Migration, identity, and Sovereignty Flashcards
In most advanced economies what % of the population is immigrants?
What % of Japan’s population is immigrants?
Why is migration limited in Japan?
Japanese is not an international language + closed door policy towards migrants
By 2060 what will the ratio of workers to retirees in Japan be?
3 workers for every 2 retirees
What is Singapore’s population?
5.7 million
What is Singapore’s stance on immigration?
Open policy towards economic migrants
What is Singapore’s two tier system?
Recognises foreign workers (unskilled workers) and foreign talent (skilled workers)
What is Australia’s stance on immigration?
Very strict policies, based on skills and employment.
In 2013 how many economic migrants entered Australia?
Until 1973 how did the Australian government select migrants?
Mostly based on race and ethnicity.
In 1978 how much of China’s population lived in cities?
In 2020 how much of China’s population lived in cities
What are the Celtiberian Highlands?
A region east of Madrid facing rapid depopulation
What is the population density in the Celtiberian Highlands?
8 people/ km^2
What effect does rural unemployment have on the Celtiberian highlands?
Many young people migrate to Madrid and Barcelona for employment.
What is the Schengen area?
An area within which member countries have abolished border controls at mutual borders
How many states are in the Schengen area?
In 2023 how many illegal immigrants were detected entering the UK?
What % of illegal immigrants claimed asylum in the UK in 2023?
In the 1990s how much did the number of Mexican workers in the US increase?
2.9 million
How did the US unemployment rate change from 1990-2000
Went down from 6.3% to 3.9%
By what % did the Mexican foreign born population in the US increase during the 90s?
How much did Mexican workers send home in remittances in 2022?
55.9 billion USD
How many ethnic groups are there in the DRC?
What state did Belgium, Germany, and the UK establish?
Uganda and Rwanda
What happened to the Hutu and Tutsi populations as a result of post-colonialism?
The population became fragmented by the establishment of Rwanda and Uganda
From 1998 to 2008 how many people died in Africa?
5 million
During the 90s shy did the DRC’s neighbouring states enter with armies?
To support ethnic groups with whom the claimed kinship
What is the ethnic composition of Crimea?
58% Russian, 12% Tatar, 24% Ukrainian
When did Russia Annex crimea?
Why did Russia Annex Crimea?
On the basis that most of the population was ethnically Russian and the Ukranian government wasn’t protecting them
What is China’s stance on Taiwan?
China still claims sovereignty over Taiwan and regards it as a rebel province
By what year does China need to have unified with Taiwan according to XI Jinping?
Who controlled Vietnam before WW2?
Who controlled Vietnam during WW2?
What happened to Vietnam after WW2?
Ho Chi Minh took over the North and proclaimed independence from the French
How did the UN intervene in Vietnam?
Split the country into the communist north and the capitalist south.
What happened in Vietnam after the UN intervention?
A guerilla campaign emerged and turned into war
How many died in Vietnam as a result of the war?
3 million
What sanctions were placed on Iran in 2012?
An oil embargo was put into place to limit the countries revenue.
Why were sanctions placed on Iran in 2012?
There were suspicions that Iran was making nuclear weapons.
Which nations imposed sanctions on Iran?
EU and the US sanctioned the Iranian oil sector and the US also imposed financial sanctions targeting the central bank
What impacts did the Iranian oil embargo have on Iran and the globe?
Iran experienced unemployment, inflation and a shrinking GDP. The oil market was also disrupted on a global scale.
Since 1999 how much has been spent on UN peacekeeping troops?
10 billion USD
What is MONUSCO?
The UN mission to stabilise the democratic republic of Congo
How many UN peacekeepers were stationed in the DRC in 2017?
What are the benefits of the UN peacekeepers in the Congo?
They provide the Congolese people with protection from rebel militias.
What are the negatives of the UN peacekeepers in the Congo?
They have become dependent on external support to maintain stability.
What did the ICJ rule in 2005?
Uganda must compensate the DRC for plundering natural resources.
Who was Thomas Lubanga?
Leader of Union of Congolese patriots.
What happened to Thomas Lubanga?
In 2012 he was convicted of war crimes by the ICC
Why did Jamaica have to undergo a SAP?
It is classified as an upper-middle income country so did not qualify for HIPC
How much more does Jamaica spend on debt repayments than healthcare?
Twice as much.
How did Jamaica get into to debt after receiving the Loan from the IMF?
The loans weren’t used effectively due to government corruption.
What economic impacts did the SAP have on Jamaica?
The Jamaican economy produced less than before the SAP, Jamaica’s debt grew exponentially, and Jamaican economic sovereignty was greatly undermined.
What social impacts did the SAP have on Jamaica?
Food prices increased due to devaluation while wages stayed low, and healthcare and education spending was cut.
How much has Jamaica repaid compared to how much they borrowed?
Repaid 19.8 bn USD, 18.5 bn USD, and still owes7.8 bn USD
What is the Montreal Protocol?
An agreement between 197 countries to ban the production of Ozone depleting chemicals.
What effect did the Montreal protocol have?
The hole in the Ozone layer has shrank significantly returning to 1980 levels by 2070.
What is CITES?
An agreement between 182 countries that requires all imports and exports of species protected by the convention.
Why is CITES controversial?
Some decisions were influenced by commercial interests, for example Bluefin Atlantic Tuna are not protected by the Convention.
What is UNCLOS?
UN Convention on the laws of the Sea.
What does UNCLOS do?
Ratified by 166 countries it defines the boundaries of coastal zones and establishes guidelines for business and the environment.
What are the Helsinki rules?
A set of guidelines for the use of trans-boundary water resources eventually replaced by the Berlin rules.
What are the criticisms of the Helsinki rules?
Brazil, Belgium, and China claimed that the rules are an infringement on their sovereignty, there is also no mechanism to enforce the rules of the convention.
What is the Antarctica treaty system?
An agreement initially between 12 countries setting out guidelines for activities carried out in Antarctica
What are the basic terms set out by the Antarctic treaty?
Military activities are prohibited, states forfeit territorial sovereignty in the area, and guarantees freedom to conduct scientific research in the area.
What is JLR?
Jaguar Land Rover automotive company.
What country is JLR from?
The UK
Who purchased JLR in 2008?
Tata motors limited an Indian automotive company.
What were the Tata company’s motives?
To reduce costs and access emerging markets in India and China.
How did JLR achieve their goals?
By opening a new manufacturing plant in India.
What is Catalonia?
A region of Spain seeking independence.
How much of Spain’s wealth is Catalonia responsible for?
Why does Catalan want independence?
Catalan is a separate language to Spanish, many Catalans do not see themselves as Spanish, and they feel they contribute more than their fair share in taxes.
What important events have there been in the Catalonian independence movement?
Held an illegal referendum in 2017 90% of voters wanted independence.
What happened in Scotland in 2014?
Scottish independence referendum.
What was the outcome of the Scottish independence referendum?
55% voted to remain and 45% voted to leave the UK.
Why did some Scots want independence?
They felt that Westminster was not protecting their interests. For example, many Scots wanted to remain in the EU.
What % of the Cayman islands’ GDP is from financial services?
How many companies are registered in the Cayman islands?
How many of the world’s top investment banks and insurance companies are licensed in the Cayman islands?
What are tax rates like in the Cayman islands?
There is no income tax, company or corporation tax.
Is Somalia a failed state?
It has been classed as a failed state since 1991.
What caused Somalia to become a failed state?
Rival war lords fighting for control.
What is life expectancy in Somalia?
55 years (men) 59 years (women)