Midterm Fail Questions Review Flashcards
Diestrus vs anestrus
Diestrus occurs within the estrous cycle and anestrus is the non reproductive cycle
During diestrus the follicle on the ovary has been replaced by the structure called the _____ which produces the hormone ______
CL and secretes the progesterone
______ stimulates the hypothalamus which produces the hormone _________
Daylight and GnRH
Luteal cells secrete the hormone ________
Without __________ to act as an inhibitor the FSH levels rise and the estrous cycle repeats itself
Lost 2 factor that affect spermatogenesis in the stallion
List 4 methods of a breeding soundness examination
Medical history of stallion
Medication history of stallion
Behaviour history of stallion
What do sperm cells that have been exposed to elevated temperatures exhibit?
Sperm cells exposed to excess heat from the AV liner exhibit a circling type motility, have reduced sperm longevity in raw and extended semen and may be rendered infertile
List 2 factors that relate to poor reproductive efficiency in horses
- Seasonal occurrence of estrus
- Horses are over managed by people opposed to following there natural breeding season
List 4 factors of reproductive management
- Detection of estrus
- Mating management
- Pregnancy determination
- Estrous cycle management
List four methods of teasing
- Tease pen/stall
- Tease chute
- Tease cage
- Tease wall
List two that mares are not in estrus
Ears back
How is rectal palpitation used to indicate estrus?
Flaccid tone of cervix= estrus
Firm tone of cervix = diestrus
How is rectal palpitation used to predict ovulation?
Follicular size and tone
What is progesterone used for in breeding management?
Suppress heat during transition into the ovulary season in mares that have histories of long and erratic estrous cycles
What is the name of the synthetic progesterone?
Altrenogest, renugate
Most stallions that are considered “good coolers” will still have at least ____ to ___% of the initial sperm motility after 24 hours of cooling
Semen is generally ordered when a follicle ____mm to ____mm in diameter is first detected
List one advantage of cooled semen
Safer and cheaper than shipping mares and foals long distance for mare to be bred
In general pregnancy rates per cycle using frozen semen are ____ to ____% lower than with cooler transported semen