MIDTERM W 5-7 Flashcards
a particular government or a system or method of government
system of rule even though govs can come and go
- set of stable of rules for selecting gov
regime that Involves participation (widespread)
people vote directly against or in favor of decisions, policies, laws,
Canada - not everyone can put self forward for gov
○ Age
toleration of opposition
Abilitiy to impose criticisim of government
Committees are groups of parliaments looking at bills in closer detail
Can stop a discussion if needed
Be accountable to actions at a reasonable standard
Make sure money is being spent on what was said
part of democracy
what constitutes a democratic regime
toleration of opposition and accountability are fundamentally necessary for a regime to be democratic
transparency and public participation and government responsiveness
1. Accountability 2. Participation 3. Pluralism 4. Rule of law 5. Transparency 6. toleration of opposition
is democratic regime good for country?
considered a positive system for countries because it provides mechanisms for representation, accountability, and individual freedoms
non-democratic regime
a system of government or a country in which the leaders are not elected by the people, or not elected in a way that is considered to be fair
Bulk of ppl have no practical say in who governs them, making the gov people impossible
Only in the former can citizens change their gov through a vote in a regularly scheduled election
Exists where there are large # of organizatiosn that actively pursue political objectives free from gov control
- Ensures citts have many choices and a potential ability to influence gov decisions
Pluralism is a necessary feature of democratic gov
In non-dmeo, the state works to limit pluralism.
part of democracy
market view of democracy
decision-making as an aggregation of indv preferences
democracy as a forum
is viewed as a forum for discussion, where citizens participate in conversations involving their government.
encourages deliberation and discussion among citizens
delegate and trustee
Those who elect - take preferences and turn them into real world outcomes
Come up with common good and make decisions that you may not agree with or thought about
majority rule in results in “greatest happiness of the greatest number”
delibrative defence of majority rule
principle of collective reasoning and open discussion. In a deliberative democracy, majority rule is valued because it respects equal participation, encourages diverse perspectives, and aims to reach decisions that reflect the well-considered views of the most people.
Majority rules in practice are going to lead to deliberation
Process of getting to majority rules or expressing it leads to deliberation
Come through without having to engineer it
feature limited public participation and a lack of pluralism, and corrupted accountability mechanisms
Must have appearance of accountability but don’t function as accountability checks on leader in any specific ways
North korea, china, Russia
a growing field of political development where authoritarian leaders incorporate elements of democracy that stabilize their regimes.
Have democratic characteristics
Pluralism is not completely absent
Opposition parties are often silenced at key moments, etc
In betweener
Element of competition that is more than insignificant
Some form of pluralism and tolerism
Have accountability methods on paper but all is not what it seems
structural government transition from an authoritarian government to a more democratic political regime, including substantive political changes moving in a democratic direction
opposite of democratization
measuring regime types
Freedom house has yearly classifications since 1972
countries evaluated according to political rights (PR) and civil liberty (CL)
score of 0-4 for 10 indicators of PR (40) and CL (60)
Turkey’s de- democratization
in EU, First criteria is that your regime must be democratic
- turkey is not
leaders should conced power gracefull
exercise power according to spirit and rule of law
compromise part of everyday gov
multual toleration between poli foes
turkey is viewd as hybrig or competitive authoritarian regime
competitive authoritarian
hybrid form of government that combines elements of both authoritarianism and democracy. While these regimes maintain the appearance of democratic institutions, they use authoritarian tactics to limit genuine competition and retain power.
rule of law
Having a gov of laws
- Demands gov must be bound by same laws as its citizens
- Applied impartially to all
Gov interference in jsutice system is not tolerated
responsible gov
government that is responsible to the people. In Canada, responsible government is an executive or Cabinet that depends on the support of an elected assembly
Prime Minister
head of gov in parla system
unicameral and bicameral legislature
the sovereign law-making institiution
unicameral legislature is distinguished by the presence of only one chamber in which all of a state’s legislative duties are exercised. A
bicameral legislature, on the other hand, is defined as a legislative arrangement in which law-making responsibilities are divided between two different houses or assemblies
head of government
the PM
cabinet ministers
It is the body of ministerial advisors that sets the federal government’s policies and priorities for the country.