Midterm Study Guide Flashcards
Setting goals and strategically deciding how to achieve them
Communication, Self-Motivation, Leadership, Responsibility, Team Work, Problem Solving, Decisiveness, Ability to Work Under Pressure, Flexibility, and Negation are examples of…
Soft Skills
The efficient and effective pursuit of organizational goals
What they implement directly affects employees, customers, and suppliers
Middle Managers
Thinking analytically; seeing the big picture; understanding how everything works together are examples of
Conceptual Skills
Which theory views employees as good, trustworthy & productive
Theory Y
Who is the Father of Industrial Psychology
Hugo Munsterberg
Which philosophers said “The work process should be under the control of workers with the relevant knowledge versus managers acting as facilitators.”
Mary P. Follett
New research from the UBC Sauder School of Business shows that even if they don’t get money, status of influence, people desire what?
The application of data such as statistics and computer simulations to manage people.
Quantitative Management
Employees, Owners & the Board of Directors are examples of what?
Internal Stockholders
A systematic assessment of a company’s performance in implementing socially responsible programs.
Social Audits
A vendor who provides raw materials, services, equipment, labor, or energy to organizations
Companies / Organizations that join together to achieve advantages the neither can perform alone.
Strategic Allies
A situation in which you have to decide whether to pursue a course of action that may benefit you or your organization but that is unethical or illegal.
Ethical Dilemma
This process involve managers on all levels of the organization planning long term goals
Strategic Management
Specific, Measurable, Achievable Realistic, and Timely
S.M.A.R.T Goals
What the organization wants to become in the future.
A companies Vision Statement
Day-to-do planning of accomplishing tasks in 1-52 weeks
Operational planning
Contributions of a specific department in the organization that helps you break down and understand your strategy for the next 6-24 months.
Tactical Planning