Midterms_Mesodermal Derivatives Flashcards
What are the four major lineages of the mesoderm
Lateral, Intermediate, Paraxial, and Chorda-mesoderm
Intermediate mesoderm gives rise to?
Kidney and Gonads
Axial mesoderm gives rise to?
Paraxial mesoderm gives rise to?
Head and Somite
Somites give rise to 3?
Sclerotome, Myotome, Dermotome
Lateral Mesoderm gives rise to?
Splanchnic, somatic, extraembryonic tissues
Give the derivatives:
Sclerotome: Cartilage
Myotome: Skeletal Muscle
Dermatome: dermis
Splanchnic: Circulatory System
Somatic: Body cavity
a transient support structure that is eventually replaced by the
vertebral column.
Function of axial mesoderm
include inducing neural tube formation and establishing an anteroposterior axis.
The remnant of the notochord is the?
Nucleus pulposus
Nucleus pulposus location?
invertebral disks
Thick bands of mesodermal cells that are located on each side of the neural tube are called?
paraxial mesoderm
what region of the paraxial mesoderm become the head?
Head mesoderm gives rise to?
craniofacial musculature
The rest of the paraxial mesoderm soon separates into blocks of cells called?
Somites give rise to cells that form the vertebrae and ribs, the dermis of the dorsal skin, skeletal muscles of the back, skeletal muscles of the body wall, and limbs. They are referred to as what in birds and mammals?
Birds: Segmental plate
Mammals: Unsegmental mesoderm
The formation of somites is referred to as?
What are the five developmental characteristics?
Process of periodicity
The paraxial mesoderm cells become organized into whorls of cells called somitomeres. They first
appear in the cephalic region of the embryo then develop in a cephalocaudal direction. At the head
region, somitomeres form most of the head mesenchyme. At the occipital region, the somitomeres become compacted and bound together by an
Process of Separation
This is the transition from somitomeres to somite. It involves gene expression of the receptor tyrosine kinase Eph4 and their ligand EphrinB2, both of which cause cell-to-cell repulsion leading to the separation of cells. So, somitomeres are separated from each other
at the boundaries where Eph4 is expressed anteriorly and EphrinB2 is expressed posteriorly. In succeeding somitomeres, EphrinB2 occurs sequentially from anterior
to posterior. Different species have different numbers of somites (ex: 50 in chicks and 500 in snakes).
Process of epithelialization
When the mesenchyme cells express the paraxis gene, they synthesize fibronectin and N-cadherin. These molecules are responsible for linking them together, forming tight junctions, and generating their own basal membrane, converting it into an epithelium.
Process of specification
Initially, the somites look identical. However, they will soon be differentiated into various structures depending on the position along the anteroposterior axis.