Midterm Review Questions Flashcards
How do we know the outer core is liquid*** test question
Because Shear waves cannot pass through the core thus the core must be liquid. This can be determined through Shadow zones, which are created when S waves refract off a certain angle of the outer core.
Define seismogaphs and seismograms***test question
Seismographs record seismic waves, ***remember seismic waves travel at different speeds.
seismogram: records of seismic waves,
Define Focus and Epicenter and their relationship**test question
Focus is where that energy or slippage started
The epicenter is the point of the earths surface that is directly above the focus.
How did Banded Iron Formations play into the development of life*** test question
A factor for the GOE
iron remained in solution in the non-oxygenated environment of the earlier Archean Eon. In chemistry, this is known as a reducing environment. Once the environment was oxygenated, iron combined with free oxygen to form solid precipitates of iron oxide, such as the mineral hematite or magnetite. These precipitates accumulated into large mineral deposits with red chert known as banded-iron formations, which are dated at about 2 billion years.
The formation of iron oxide minerals and red chert (see figure) in the oceans lasted a long time and prevented oxygen levels from increasing significantly, since precipitation took the oxygen out of the water and deposited it into the rock strata. As oxygen continued to be produced and mineral precipitation leveled off, dissolved oxygen gas eventually saturated the oceans and started bubbling out into the atmosphere. Oxygenation of the atmosphere is the single biggest event that distinguishes the Archean and Proterozoic environments
Angular disconformity ** mid term question, on the previous midterm. Grand Canyon
where sedimentary strata are deposited on a terrain developed on sedimentary strata that have been deformed by tilting, folding, and/or faulting. so that they are no longer horizontal
The Phanerozoic strata in most of the Grand Canyon are horizontal. However, near the bottom horizontal strata overlie tilted strata. This is known as the Great Unconformity and is an example of an angular unconformity. The lower strata were tilted by tectonic processes that disturbed their original horizontality and caused the strata to be eroded. Later, horizontal strata were deposited on top of the tilted strata creating the angular unconformity
What are the principles of relative time dating
Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationships,
Principle of Inclusions,
Principle of Fossil Succession,
Define Principle of Cross cutting relationships
Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationships: Deformation events like folds, faults and igneous intrusions that cut across rocks are younger than the rocks they cut across.
Why study paleontology
A way to bring fossils back to life
What is the GOE*** possible question
The Great Oxygenation Event
A period of the early Proterozoic (around 2.5-2 billion years ago) where atmospheric oxygen levels dramatically increased, killing many non-oxygen-breathing organisms and allowing oxygen-breathing organisms to thrive
Define GSSPs
Global Boundary Stratotype sections and points
How much matter does hydrogen make up in the universe
What are the empirical lines of evidence to explain the big bang theory
Stellar Evolution
Cosmic Microwave Background radiation
Define the Nebular Hypothesis and Bowens Reaction Series*** possible question
The spinning nebular cloud accumulated heavy and light elements in space, close to the center the temperature was so high that only some metals and silicate minerals formed thus rocky planets were created closer to the center and as the temperatures were cooler farther out, allowing condensation of lighter gaseous molecules to accumulate into planets.
Define Strike and Dip *****possible test question
Geologists use a special symbol called strike and dip to represent inclined beds. Strike and dip map symbols look like the capital letter T, with a short trunk and extra-wide top line. The short trunk represents the dip and the top line represents the strike. Dip is the angle that a bed plunges into the Earth from the horizontal. A number next to the symbol represents dip angle.
What are the blocks on either side of a fault called*** possible question
Any rocks above the fault are called: Hanging wall
Any rocks below the fault are called: the Footwall
Learn the anatomy of the fold****
Folds are described by the orientation of their axes, axial planes, and limbs. The plane that splits the fold into two halves is known as the axial plane. The fold axis is the line along which the bending occurs and is where the axial plane intersects the folded strata. The hinge line follows the line of greatest bend in a fold. The two sides of the fold are the fold limbs.
Define Horst and Graben*** possible question
Grabens, horsts, and half-grabens are blocks of crust or rock bounded by normal faults. Grabens drop down relative to adjacent blocks and create valleys. Horsts rise up relative to adjacent down-dropped blocks and become areas of higher topography. Where occurring together, horsts and grabens create a symmetrical pattern of valleys surrounded by normal faults on both sides and mountains.
What is the date of the base of the Paleozoic
541 million years ago
Explain and Define the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary
Line of evidence suggesting an asteroid impact occurred in the Yucatan, around 60% of all know animals became extinct. A deposit of 1cm of clay with a high iridium content marks the boundary of Cretaceous and Paleogene.
What is the date of the base of the Mesozoic and Paleozoic boundary
251.902(MA) million years ago
What is the base of the Cenozoic and Mesozoic boundary
66 MA or million years ago
When did the End Permian Mass Extinction occur
252 MA (million years ago)
Define and explain the process of lithification
The process of turning sediment into a sedimentary rocks. The steps are as follows deposition, compaction, and cementation.
Define the Protolith and how it plays into metamorphic rocks
The rocks that existed before the changes that lead to a metamorphic rock, i.e. what rock would exist if the metamorphism was reversed.
What are the periods and epochs of those periods in the Cenozoic. He said to know these for the test.
66MA to 23MA - Paleogene - Paleocene - Eocene -Oligocene 23MA-2.58 MA- Neogene -Miocene -Pliocene 2.58 - .01171 MA - Quaternary - Plesioscene - .01171 - Holocene