Midterm Review 1-30 Flashcards
What does the bible begin with?
Genesis and creation
What was promised to Adam and his defendants?
A seed, a land, and a universal blessing
What term refers to God performing everything to his will?
Divine sovereignty
What Hebrew name means anointed one?
What covenant promised that line of rulers from the family would last forever?
Davidic covenant
What term means God’s solemn agreement or promise?
What term refers to man’s responsibility to care for creation?
Creation mandate
What is the term for the message of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection?
The gospel
Muslims regard Jesus as a ______
What are the 5 pillars of Islam
- declaration of faith
- Obligatory prayer
- Compulsory giving
- Fasting in Ramadan
- Pilgrimage to Mecca
The Ka’bah is located in ________
The Arabic word for “the God” is ______
In 622, Muhammad fled to_________
What empire delayed islam’s advance into Asia Minor?
Byzantine empire
The capital of the Byzantine Empire was______
The Islamic advance in Western Europe was stopped at the battle of_______
Battle of Tours in 732
The most important Byzantine weapon used against Islamic armies was _____ _______
Greek Fire
What is the term that describes a large area of flat grasslands in Africa?
Name the city built near the Sabi River whose name means “great house of stone”
What king of Mali made a pilgrimage to Mecca
Mansa Musa
Name the important rivers and cities located in east Africa
Nile River, Aksum, Nepata
Name all the regions that African towns traded with
Arabia, India, and China
Name the common trade languages that Africans spoke along the eastern coast of Africa
Common nickname used to describe camels
Ships of the desert
Name all the commodities that were traded in eastern African cities
Gold, slaves, ivory
Name all the languages that contributed to the Swahili language
Arabic, Bantu, English
What is a Japanese warrior called?
What Japanese title means great general?
Tree of knowledge of good and evil________
Genesis 2:16-17-The Fall, Adam, Eve, and the serpent