midterm review (formula 2) Flashcards
sp qi xu
si jun zi tang
“4 gentlemen decoction”
sp qi xu with qi stag
yi gong san
“extraordinary merit powder”
sp/ st qi xu with damp phlegm
liu jun zi tang
“6 gentlemen decoction”
sp/st qi xu with damp cold stagnating in MJ
xiang sha liu jun zi tang
mu xiang and sha ren and 6 gentlemen decoction”
sp and st disharmony with dampness
xiang sha yang wei wan
“mu xiang and sha ren tonifying st pill”
Xiang sha liu jun zi tang + Ping wei san
sp & st qi xu with a lack of fluids
liu shen san
“6 miracle powder”
spleen and stomach qi xu with dampness
- benefits qi, strengthens sp, drains damp, stop diarrhea
shen ling bai zhu san
“ginseng, mushroom, white tree powder”
Sp and st qi xu, yang qi xu and sinking qi syndrome
- Tonify MJ, benefit qi, raise yang, lift what has sunken.
bu zhong yi qi tang
“tonify the middle to augment the qi decoction”
Summerheat causing profuse sweating, exhausting qi, and injury fluids.
Chronic LU deficiency with cough, qi and yin injured.
- Benefit qi, generate fluids, preserve the yin, and stops excessive sweating.
sheng mai san
“generate the pulse powder”
Chong and ren channels deficiency or blood deficiency stagnation.
Irregular menses with little flow or amenorrhea, lower abdominal pain, blurred vision
- Nourish blood, regulate LV blood.
Si Wu Tang
“4 substance decoction”
blood xu with more blood stagnation.
Tao Hong Si Wu Tang
“safflower and peach seed with 4 substance decoction”
blood xu, for qi xu causing early period with copious and pale bleeding, weakness of limbs, fatigue.
Sheng Yu Tang
“Sage healing decoction”
blood xu, for restless fetus disorder with continuous bleeding from vagina.
Jiao Ai Tang
“Gelatin and mugwort decoction”
Muscle spasmotic pain due to LV blood and yin xu.
Irritability, slight chills, spasms of calf muscles, cramps.
- regulates qi & blood, moderates painful spasm, alleviate pain.
Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang
“peony and licorice decoction”
SP & HT qi and blood deficiency (palpitations, anxiety, phobia, forgetfulness, reduced appetite, pallid complexion).
SP fails to control blood syndromes (blood in stool, beng lou syndrome, earlier period with copious pale blood
- Augments qi, nourishes blood, strengthens SP, nourishes HT
Gui Pi Tang
“restore sp decoction”
Blood deficiency heat syndrome (hot sensations in muscles, red face, irritability, thirst with desire for warm beverage drinks)
- tonify qi and generate blood
Dang gui bu xue tang
“dang gui tonify blood decoction”
Qi and blood deficiency (knotted pulse, intermittent pulse, palpitation, anxiety, insomnia, SOB, constipation).
LU atrophy due to consumption (dry cough, no sputum, SOB, night sweat)
- Augment qi, nourish yin, tonifiy blood, restore pulse.
zhi gan cao tang
“prepared licorice decoction”
Qi and blood deficiency syndromes (pallid or shallow complexion, palpitations & anxiety, reduced appetite, SOB)
- Augments qi, tonifies blood
Ba Zhen Tang
“8 treasure decoction”
Qi and blood deficiency with cold syndromes (pallid complexion, reduced appetite, spermatorrhea, weakness of the lower extremities, spotting from uterine bleeding).
- Warms and tonifies qi and blood
Shi Quan Da Bu Tang
“10 inclusive great tonifying decoction”
Pregnant woman with qi and blood deficiency syndrome (restless fetus, threatened miscarriage, habitual miscarriage, pale face, fatigue, loss of appetite)
- Augments qi, nourishes blood, strengthens KD and spleen, calms fetus
Tai Shan Pan Shi San
“Tai mountain bedrock powder”
KD and LV yin xu syndromes (soreness in lower back, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, night sweats, hot palms & soles, chronic dry and sore throat).
- Enriches yin, nourishes KD.
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
“6 flavor earth yellow pill”
Yin deficiency with vigorous fire syndrome (night sweats, steaming bone disorder, irritability)
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan
“Zhi mu and huang bai earth yellow pill”
For LV & KD yin deficiency (blurry, dry, rough painful eyes)
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan
“Gou Qi Zi and Ju Hua earth yellow pill”
For various eye disorder due to LV & KD yin and blood deficiency.
Ming Mu Di Huang Wan
“Brighten eyes earth yellow pill”
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan + Dang Gui, Bai Shao, Bai ji Li, Shi Jue Ming