midterm review (formula 2) Flashcards
sp qi xu
si jun zi tang
“4 gentlemen decoction”
sp qi xu with qi stag
yi gong san
“extraordinary merit powder”
sp/ st qi xu with damp phlegm
liu jun zi tang
“6 gentlemen decoction”
sp/st qi xu with damp cold stagnating in MJ
xiang sha liu jun zi tang
mu xiang and sha ren and 6 gentlemen decoction”
sp and st disharmony with dampness
xiang sha yang wei wan
“mu xiang and sha ren tonifying st pill”
Xiang sha liu jun zi tang + Ping wei san
sp & st qi xu with a lack of fluids
liu shen san
“6 miracle powder”
spleen and stomach qi xu with dampness
- benefits qi, strengthens sp, drains damp, stop diarrhea
shen ling bai zhu san
“ginseng, mushroom, white tree powder”
Sp and st qi xu, yang qi xu and sinking qi syndrome
- Tonify MJ, benefit qi, raise yang, lift what has sunken.
bu zhong yi qi tang
“tonify the middle to augment the qi decoction”
Summerheat causing profuse sweating, exhausting qi, and injury fluids.
Chronic LU deficiency with cough, qi and yin injured.
- Benefit qi, generate fluids, preserve the yin, and stops excessive sweating.
sheng mai san
“generate the pulse powder”
Chong and ren channels deficiency or blood deficiency stagnation.
Irregular menses with little flow or amenorrhea, lower abdominal pain, blurred vision
- Nourish blood, regulate LV blood.
Si Wu Tang
“4 substance decoction”
blood xu with more blood stagnation.
Tao Hong Si Wu Tang
“safflower and peach seed with 4 substance decoction”
blood xu, for qi xu causing early period with copious and pale bleeding, weakness of limbs, fatigue.
Sheng Yu Tang
“Sage healing decoction”
blood xu, for restless fetus disorder with continuous bleeding from vagina.
Jiao Ai Tang
“Gelatin and mugwort decoction”
Muscle spasmotic pain due to LV blood and yin xu.
Irritability, slight chills, spasms of calf muscles, cramps.
- regulates qi & blood, moderates painful spasm, alleviate pain.
Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang
“peony and licorice decoction”
SP & HT qi and blood deficiency (palpitations, anxiety, phobia, forgetfulness, reduced appetite, pallid complexion).
SP fails to control blood syndromes (blood in stool, beng lou syndrome, earlier period with copious pale blood
- Augments qi, nourishes blood, strengthens SP, nourishes HT
Gui Pi Tang
“restore sp decoction”
Blood deficiency heat syndrome (hot sensations in muscles, red face, irritability, thirst with desire for warm beverage drinks)
- tonify qi and generate blood
Dang gui bu xue tang
“dang gui tonify blood decoction”
Qi and blood deficiency (knotted pulse, intermittent pulse, palpitation, anxiety, insomnia, SOB, constipation).
LU atrophy due to consumption (dry cough, no sputum, SOB, night sweat)
- Augment qi, nourish yin, tonifiy blood, restore pulse.
zhi gan cao tang
“prepared licorice decoction”
Qi and blood deficiency syndromes (pallid or shallow complexion, palpitations & anxiety, reduced appetite, SOB)
- Augments qi, tonifies blood
Ba Zhen Tang
“8 treasure decoction”
Qi and blood deficiency with cold syndromes (pallid complexion, reduced appetite, spermatorrhea, weakness of the lower extremities, spotting from uterine bleeding).
- Warms and tonifies qi and blood
Shi Quan Da Bu Tang
“10 inclusive great tonifying decoction”
Pregnant woman with qi and blood deficiency syndrome (restless fetus, threatened miscarriage, habitual miscarriage, pale face, fatigue, loss of appetite)
- Augments qi, nourishes blood, strengthens KD and spleen, calms fetus
Tai Shan Pan Shi San
“Tai mountain bedrock powder”
KD and LV yin xu syndromes (soreness in lower back, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, night sweats, hot palms & soles, chronic dry and sore throat).
- Enriches yin, nourishes KD.
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
“6 flavor earth yellow pill”
Yin deficiency with vigorous fire syndrome (night sweats, steaming bone disorder, irritability)
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan
“Zhi mu and huang bai earth yellow pill”
For LV & KD yin deficiency (blurry, dry, rough painful eyes)
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan
“Gou Qi Zi and Ju Hua earth yellow pill”
For various eye disorder due to LV & KD yin and blood deficiency.
Ming Mu Di Huang Wan
“Brighten eyes earth yellow pill”
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan + Dang Gui, Bai Shao, Bai ji Li, Shi Jue Ming
For KD qi deficiency and SOB, wheezing, hiccuping.
Du Qi Wan
“Capital qi pill”
+ Wu Wei Zi
For LU & KD yin deficiency and chronic cough or wheezing, coughing of blood.
Mai Wei Di Huang Wan
“Many flavor earth yellow pill”
+ Mai Men Dong, Wu Wei ZI
For KD yin deficiency with tinnitus and loss of hearing.
Er Long Zuo Ci Wan
“Ear deafness left KD pill”
Atrophy due to KD & LV yin xu with flaring up fire syndromes (soreness of lower back and knees, atrophy of sinews and bones, difficulty in walking).
- Enriches the yin, descends fire, and strengthens sinews and bones.
Hu Qian Wan
“Tiger hiding pill”
True yin xu with essence & marrow depletion syndrome
(Dizziness, vertigo, soreness of the lower back, night sweats, dry mouth and throat)
- Enriches the yin, tonifies KD, replenishes essence, benefits marrow.
Zuo Gui Wan
“Left (KD) restoring pill”
For mild yin deficiency cases; modification of Zuo Gui Wan
Zuo Gui Yin
“Left (KD) restoring drink”
KD & LV yin deficiency syndromes (bitter taste and dry mouth, dizziness, soreness of lower back, premature greying and loss of hair, night sweats)
Er Zhi Wan
“Two-solistice pill”
Yin deficiency with fire rising syndromes (tidal fever and steaming bone, night sweats, spermatorrhea, coughing with blood, irritability, and weakness with sensation of heat or pain in the knees).
- Enriches the yin, descends fire.
Da Bu Yin Wan
“Great tonifying yin pill”
LV and KD yin xu with LV qi stagnation (chest and hypochondriac pain, epigastric and abdominal distention, acid regurgitation, bitter taste, dry mouth)
- Enriches the yin, spreads the LV qi.
Yi Guan Jian
“One linking decoction”
LU yin deficiency with dry heat syndrome ( cough with wheezing, dry and parched throat, scanty or blood-streaked sputum).
- Enriches yin, tonifies LU, quiets coughing and stops stops bleeding.
Bu Fei E Jiao Tang
“Tonifying the LU with gelatin decoction”
KD yin & yang depleted and ren & du channels jing & blood insufficiency syndromes (emaciation, weakness, spermatorrhea, impotence, nocturnal emission, diminishes vision, aching of lower back”
Gui Lu Er Xian Jiao
“Turtle shell and deer antler two-immortal syrup”
KD qi and yang deficiency syndromes
(Aching and weakness of the lower back and knees, cold sensation in the lower half of the body, tenseness in the lower abdomen, either difficulty urination or excessive more severe at night, impotence, premature ejaculation chronic diarrhea).
- Warms and tonifies KD yang
(Jin Gui) Shen Qi Wan
“KD qi pill (from golden cabinet)”
KD yang deficiency with waning of the ming men fire syndrome.
(Exhaustion from long-term illness, aversion to cold, coolness of the extremities, impotence, spermatorrhea, aching and weakness of the lower back and knees, possible infertility, loose stools (with undigested food), incontinence, and edema in lower extremities).
- Warms and tonifies the KD yang, replenishes the essence (jing), and tonifies blood.
You Gui Wan
“Restore the right (KD) pill”
For patterns of true cold and false heat. For KD yang xu with feebleness and exhaustion.
You Gui Yin
“Restore the right (KD) drink”
Both KD yin and yang deficiencies with a flaring up the ming men fire syndrome.
(Menopause symptoms including hypertension, irregular menstruation, hot flushes, night sweating, nervousness, fatigue, lassitude, depression, irritability, insomnia, palpitations, and frequent urination).
- Warms KD yang, tonifies the essence, drains the KD fire and regulates Chong and Ren channels.
Er Xian Tang
“Two immortal decoction”
LV & KD deficiency symptoms
(Premature greying of hair or hair loss, loose teeth, spontaneous and noctunal emissions, infertility caused by KD xu; soreness and weakess of the lower back and knees)
- Tonifies KD yin and nourishes the LV blood, blackens the hair (LV blood) and replenishes the essence (jing).
Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan
“Seven-treasure special pill for beautiful whiskers”
Vigorous HT fire and HT yin and blood deficiency syndrome
(Insomnia, excessive dreams, frightening and continuous palpitation, a sensation of irritability and heat in the chest).
- Sedates the HT, calms the shen, drains fire, nourishes the yin.
Zhu Sha An Shen Wan
“Cinnabar pill to calm spirit”
HT & KD disharmony syndrome
(Palpitations, insomnia, tinnitus and diminished acuity of hearing & vision, also for seizures or epilepsy).
- Heavily sedates & calms the shen, weighs down the yang, nourishes the yin, improves the vision.
Ci Zhu Wan
“Magnetite and cinnabar pill”
LV blood deficiency with insomnia syndrome
Palpitations, insomnia, irritability, inability to sleep, night sweats, dizziness, vertigo and dry throat and mouth
Suan Zao Ren Tang
“Sour jujube decoction”
Yin and blood deficiency of the HT & KD with deficient fire syndrome.
(Palpitations, insomnia, irritability, fatigue, nocturnal emission, forgetfulness, heat sensation in palms and soles, sores and ulcers in the mouth and tongue, low grade fever, night sweats or dry stools).
- Enriches the yin, nourishes the blood, tonifies the HT, calms the shen, and clear heat.
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan
Emperor of heaven’s special pill to tonify the HT”
Restless organ disorder (Zang Zao syndrome)
(Disorientation, frequent attacks of melancholy and crying spells, inability to control oneself, frequent yawning; the behavior and speech become abnormal).
- Tonifies the HT, calms the shen, harmonizes MJ, and moderates anxiety.
Gan Mai Da Zao Tang
“Licorice, wheat, jujube decoction”
Heat transformation pattern in Shao Yin stage
(Irritability with a sensation of heat in the chest, insomnia, palpitations with anxiety, sores on the mouth or tongue).
- Nourishes yin, descends fire, moist dryness and calm the spirit
Huang Lian E Jiao Tang
“Coptis and ass-hid gelatin decoction”
Evil heat sinking into PC syndrome (Wen Bing)
(High fever, irritability and restlessness, delirious speech, impaired consciousness,coma due to wind-stroke, childhood convulsions, stiffness of the tongue and frigid extremities).
- Clears heat, relieves toxicity, dislodges phlegm and opens the orifices.
An Gong Niu Huang Wan
“Calm the palace pill with cattle gallstone”
Blazing evil heat sinking into PC and generates internal LV wind syndrome (severe condition)
(High fever, irritability, restlessness, delirious speech, impaired consciousness, muscle twitches, spasms, convulsions, thirst, parched lips, dark urine, severe constipation, and childhood convulsion).
- Clears heat, opens orifices, extinguishes wind, stops spasms and convulsions.
Zi Xue Dan
“Purple snow special pill”
Phlegm-heat closed the PC syndrome
(Impaired consciousness, delirious speech, fever, copious sputum with labored and raspy breathing, wind-stroke, summer-stroke, childhood convulsion (mild condition)).
- Clears heat, opens sensory orifices, transforms turbidity, relieves toxicity.
Zhi Bao Dan
“Greatest treasure special pill”
Acute closed disorder due to excessive cold attacking syndrome.
(Sudden collapse, loss of consciousness, clenched jaw; acute, severe pain in the chest and abdomen, sudden loss of consciousness and coma, wind-stroke, qi-stroke, attacked by fierce qi of epidemic sudden turmoil disorder).
- Warms and aromatically opens the orifices, moves the qi, and transforms turbidity.
Su He Xiang Wan
“Liquid styrax pill”
Wei qi deficiency with spontaneous sweating.
(Spontaneous sweating with aversion to cold, aversion to draft, pale complexion, and recurrent cold).
- Augments qi, stabilizes the exterior, and stops sweating.
Yu Ping Feng San
“Jade Windscreen powder”
Night sweats and/or spontaneous sweating syndrome.
(Spontaneous sweating that worsens at night, palpitations, easily startled, shortness of breath, irritability, and lethargy).
- Augments the qi, stabilizes the exterior, astringes the yin, and stops sweating.
Mu Li San
“Oyster shell powder”
Chronic cough with LU qi deficiency syndrome
(Chronic, unremitting cough with wheezing, a shiny-white complexion, SOB, and spontaneous sweating).
- Augments the qi, astringes the LU, stops coughing, and nourishes the yin.
Jiu Xian San
“Nine immortal powder”
Chronic diarrhea or dysentery syndrome
(Chronic, unremitting diarrhea or dysentery to the point of incontinence; in severe cases, prolapsed rectum; abdominal pain, cramping around the navel, reduced appetite, and tenesmus; soreness of the lower back, and lack of strength in the legs).
- Astringes the intestines, stops diarrhea, warms MJ, and tonifies deficiency
Zhen Ren Yang Zang Tang
“True man’s decoction to nourish organs”
Early-morning diarrhea syndrome (Wu Geng Xie, “cock-crow” diarrhea)
(Diarrhea occurs daily before sunrise, or chronic diarrhea with no appetites, undigested food, abdominal pain, cold extremities, fatigue and lethargy).
- Warms and tonifies SP & KD, binds up intestines, and stops diarrhea.
Si Shen Wan
“4 miracle pill”
Spermatorrhea syndrome
(Chronic spermatorrhea without sexual dreams, impotence, fatigue and weakness, lower back pain, tinnitus, and soreness and weakness of lower back and limbs)
- Stabilize the kidney, binds up essence.
Jin Suo Gu JIng Wan
“Metal pill that locks up jing”
HT and KD deficiency syndrome
(Frequent urination, turbid urination (like rice water color - grey and cloudy), incontinence, spermatorrhea, disorientation, or forgetfulness).
- Regulates and tonifies the HT & KD, stabilizes the essence and stops leakage.
Sang Piao Xiao San
“Mantis egg case powder”
KD qi xu with unstable fetus syndrome
(Soreness and distention of the lower abdomen, vaginal bleeding during pregnancy and other signs and symptoms include dizziness, tinnitus, weakness of the legs, and frequent urination to the point of incontinence).
- Stabilizes KD and calms fetus
Shou Tai Wan
“Longevity fetus pill”
Beng Lou syndrome
(Continuous menstruation or uterine bleeding that is alternating between trickling and gushing of blood; the blood is red and may contain dark-purple clots. Accompanying signs include a heat sensation in the chest and irritability, abdominal pain and dark urine).
- Enriches the yin, clears the heat, stabilizes the menses, and stops bleeding.
Gu Jing Wan
“Stabilize the menses pill”
Leukorrhea due to SP xu and LV constraint with turbid cold dampness syndrome.
(Profuse vaginal discharge that is white or pale yellow in color, and clear and thin in consistency with no foul-smell, also fatigue, lethargy, shiny, pale complexion, and loose stools).
- Strengthens the SP, dry dampness, soothes LV to regulate qi, and transforms dampness to stop vaginal discharge.
Wan Dai Tang
“End the discharge decoction”
Leukorrhea due to KD and SP qi xu with turbid dampness heat syndrome.
(Vaginal discharge that is yellowish white in color, sticky with fishy-smelling, also reduced appetite, loose stools, soreness and weakness of lower back and legs).
- Strengthens SP, clears heat, dries dampness, and stops vaginal discharge.
Yi Huang Tang
“Change yellow (discharge) decoction”
Yin xu with excess fire and night sweats syndrome.
(Fever, night sweats, red face, dry mouth, and parched lips, irritability, dry stools, and dark and scanty urine).
- Nourishes yin, drains fire, stabilizes exterior, stops sweating.
Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang
“Tangkuei and six yellow decoction”