catch w/ hands only
4 years
learn to use roller skates or small bike
4 years
athletic activities - running, jumping, climbing
4 years
button large buttons, lace shoelaces
4 years
feed themselves independently except for cutting and talk and eat at the same time
4 years
washing hands, face and brushing teeth and dressing and undressing without help EXCEPT tying shoes and differentiating front from back of some clothing
4 years
dodge well, skip, long jump about 2 feet, climb with sureness, jump rope, acroatic tricks
5 years
handedness is established and overhand throwing
5 years
likes household tasks, play with blocks, build houses
5 years
eating is independent including knife (except for meat cutting)
5 years
no longer difficulty with dressing - undressing is easier than dressing
5 years
constantly on the go
6 years
practicing body balance in climbing, crawling over and under, dancing
6 years
swing too high, build too tall, try activities exceeding their ability - seems less coordinated than previous yearq
6 yeras
falling out of chair or knocking over full glasses may occur
6 years
begin to ride a bike (although other factors attribute to this)
6 years
roll from sidelying to supine
1-2 months
roll from supine to sidelying
4-5 monthsr
roll from prone
4 months
roll from supine to prone
6-8 months
segmental rotation
9 months
primary circular reactions (suck thumb, kick)
1-4 months
secondary circular reactions (shake rattle for sound)
4-8 months
intentional, goal directed behavior (object permanence)
8-12 months
preoperational stage
2-7 years
concrete operational stage
7-11 years
formal operational stage
11+ years
steady state gait flow & ages:
run (2) –> gallop (4) –> hop (4) –> skip (5)i
infants able to hold up head and upper trunk, but not sit independently
4-5.5 months
able to sit independently briefly or prop themselves on their arms
5-6.5 months
independent sitting, but not yet crawling
6-8 months
postural control is mature by:
10-12 years