Midterm Terms Flashcards
American Association of Retired Persons
In the state of CA, a person with power of attorney over a minor
Do Not resuscitate
Springing POA
When power of attorney becomes active at a specific time, like when a person becomes incompetent
becomes a problem when someone tries to gain access to the clients bank accounts etc
To mix funds
A process that shows a court all financial records of the estate and the conservator for the past 2 years
temporary assistance for needy families
Primary Insurance Amount. Average of highest 35 years of earnings.What a workers retirement benefit is based on
loss of brain function caused by disease
Skilled nursing facility
Pro Per/Pro Se
For oneself or on one’s own behalf. To represent oneself legally
Spend Down
What clients must do in order to have a net worth of $2,000 to be eligible for Medi-Cal and SNF insurance
for conflict on Interest. When a lawyer can not represent a client because he/she has represented a family member or opposing party
One who is responsible for and has power of attorney over a person who is a legal adult
One who acts on behalf of the principal in health care situations
Durable POA
POA that is valid despite incompetence of principal
Sub Judgement
for a will or living trust, it is for the agent to conform to the best interest of the person they are being assigned to or acting in favor of
A federal health care system for those who are over 65, have certain disabilities, or are in renal failure.
Windfall Elimination Provision. A worker who is eligible for governmental pension may have have social security benefits reduced, but not eliminated
Loss of contact with reality, includes seeing and hearing things that are not present. Can be seen in Dementia and Delirium
Part A
Hospital Insurance, often has a “gap” in what it will pay and high co-pays. Only covers skilled careq
Part B
General medical insurance for doctors visits and preventive health care
Part D
Prescription Drug Care coverage that subsidizes the cost of prescription drugs for medicare beneficiaries.
Poor, without funds
Medicaid is…
A state-administered program, fully funded by the federal government available to certain individuals and families who meet certain guidelines relating to income assets and resources
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Percentage of the highest 35 years of earnings, a worker’s retirement income is based off of this
is a pay as you go system. Old Age, Survivors And Disability Insurance Program (OASDI)
is based on the percentage increase in the consumer price index
When should someone apply for SSA benefits
3 months prior to retirement
How long is the look back period in California
30 months prior to the date of the application for medicaid or the date the individual was institutionalized, and looks for transfers of assets made during that period
Who are more prone to fall related fractures among older adults
SSDi pays benefits to people under retirement age who cannot work because of a debilitating medical condition, however benefits will not be approved if…
the condition is expected to last less than 12 months