Midterm Questions Flashcards
Which of following best describes the control activities that access controls can help implement?
a. Document control b. Safeguard assets c. Segregation of duties d. Monitoring
Segregation of duties
In Access, system designers sometimes set range limits for values of attributes so users can’t enter unreasonable values; this is an example of what kind of controls?
a. Application b. Access c. Internal d. Management
Which of the following best describes the first step in the process for developing business rules?
a. Prepare an activity diagram b. Identify important events (or steps) in a process c. Prepare a structure diagram d. Review process documentation
Identify important events (or steps) in a process
Which of the following is the best description of what the circled multiplicities in this partial UML class diagram mean?
a. Some purchases are made over-the-counter without issuing a purchase order. b. Some items are received in advance of the purchase order. c. Some suppliers do not accept purchase orders. d. Some purchase orders result in multiple receipts of items.
Some purchases are made over-the-counter without issuing a purchase order.
Which of the following best indicates the type of class for a Purchase Orders class?
a. Resource b. Agent c. Type Image d. Commitment Event
Commitment Event
Which of the following best describes a business model?
a. Typically a graphical depiction of the essential business process information. b. A sequence of business activities. c. An evaluation of potential business process improvements. d. None of the above.
Typically a graphical depiction of the essential business process information.
Business models provide value in all of the following areas except which one?
a. Employee performance appraisal b. Managing complexity c. Specifying systems requirements d. Eliciting requirements for new systems
Employee performance appraisal
Which of the following best describes the purpose of an activity model?
a. Describes the sequence of workflow in a business process. b. Creates a blueprint to support the collection of process information. c. Depicts data structures. d. None of the above.
Describes the sequence of workflow in a business process.
Which of the following best describes the purpose of an event in a BPMN activity diagram?
a. Shows where the work takes place. b. Describes the sequence of workflow. c. Affects the flow of the business process. d. Controls branching and merging.
Affects the flow of the business process.
Which of the following best describes the purpose of a gateway in a BPMN activity diagram?
a. Shows where the work takes place. b. Describes the sequence of workflow. c. Affects the flow of the business process. d. Controls branching and merging.
Controls branching and merging.
Which of the following symbols depicts an intermediate event?
a. An arrow b. A circle with a double line perimeter c. A rectangle d. A circle with a wide single line perimeter
Your Answer: A circle with a double line perimeter
Which of the following symbols is used to depict different organizations in one BPMN diagram?
a. Gateway b. Message flow c. Pool d. Intermediate event
Your Answer: Pool
Which of the following best describes the purpose of a swimlane?
a. Depicts different organizations involved in a process. b. Depicts different departments of the same organization in a process. c. Depicts interactions between organizations in a process. d. Depicts the sequence of tasks in a process.
Your Answer: Depicts different departments of the same organization in a process.
Which of the following best describes a BPMN message flow?
a. Shows sequence of activities in a process.
b. Shows interactions between participants in a process.
c. Affects the flow of a business process.
d. Shows branchingand merging in a business process.
Your Answer: Shows interactions between participants in a process
Which of the following best describes the difference between a BPMN gateway and a flowcharting decision diamond?
a. Only the decision diamond shows branching of the sequence flow. b. The gateway does not represent a decision. c. Only the gateway shows branching of the sequence flow. d. The decision diamond can depict more branching options.
Your Answer: The gateway does not represent a decision.
Accounting information systems are:
a. Always computerized. b. An information system that collects financial reporting information for decision making and control. c. An information system that records, processes and reports on transactions to provide financial and non-financial information for decision making and control. d. An information system that collects and disburses financial and non-financial information for decision making and control.
Your Answer: An information system that records, processes and reports on transactions to provide financial and non-financial information for decision making and control.
Which of the following is a characteristic of relevant information?
a. Predictive value. b. Neutrality. c. Verifiable. d. Easy to understand.
Your Answer: Predictive value.
Which of the following are considered to be discretionary information produced by accounting information systems?
a. U.S. Tax Return. b. Bank capital submission to the State Banking Commission. c. The number of U.S. flags that are sold on July 4. d. 10-K regulatory filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Your Answer: The number of U.S. flags that are sold on July 4.
Support activities in the value chain include all but the following:
a. Firm Infrastructure b. Technology c. Procurement d. Marketing and Sales
Your Answer: Marketing and Sales
What designation would most appropriate for those CPAs possessing IS audit, control and security skills?
a. Certified Information Systems Auditors (CISA) b. Certified Accounting Information System Auditor (CAISA) c. Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) d. Certified Information Technology Professional (CITP)
Your Answer: Certified Information Technology Professional (CITP)
A supply chain:
a. Supplies only chain saws. b. Is the flow of materials from supplier to customer. c. Is similar in function and purpose to the value chain. d. Applies only to service firms.
Your Answer: Is the flow of materials from supplier to customer.
Primary Activities in the value chain include:
a. Firm Infrastructure b. Service Activities c. Human Resource Management d. Procurement
Your Answer: Service Activities
The income statement account most likely affected by an AIS investment in enterprise systems would be:
a. Revenues b. Cost of Goods Sold c. Selling, General and Administrative Expenses d. Income Taxes
Your Answer: Selling, General and Administrative Expenses
According to a recent study, the IT strategic role that has the least impact on shareholder value is:
a. Informate b. Digitize c. Automate d. Transform
Your Answer: Automate
The income statement account most likely affected by an AIS investment in customer relationship management would be:
a. Revenues b. Cost of Goods Sold c. Selling, General and Administrative Expenses d. Income Taxes
Your Answer: Revenues
Accounting Info Systems Are:
a. Always computerized
B. Report only financial info
C. An information system that records, processes, and reports on transactions to provide financial and non financial information for decision making and control
D. Require a CITP designation to understand
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of useful information?
A. Predictive value
B. Timeliness
C. Verifiable
D. Expensive to generate
Which of the following is considered to be mandatory information required by a regulatory body?
A. US Tax return
B. The cost to produce a textbook
C. The number of U.S. flags that are sold on July 4
D. The cost to build an all new Starbucks restaurant in China.
The correct order of effects in the value chain is:
A. Inbound Logistics, Operations, service
B. Inbound logistics, outbound logistics, marketing and sales
C. Inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics
D. Inbound logistics, operations, service.
What designation would be most appropriate for those professionals possessing IT audit, control, and security skills?
A. CIA, Certified Internal Auditor
B. Certified Public Accountant, CPA
C. Certified Information Technology Professional, CITP
D. Certified information systems auditor, CISA
A supply chain:
A. Supplies Bicycle chains
B. Refers to the flow of materials, information, payments, and services
C. Is simlar in function and purpose to the value chain
D. Does not apply to a service firm like an accounting firm
Customer relationship management software does not include information about
A. Current customers
B. Prospective customers
C. Former customers
D. Current Suppliers
IT Strategic roles of AIS investments are classified as
A. Automate, informate, transform
B. Value creation, value destruction, value neutral
C. Digitize, report, transform
D. Automate, digitize, transportation
According to a recent study, the IT strategic role that has the greatest impact on share-holder value is:
A. Informate
B. Digitize
C. Automate
D. Transform
The income statement account most likely affected by an AIS investment in supply chain management would be:
A. Revenues
B. Cost of goods sold
C. Selling, general, admin expenses
D. Unearned Revenues
Which of the following is not a role of the accounting function in business?
A. Financial close B. Regulatory compliance C. Project Management D. Using IT to make finance and accounting processes more efficient. E. All of the above
Which of the following is not an example of business process documentation
A. Business process models B. Training manuals C. Organization Charts D. Internal Audit E. All of the above
Which of the following is not a purpose of business process documentation
A. Facilitating process improvement B. Specifying accountability C. Training D. Supporting internal audit E. All of the above
Which of the following best describes the value of business models
A. A communication tool B. A planning tool C. A process improvement tool D. A tool for managing complexity E. All of the above
Which of the following describes how participants in a process are identified in BPMN
A. Message flows B. Swimlanes C. Pools D. Gateways E. Both B and C F. Both A and D
Which of the following symbols is used to represent a gateway in BPMN?
A. Rectangle
B. Diamond
C. Oval
D. arrow
Which of the following symbols is used to represent sequence flow in BPMN?
A. Rectangle
B. Diamond
C. Oval
D. arrow
Which of the following statements about BPMN is not true
A. Arrows represent sequence flows.
B. The BPMN specification is maintained by the Object Management Group
C. Events are modeled with a circle symbol
D. Annotations allow the modeler to add descriptive text
E. All of the above are true
Which of the following is not an objective of a structure model
A. Designate things of interest in the business domain
B. Describe characteristics of things of interest in the business domain
C. Support relational database design
D. Describe the sequence of activities
E. All the above are objectives
Which of the following symbols is used to represent a class in a UML class diagram?
A. Rectangle
B. Diamond
C. Circle
D. Arrow
Which of the following is an example of an obligatory business rule?
A. Customers must provide a valid credit card number
B. Customers must enter a shipping address.
C. Customers may not enter a post office box as a shipping address
D. Customers may use visa, mastercard, or amex
E. Both a and B are obligatory
Which of the following is not an enforcement level for a business rule
A. Strict enforcement B. Optional enforcement C. Post-override enforcement D. Pre-override enforcement E. Guideline
Which of the following is not an activity in the purchases and payments process?
A. request prices B. Receive items C. Pay for items D. Bill customers E. All of the above are processes in the purchases and payments process
Which activity results in an increase to accounts payable
A. Request prices B. Place purchase order C. Receive items D. Return rejected items E. Send Payments
Choreography describes which of the following
A. Sequence of activities in a process B. Message flows between pools C. Process gateways D. Both a and c E. Both b and c
Which of the following is not an example of an application control
A. Range checks ensure that purchases are limited to valid amounts
B. Employee making disbursements cannot modify purchase orders
C. System supplies supplier address for the payment
D. System creates audit trail documenting all charges
E. All of the above
Which of the following describes the purpose of an intermediate timer event?
A. Indicates receipt of a message B. Indicates branching C. Indicates Delay D. Both a and c E. Both B and C
Which of the following is a resource in a purchases and payments structure model
A. Employee labor B. Receipt of goods C. Paying by check D. Inventory E. Supplier
Which of the following is an agent in a purchases and payments structure model
A. Employee labor B. Receipt of goods C. Cash disbursements D. Inventory E. Supplier
Which of the following is an event in a purchases and payments structure model
A. Cash B. Inventory C. Employee D. Cash disbursements E. None of the above
Which of the following events would indicate recording of a purchase in the AIS
A. Issue purchase order B. Receive goods C. Make payment D. Transfer inventory E. None of the above
In a typical relational database supporting the purchase and payment process, which of the following tables is likely to have the most foreign keys
A. Employee table B. Supplier table C. inventory table D. Cash disbursement table E. Cash table
Based on SOX, which of the following sections is about internal controls
A. 302
B. 401
C. 404
D. 906
SOX requires companies to use COSO or COSO ERM as the framework in evaluating internal controls
True or false
Controls that are designed to prevent, detect, or correct errors in transactions as they are processed through a specific subsystem are referred to as
A, General controls B. Application controls C. Physical controls D. Two of the above are correct E. None of the above
Which of the following is not a COSO ERM objective
A. Risk assessment B. Compliance C. Reporting D. Operations E. Strategic
Prenumbering of source documents helps to verify that
A. Multiple types of source documents have a unique identifier
B. All transactions have been recorded because the numerical sequence serves as a control
C. No inventory has been misplaced
D. Documents have been used in order
A field check is
A. Preventive Control B. Detective control C. Corrective control D. General control E. Output control
Which is not an example of a batch total?
A. Record count
B. Financial Total
C. Hash total
D. Exception total
Backup is a preventive control
True or false
The computer sums the first four digits of a customer number to calculate the value of the fifth digit and then compares that calculation to the number typed during data entry. This is an example of
A. Field check
B. Parity check
C. Check digit verification
D Batch total
Which of the following statements is correct?
A. SOX requires all public companies to use the COSO ERM framework to meet the requirements of Section 404
B. Regarding IT control and governance, the COBIT framework is most commonly adopted by companies in the US
C. ITIL is the best internal control framework for the high tech industry
D. ISO 27000 series are best practices for IT service management
Authentication is the process by which the
A. System verifies that the user is entitled to enter the transaction requested
B. System verifies the identity of the user
C. User identifies himself to the system
D. User indicates to the system that the transaction was processed correctly
Data Processing activities may be classified in terms of three stages or processes: input, processing, and output. An activity that is not normally associated with the input stage is:
A. Batching
B. Recording
C. Verifying
D. Reporting
To ensure confidentiality in an asymmetric key encryption system, knowledge of which of the following keys is required to decrypt the receive message?
- Private
- Public
A. 1
B. 2
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
To authenticate the message sender in an asymmetric key encryption system, which of the following keys is required to decrypt the receive message?
A, Sender’s private key
B. Sender’s public key
C. Receivers private key
D. Receivers public key
To ensure the data sent over the internet are protected, which of the following keys is required to encrypt the data ( before transmission) using an asymmetric key encryption method
A, Sender’s private key
B. Sender’s public key
C. Receivers private key
D. Receivers public key
Which of the following groups/laws was the earliest to encourage auditors to incorporate fraud examination into audit programs
A. COSO B.COBIT C. PCAOB D. SAS No. 99 E Sarbanes oxley act
Motive to commit fraud usually will include all of the following, except
A Inadequate segregation of duties B. Financial pressure C Personal habits and lifestyle D. Feelings of resentment E. Alcohol, drug, gambling addiction
An information technology director collected the names and locations of key vendors, current hardware configuration, names of team members and an alternative processing location. What is the director most likely preparing?
A. Internal control policy B. System hardware policy C. System security policy D. Disaster recovery plan E. Supply chain management policy
A message digest is the result of hashing. Which of the following statements about the hashing process is true?
A. It is reversible
B. Comparing the hashing results can ensure confidentiality
C. Hashing is the best approach to make sure that two files are identical
D. None of the above is true
Which one of the following vulnerabilities would create the most serious risk to a firm?
A. Using open source software (Downloaded for free) on the firm’s network
B. Employees recording passwords in excel files
C. Employees writing instant messages with friends during office hours
D. Unauthorized access to the firms’s network