Midterm Quizzes Flashcards
Q1 To say that categories are socially constructed means that
A. Categories are created based on human perception and classification
B. Anyone in the social world can create new categories
C. Categories are created based on fixed meanings that never change
Q1 Ethnicity can be defined as
A. A group composed of people who speak the same language and have similar surnames
B. A group determined solely by a shared geographic location
C. A collective group within a society based on a claim to kinship, a common history, and shared symbols
Q1 Race can be defined as
A. A historical category of people that never changes
B. A group defined by shared physical characteristics or similar phenotype
C. A group determined by shared genetics
Q1 One difference between race and ethnicity is that
A. Race is assigned by external agents, while ethnicity is self-assigned
B. Race is based on genetics, but ethnicity is based on shared kinship and history
C. People can change their ethnicity, but not their race
Q1 One similarity between race and ethnicity is
A. Both categories can never change once they are assigned
B. Both concepts were created by the meeting of different groups of people
C. Both race and ethnicity imply aspects of inferiority/superiority
Q2 Racial formation can be defined as
A. The process of people discovering their racial identity
B. The process of people learning about and forming opinions about race and racism
C. The process by which racial categories are created, inhabited, transformed, and destroyed
Q2 According to Omi and Winant, what “work” does a racial project do?
A. A racial project connects what race means in a particular system and the ways the social structure and everyday experiences are racially organized
B. A racial project creates the different racial categories used in official surveys such as the US census
C. A racial project organizes different interest groups together in order to fight racism
Q2 Under what conditions can a racial project be seen as racist?
A. If it is used to denigrate or insult minority groups
B. If it creates or reproduces structures of domination based on essentialist categories of race
C. If it acknowledges any person’s race, instead of ignoring race and treating people equally
Q2 One of the consequences of the early racial dictatorship in the US was that
A. It defined “American” identity as white
B. It created laws that oppressed minorities
C. It did not allow different groups to participate in democracy
Q2 Which of the following statements is an example of a racist racial project?
A. Many Latinos migrate to the United States
B. Latinos make good farmworkers because they are naturally hardworking
C. Historically, some Latinos have worked as farmworkers in the US
Q3 How does racial identity differ from racial self classification?
A. Both identity and self-classification are different names for the same measure
B. Identity is how you view yourself, while classification is how others view you
C. Identity is open ended, while classification is typically a response to a close ended question
Q3 What are the two subtypes of observed race?
A. Genetic based and skin color based
B. Appearance based and interaction based
C. Ancestry based and language based
Q3 What is one way that inconsistencies across different dimensions of race affect individuals?
A. Inconsistencies can lead to stress and/or negative health outcomes
B. Inconsistencies give people more power since they can assume multiple identities at once
C. Inconsistencies are shown to have no significant effects, either negative or positive
Q3 How can the multiple dimensions of race affect the study of inequality?
A. Observed race always provides the most accurate outcome when measuring inequality
B. All the multiple dimensions show the same outcome, regardless of how race is being measured.
C. Different dimensions can have different outcomes for the same measure.
Q3 Racial fluidity can be defined as what?
A. Changes in one dimension of race over time and/or context
B. Inconsistencies across multiple dimensions of race
C. Rapid increase of one racial group in a given population
Q4 According to Jung, which of the following is a component of an empire-state?
A. Empire-states are a loose collection of territories organized under a central ruler
B. Empire-states must encompass territory across several different continents
C. Empire-states involve the usurpation of foreign sovereignty over territories and their people
Q4 What is the difference between incorporated and unincorporated territories?
A. People in incorporated territories are granted citizenship, while people in unincorporated territories are not
B. Incorporated territories are all within the continental United States, while unincorporated territories are islands
C. The constitution fully applies to incorporated territories, but only partially in unincorporated territories
Q4 How does racial domination function in an empire-state?
A. It is a series of self -contained, isolated relations between whites and various non-white groups
B. It comprises an interconnect web of practices where the subjugation of one group is related to the subjugation of another
C. It uses the same set of rules to subjugate all non-white people
Q4 What is a consequence of colonial subjection for unincorporated territories?
A. The United States will continue to maintain them as colonies
B. Residents of unincorporated territories will always have less than full citizenship
C. Unincorporated territories have no representative in the US Congress
Q4 According to Jung, how is the hierarchical differentiation of space related to the hierarchical differentiation of people?
A. They are inextricably related to each other.
B. They have no relation to each other.
C. They are only related when discussing the treatment of people within incorporated spaces.
Q5 Ideology can be understood as
A. A series of philosophies that is automatically understood by all
B. A description of day to day existence that people use to make sense of the social reality they are in
C. Scientifically accurate theories that help us understand the social world
Q5 One of the differences between Africans and English indentured servants was that
A. Africans were not able to benefit from the established laws and customs that protected English indentured servants
B. Africans were seen as naturally fit workers that were better suited to the climate in the colonies, while English indentured servants were not
C. Africans were cheaper to employ compared to English indentured servants
Q5 What was one condition that facilitated the increase in the use of slave labor?
A. The shift from focusing on tobacco to cotton as a cash crop
B. White freedmen began demanding higher wages
C. The rise of armed, discontented white freedmenc
Q5 The concept of race as ideology means that
A. Race as a concept takes on a life of its own after it is created by humans
B. Race is passed down from generation to generation without changing
C. Race came into existence in a historical moment for historical reasons and is subject to change for similar reasons
Q5 According to Fields, what is the relationship between inferiority and oppression?
A. People are more readily oppressed when they are already perceived as inferior by nature
B. People are more readily perceived as inferior by nature when they are already seen as oppressed
C. Oppression and the construction of inferiority happen simultaneously
Q6 Double-consciousness can be defined as
A. The sense of always looking at yourself through the eyes of another
B. The process of getting two separate, outside viewpoints for one issue
C. The process of different sides of a debate coming into agreement
Q6 Which of the following aspects, according to DuBois, need to come together in order to overcome prejudice?
A. Voting rights, higher income, and citizenship
B. Higher income, property ownership, and education
C. Education, voting rights, and freedom
Q6 The “problem of the color line” can be defined as
A. The relationship between the darker and lighter races
B. Constantly changing racial categories on the Census
C. The increase in the use of color-blind racism
Q6 What was the greatest success of the Freedmen’s Bureau?
A. Expanded access to health care for former slaves
B. Implementation of free schools for black people and free elementary school in the South
C. Creation of a judiciary system handled by the bureau
Q6 What was the least successful part of the Freedmen’s Bureau?
A. Implementation of a judiciary system handled by the Bureau
B. Transportation of black men onto farmlands where they could work for pay
C. Expanded access to health care for former slaves
Q7 How did the number of black immigrants compare to other non-white immigrant groups during the early 20th century?
A. The number of black immigrants was smaller than other non-white immigrant groups
B. The number of black immigrants was larger than other non-white immigrant groups
C. The number of black immigrant was about equal to the size of other non-white immigrant groups
Q7 What are the three main factors researcher look at when examining the differences between black Americans and black immigrants?
A. History of discrimination, English proficiency, and economic advancement
B. Length of time in the US, English proficiency, and selective migration
C. Cultural differences, different experiences of discrimination, and selective migration
Q7 Which of the following is a factor that influences context of reception for migrants?
A. Government policies
B. English proficiency
C. Age of migrant
Q7 How does selectivity impact black immigrants?
A. Black immigrants are more likely to be higher educated than people in their country of origin
B. Black immigrants are more likely to be ingrained in American culture, which helps their assimilation
C. Black women are less likely to migrant to the US than black men
Q7 In terms of employment, how do black immigrants compare to other immigrant groups?
A. Black immigrants do better than other immigrant groups
B. Black immigrants fall behind other immigrant groups
C. Black immigrants do about the same as other immigrant groups
Q8 Which two criteria did the Spanish and other Europeans use to judge Native Americans?
A. Language and race
B. Ethnicity and laws
C. Christianity and civilization