Migration From Norway To The US Flashcards
Who wrote “The promise of America” and what’s it about?
Odd S. Lovoll: it’s about the migration from Norway to the US with many viewpoints
Who wrote “Why did they leave?” And what’s it about?
Berit Eide Johnsen: it’s about the mmigration from Norway to America, looking at push and pull factors
How many people left Norway?
More than 900.000. Most if them to North America, but some few to South America, South Africa and Australia
How many left between 1865 and 1930?
780.000 - 87%
When are the four waves of emigration and how many left in those periods on average per year?
1866-73: 12.500 per year
1880-93: 18.000 per year
1901-10: 19.000 per year
1921-30: 8.660 per year
When was the pioneer phase of emigration?
How many returned to Norway later?
About 1/3
When was peak year emigration?
1882: 29.000
Where were the migrates mostly from?
The inner fjords in West Norway and the mountain valleys in East Norway in the pioneer phase. After that migrates came from all of Norway
What was special with the many that returned?
They brought with them American culture to Norway
Who left?
Mostly young, healthy men. There were more men leaving than women, but relatively more women in the later phases. The poorest couldn’t afford to leave and went to Northern Norway instead. At the start it was mostly families, but around 1900 there were more unmarried men and women
Why did the first leave Norway?
For religious reasons. The first from Stavanger in 1825 where Quakers ans seeked a more liberal society
What other reasons could make America seem like a more liberal and freer continent?
Political and personal opposition in the Norwegian society. It was difficult to disagree with the majority in Norway
What is the theory of Thorvald Moe on why people left?
87% left because of demographic conditions and economic reasons. There where economic crisis, especially in the 1880’s. There was a population growth after 1814 and there was insufficient amount of food and land. There was also an emigration culture in the south of Norway due to emigration to Holland in 1600 and 1700
What is the story of the first migrates in 1825?
They where 53 people who reached New York on a small sailing ship. On board a woman gave birth. Many of them where Quakers and Haugians. They new about America because Stavanger was a port with international connections
How did the information about America spread?
Through books and newspapers, but most important letters from Norwegians in America. Letters that often were written for anyone to read
Why where there shifting numbers of migrates year to year?
Because of shifting conditions both in America and Norway like bad conditions in Norwegian agriculture during the 1830’s, the American civil war 1861-65, wWW1 1914-18 and the Great Depression
How was America attracting migrants?
Labour demand, 1862 homestead act and growth of industry, railway building, trade etc
How many Americans claimed Norwegian ancestry in 1990?
3 900 000 (2% of the American population)
What areas are famous for Norwegian Americans?
Minnesota and the Dakotas
How many emigrants left Agder from 1840-1960?
About 100 000
When and how many left at the height of migration from Agder?
60 000 left between 1880-1915
Why did emigration from Agder differ from the rest of Norway as emigration was higher in Agder between 1890-1920?
Because Agder had a shipbuilding and shipping based economy which was declining at that time. Agricultural and population growth was not as important factors
What is chain migration?
Migration based on large groups of people connected either as family or friends
What’s the story of Johan Reinert Reiersen?
He was a schoolmaster in Vestre Moland and he was born there in 1810. He eventually wrote for Christianssandsposten about emigration to America. He emigrated to Texas and was unsuccessful in estabilising a large Norwegian colony. However, he convinced hundreds of Norwegians to migrate through his letters and publications in the newspaper
What’s the story behind Elise Tvede Wærenskjold?
Born in 1815. She was a promoter of emigration to Texas who emigrated in 1847. She was the first female editor in Norway from 1846 taking over “Norge og Amerika” by Johan Reinert Reiersen. She died in 1885 and wrote a lot, earning the nickname the lady with the pen
How was seperation and divorce an emigration cause?
Divorce was extremely rare ans taboo in the early 1800s. The authorities demanded seperation for at least 3 years and mutual agreement to grant a license for divorce. If you travelled to America you didn’t have to have an official divorce from Norway to mary again in America
Why didn’t people emigrate earlier?
Because families didn’t grow much larger before after 1814 as more children survived
Was the push or the pull factors more important in Norway?
The push factors were definitely more important
What was the consequence of many men leaving Norway conpared to women?
There where several towns and regions in Norway with an abundance of single women
Was Norway quick to adapt from sailing ships to steamships??
No. Norway was unable to make that transition in the 1860’s when other countries did
Why did Norwegians leave for America?
Religious freedom, migration tradition in the coastal communities, growing information about America, poor living conditions, population pressure, economic crisis, seeking a more liberal state
When was there an international crisis and how affected it Norway?
1847 which hit Norway in the later years. It went especially hash on iron works, lumber exports and shipping. Shipyard workers ans sailors became unemployed. Crop failure from 1846 and onwards made it worse, especially for Ireland
How did the Norwgians settle in Texas?
Next to each other, reestablishing the neighbourhood
Only once before has Norway had such high level of migration, when?
During the Viking Age
What was Norway’s population in the 1800s?
Only 880 000
How many belonged to the different classes in Norway in the 1800s?
Upper class: 2%
Middle class: 50%
Lower class: 48%
How many lived in rural areas in Norway?
About 91%
When, why and how many left eastern Norway for the first time?
- Mostly people from Tinn. 59 people went as a result of bad harvests and inability to exploit the resources any further
How was the Homestead Act great great for Norwegians?
It came in 1862 giving away free land, and many left Norway from 1866 onwards because of agricultural crisis