Migration Flashcards
Why did vikings invade in 793
Terrain was better in England than Scandinavia
This led to mass immigration to uk from vikings
When was the battle of eddington and what happened
- First Viking loss. Led to peace treaty where Viking would convert to Christianity and to stop taking over Britain instead there would be a split.
What was the Viking half of England called
The Dane law
What did Alfred feel after 878
He became the king of England unanimously and made everybody read and write.
What are birs
Structures to stop vikings invading
Birs later became castles
What happened after Alfred
Son Edward took over and continues legacy
Who was aethelred
12 yr old king
What did awthelred do for the Vikings
Paid them so they wouldn’t invade him as the Vikings were invading frequently. However the Vikings came back
Who did aethelred marry
Emma Duke of normandy
How much did aethelred pay the Vikings to leave him alone
1.8 million in todays money
What happened in 1002 and aethelred
Mass murder innocent Vikings in the Dane law to deter the Vikings that would come for him for money
What mistake did aethelred make in his massacre in 1002
Killed fawkbeard sister, wich led to fawkbeard taking over england in anger as athelred escaped in fear
Who is king fawkbeard son
King Cnut
What did king Cnut do for England
Established them as danish colony, became part of the North Sea empire.
Cnut had unified England
Was Cnut liked and why
Yes, king Cnut was church man who stopped wars in England.
Who did Cnut marry
Emma of Normandy - athelred ex wife
What did Norman’s do in Britain
Lots of castles
Made French a main language
Controlled Britain with iron fist
Lots of churches
What did William give to his kids
Oldest England
Middle Normandy
Youngest nothing
What did Henry II do to further his great grandads legacy
Invade Ireland
Marry Eleanor of acquitane
What is acquitane
Acquitane is rich part of France that Henry married into
What is Angevin empire
Was the Norman kingdom but increased to whole of Britain and France instead of Normandy and Britain
Who was king John
Henry II youngest
What mistake did John make
Tried to overtake his brother - ended up fighting himself as brother died- bad fighter and lost lots of England
What did John do to make up for his mistakes
Raised taxes in England
Who did John work with
Phillip 2nd
What was johns nick name due to his bad leading
What was 100 yrs war
Edward claimed to be king of France as his uncle was king of France
What was happening in Bordeaux during hyw
England were making lots of money in wine. France threatened to steal and invade
Why did hyw last so long
War costs money. When they would run out they would truce until they had again. This became cycle
What were three stages of hundred year war
Stage 1 : Edward third capturing land in France
Stage 2 : France winning back the land they lost- which made the war become equal again
Stage 3 : Joan of arc becomes well known leader for France in this war - which France eventually become overall winners and win back the whole of France
What was conclusion of hyw
France winning everything back England losing all of France - modern day France
What were Jon of arc origins
Peasant girl
Why did Joan of arc protest for liberation of France in hyw
Heard voices when she was 13 from st Michael instructing her to support king of France
What was battle of ajincore
Henry v manage to defeat French who were stuck in mud so they couldn’t move
How many French troops die in agincore
7k-10k French loss
100 England loss
How did the hyw effect Britain and its citizens
People living in squalor poor people fields ransacked
Bad living environment
What did hyw cause for economy
Taxes had to be raised
What were positive impacts of hyw
England became very good at war and military due to experience
Intro of canons and guns
England became nationalist
Who is John cabbotvand what did he find
He found modern day Canada also known as Newfoundland which Britain claimed
What did Britain do when they found America and the Caribbean
Colonized the shot out of it
Why was religion a factor in the colonialzarion of America
England weee in competition with Spain which caused them to want to further push Protestant ideals instead of letting Spain push catholic ideals
Why were people moving to Caribbean
Business opportunities
Religious reasons
What did privateers job change to
It changed to killing pirates as Britain were losing lots of money from em
What is the triangle trade
Manafactured goods from Europe would be sent to Africa and traded for kidnapped Africans who would then be sent to America who would be slavers and cotton and tobacco was then sent back to England to be sold
How much did Britain profit from slave trade
60 million pound in span of 40 yrs
What was Manchester called due to the trade
What did slave trade cause the citizens to think
That white men were more important and better
What was Jamestown
First colony in Virginia - made by sir Walter raleigh- purpose to find gold -
What happened to colonists in James town
Started to die out cause they didn’t know how to live
Got help from indigenous tribes
Who were the pilgrim fathers
People who went to America just to live freely
Tried to set up a place to live named new Plymouth
Profited of fishing
Who was rownow
Man who killed colonist cause he thought they were hurting the earth
How much were indigenous tribes affected
500k in 1500 - 280k in 1700
What was navigation laws
Britain putting tax on anything that was exported from America
Hurt many independent colonies who strayed away from Britain
What was stamp act
Britain made Americans pay for every official piece of paper they used
What was Boston tea party
Britain taxed tea
So Americans dressed up as indigenous people and dumped 11000 lbs of tea in harbour
Began war of independence
What is Guerilla warfare
Style of war Americans used
Sneak attacks
Who was leading the war for independence
George Washington
Why did uk loose
Because the ships would take a long time to get to America making it hard to sustain in the war
What were Huguenots
Group of people living in France who are Protestants living in predominantly catholic country
Who was martin Luther
Man who called out catholisism causing rise of Protestantism
What is st bartholemews massacre
Where Huguenots massacred 1k
Which led to Huguenots moving to uk
What affect did huegenors have on Britain
They integrated and thrived in industries strengthening the economy
What did James I do in Ireland to get the people to like him
Planted Protestant families
This caused tension and problems later for Ireland
What were highland clearances
Where James kicked out many catholics in Scotland cause they didn’t like him. Led to rate of 2k evictions a day of families
What did highland clearance lead to
Scots moving to America and the careibean
What did Vasco de garma do
Found efficient route to India such led to more trading and colonisation
What did European countries set up in India
Trading stations
What did Robert clive do
Go to war with princes in India to take land
What is Indian rebellion
What were Sikh boys
Men in India who were used as police and army against India hired by Britain seen as lesser
What was grease cartridge
Used to make guns more efficient
Why was grease cartridge controversial
Caused si poy to go against religion as the cartridges were covered in cow fat and pork fat
What was punishment for not using cartridges
Imprisonment for 10 yrs
What did Britain do in retaliation to India’s massacre of women
70000 troops to India to massacre the indians
What did Britain do in retaliation to India’s massacre of women
70000 troops to India to massacre the Indians
What did Britain do with dead Indian bodies
Wrap them in pig skin and cow skin and bury them
What did Britain do with dead Indian bodies
Wrap them in pig skin and cow skin and bury them
What is birding conference
Where European countries came together and decided what part of Africa they want
What is maxim gun
First machine gun used against African tribes
Who was Cecil thoades
Thought Britain was superior and thought that it was evolutionary correct for Britain to take over the world
Who was Benjamin Disraeli
Person who bought Suez Canal
What did Britain buy in 1882
All pst offices and ports in egypt
How long did boer wars last
What is scorch earth policy
Where Britain couldn’t kill boers so burnt down all of their land and crop
How many troops did uk send to spit sfrica
What did Britain notice about the boers they were hiring for their army
They were malnourished so 1/3 couldn’t weren’t fit to fight
When was disease that killed potato’s found
What was immigration act in 1950
Where Britain only allowed people in that had job already lined up for them