Milestones Flashcards
Social: birth
Makes brief eye contact
Verbal: birth
Cries with discomfort
Calms to adult voice
Gross Motor: birth
Reflexively moves arms and legs
Turns head to side when on stomach
Fine Motor: birth
Holds fingers closed
Grasps reflexively
Social: 1 month
Calms when picked up or spoken to
Looks briefly at objects
Verbal: 1 month
Alerts to unexpected sound
Makes brief short vowel sounds
Gross Motor: 1 month
Holds chin up in prone
Fine Motor: 1 month
Holds finger more open at rest
Social: 2 months
Social smile
Verbal: 2 months
Vocalizes with simple cooing
Gross Motor: 2 months
Lifts head and chest in prone
Fine Motor: 2 months
Opens and shuts hands
Social: 4 months
Laughs aloud
Verbal: 4 months
Turns to voice
Vocalizes with extended cooing
Gross Motor: 4 months
Rolls over prone to supine (belly to back)
Supports on elbows and wrists in prone
Fine Motor: 4 months
Keeps hands un-fisted
Plays with fingers in midline
Grasps objects
Social: 6 months
Pats or smiles at reflection
Begins to turn when name called
Verbal: 6 months
Gross Motor: 6 months
Rolls over supine to prone (back to belly)
Sits briefly without support
Fine Motor: 6 months
Reaches for objects and transfers
Rakes small object with 4 fingers
Bangs small object on surface
Palmar grasp
Social: 9 months
Uses basic gestures (holds arms out to be picked up, waves)
Looks for dropped objects
Picks up food with fingers and eats it
Turns when name called
Verbal: 9 months
Says “Dada” or “Mama” nonspecifically