Gulf Flashcards
Causes of Iran-Iraq war
Shat al Arab water
Iran broke 1937 treaty
Iraq feared Shia take over so he attacked Iran
Iraq wanted to rule the whole of the Middle East and become the sole state
Consequences of Iran Iraq war
Iran had 1m casualties
Declining oil sales
500k causualties
50% drop in oil sales
Economic impact
Regional instability
When did Soviet Union invade Afghan
Consequences of soviet invasion
15k soviet dead
1.5 mil afgahans dead
Many left refugees
Causes of gulf war
Iraq owed 80b to Saudi and Kuwait
He though invading Kuwait would solve this
Saddam thought Kuwait had boosted their oil supply illegally out of OPEC
He thought the territory and coastline would be good helped pan Arabic views
Why did Saddam think USA would help him in gulf war
They funded him during the Iran Iraq war
How did USA defeat Iraq in gulf war
Operation desert storm
Began on 17 Jan
USA attacked Baghdad military then Kuwait
Successfully drove out 42 Iraqi divisions
Ended on 28 February
Consequences of gulf war
Iraq had sanctions
Reduce oil
No fly zones preventing attacks on Kurds
Eliminate biological weapons
Iraq economy destroyed
Why did people join al qaeda
To protest poverty societal political suppression eg deprived Arabs
Used Islam to spread terrorist messages
How many people died in 9/11
How much did repetitions for 9/11 cost
15 b
What was aim of 9/11
Provoke USA into hostile reaction which would trigger pan Arab state
Why did 9/11 happen
USA involvement in Middle Eastern affairs
What was Afghanistan war
Us removal of taliban and al qaeda
Treatment of citizens by taliban
Women oppressed
Killed shias
Abuse of human rights
How many hazards kill in 1998 due to taliban
Consequences of afghan war
Taliban regimes collapsed
Afghanistan poor
Taliban re ignited
What was Iraq war
War on terror after 9/11
Un oil for food
Causes of Iraq war
Oil intrests from us
Iraq as a rogue state
Links to terrorism
Why was us interested in Iraq oil supply
Iraq had 5th biggest oil supply
Fuel prices rising
Why was ira suspected to have weapons of mass destruction
Inspectors from unscom prohibited from seeing sites where weapons were made by angry crowds
2 us spy planes claimed to have seen intelligence that Saddam would have information in 2-3 years
Us iraq links to terrorism
Us thought Iraq may have supplied Osama with arms and intelligence and creating biological weapons
Saddam is speculated to have communicated with al qaeda
Consequences of Iraq war
Conflict pursued after Saddams removal
Insurgency of revolts
Gas reserves burned off
No electrical
2.7 million displaced
Hundred of thousand dead