MIDTERM CHAPTER 4-5 Flashcards
Job analysis, human resource planning, and recruitment are necessary pre-requisites to
the ___
Selection of Employees
It begins when recruiting programs have developed
a number of applicants for available job openings.
selection process
Before the selection process begins, a profile of characteristics required for successful
performance should be developed for the job specification. These include the __, ___, ___requirements of the job
interpersonal, and personal
Selection Process [ENUMERATE]
- Define the job before hiring an employee
- Review application form and credentials carefully
- Employment interview
- Employment testing.
- Background investigation/reference checking.
- Final interview
- Selection decision
- Physical examination.
- Final employment decision/placement on the job.
Review application form and credentials carefully; [ENUMERATE]
a. Employment gaps
b. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
c. Evidence that a career has gone backwards or plateaued.
d. Failure to follow directions.
e. Failing to include a cover letter.
Submitting a high-quality cover-letter with your
resume can spell the difference. Failing to include one would entail failing to
demonstrate how you stand out from the rest of the applicants.
Failing to include a cover letter
Failure to follow directions is not just a waste of time
but it can be harmful especially to job applicants because the employer might think
the applicant does not have the ability to work in an organize and effective manner.
Failure to follow directions
In a career that is
progressing successfully, an applicant’s resume should show evidence that job titles
and job description have improved as the year progresses.
. Evidence that a career has gone backwards or plateaued.
Attention to details such as appropriate
grammar, spelling, and punctuation do set a candidate above the pack. Failure to
shine in these details on their resume and application should be noted by the
Spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
These gaps include dates of employment listed only in years so
that the actual day and month of employment ending are masked.
Employment gaps
This is where job analysis will come in
handy. This will help you prepare the job description and job specifications which in turn
will define the recruitment strategy
Define the job before hiring an employee
This provides basic employment
information that can be used to screen out unqualified applications.
Review application form and credentials carefully
Screen all applicants
against a list of qualifications, skills, experience, and characteristics required by the job.
Review application form and credentials carefully
. It should show details about the qualifications and experience of the
candidate you seek to fill the job.
It r saves you
time, connects the candidate’s relevant experience to the advertised job, and provides insight into
the candidate’s skills, characteristics, and experience
Cover Letters
Employers use the this to gather consistent data about prospective
employment application
This provides the hiring supervisor the opportunity to review
candidate’s qualifications and determine their suitability for the position.
Employment interview.
It also provides
candidates with the chance to learn about the position and its requirements and present
information on their skills and experience.
Employment interview.
Supervisors and other personnel in the departments who are involved in the interview
should prepare in advance for the interview
Preparation for the Interview
The interview format should be the same for all candidates.
Interview Format
Employers often use tests and other selection procedures to screen
applicants for hiring and employees for promotion
Employment testing
There are many different types of
tests and selection procedures, including cognitive tests, personality tests, medical
examinations, credit checks, and criminal background checks.
Employment testing
Cognitive tests
Physical ability tests/test of motor and physical abilities
Sample job tasks
Medical inquiries and physical examinations
Personality tests and integrity test
English proficiency tests
tests determine English fluency
English proficiency test
the degree to which a person has certain
traits or dispositions
Personality tests
aim to
predict the likelihood that a person will engage in certain conduct
integrity test
This includes psychological test, assess
physical or mental health.
Medical inquiries and physical examinations
This measure the physical
ability to perform a particular task or the strength of specific muscle groups, as
well as strength and stamina in general.
Physical ability tests/test of motor and physical abilities
This assess reasoning, memory, perceptual speed and accuracy, and
skills in arithmetic and reading comprehension, as well as knowledge of a
particular function or job.
Cognitive tests
This is done to verify the accuracy of
factual information previously provided by the applicant to uncover damaging
background information such as criminal records and violent behavior.
Background investigation/reference checking.
Background investigation/reference checking. [ENUMERATION]
a. Personal references
b. School records
c. Previous employment records
It determines if the applicant qualifies for the physical
requirements of the position and to discover any medical limitations that should be taken
into account in placing the applicant.
Physical examination.
This is the decision to accept or
reject the applicant based on the results of the physical examination and a value judgment
based on all the information gathered in the previous steps
Final employment decision/placement on the job.
Type of test that reveals the applicant ‘s emotional maturity and
other personal characteristics.
Personality Test
Document that describes the applicant’s qualifications and gives the
employers information about what the applicant can offer if hired
the position.
The final activity in the acquisition of employees which signifies
Decision to hire the applicant.
Final employment decision
This type of test measures the applicant’s physical ability to perform
knowledge a function or job.
Cognitive test
Type of test that measures the applicant’s physical ability to
perform a particular task as well as strength and stamina in general
Physical ability test
This is the procedure for providing new employees with some basic background
information about the firm, its culture, and the job.
Employee Orientation
It is similar to what sociologists refer
to as socialization.
Employee Orientation
It is a process when a new employee learns the norms,
values, goals, work procedures, pattern of behavior that are expected by the organization.
Employee Orientation [ENUMERATE]
- Organizational/overview orientation
- Departmental and Job orientation
topics discussed include overview of the
company, key policies and procedures, compensation, benefits, safety and
accident prevention, employees and union relation if there is any, physical
facilities, and the like.
Organizational/overview orientation
topics about the department
function and the duties and responsibilities of the newly hired employees\,
policies, procedures, rules and regulations, tour of the department, and
introduction to department employees.
Departmental and Job orientation
It is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of skills,
concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviors to enhance the performance of employees.
Training Defined
Using Training to Deal with Competitive Challenges [ENUMERATE]
- Global challenge
- Quality challenge
- High performance work system challenge
New technology causes changes in skill
requirements and work roles, and often results in redesigning work structures. Through
new technology, the information needed to improve customer service and product quality
becomes more accessible to employees.
High performance work system challenge
The emphasis quality is seen in the establishment of the Malcolm
Baldrige Quality Award and the ISO quality standards. As a result of these, the quality
challenge has forced employers to train their employees to create high-quality products and
Quality challenge
In the advent of a borderless society, cross-cultural training is
important to prepare employees and their families for possible overseas assignments
Global challenge
The Training Process [ENUMERATION]
- Training Need Analysis (TNA)/Needs Assessments
- Designing the Training Programs/Training Objectives
- Validation
- Implementation of the Training Program
- Training Evaluation
It identifies specific
job performance deficiencies and increases productivity.
Training Need Analysis (TNA)/Needs Assessments
This refers to the process used to determine if training is necessary
Training Need Analysis (TNA)/Needs Assessments
It is needed when
significant differences exist between actual performance and prescribed standards.
Five Methods Used to Gather Needs Assessment Information [ENUMERATE]
a. Interviews
b. Survey questionnaire
c. Observation
d. Focus groups
e. Documentation examination
this involves examining records like absenteeism, turnover,
accident rates, and performance appraisal information to determine if problem exists and
whether any problems identified can be addressed through training
Documentation examination
employees from various departments who conduct focus group sessions to
determine skills and knowledge needed by employees for the organization to stay
competitive and identify problems of the organization that can be solved by training.
Focus groups
specialists in the HR department who have been trained to conduct job
analysis are usually adept at observing to identify training needs
involves developing a list of skills required to perform particular
jobs effectively and asking employees to check skills in which they believe they need
training on.
Survey questionnaire
can be used to take note of the problem of the employee in relation to the job,
additional skills or knowledge the employee needs to better perform the job, and what
training the employee believes is needed.
Needs Assessment Process
a. Organizational analysis
b. Person/performance analysis
c. Task analysis
involves determining the appropriateness of training, given the
company’s business strategy, its resources available for training, and support by managers
and peers for training activities.
Organizational analysis
determining the training needs of current employees. This
means verifying that there is a significant performance deficiency and whether that
deficiency should be rectified through training
Person/performance analysis
It involves determining whether
performance deficiencies result from a lack of knowledge, skill, ability, or from a
motivational or work design problem. It also involves identifying who needs training and
determining employee’s readiness for training.
Person/performance analysis
assessing training needs of new employees. This is a detailed study of the
job to determine what specific skill skills are required.
Task analysis
It includes identifying the important
tasks and knowledge, skills, and behaviors that need to be emphasized in training for
employees to develop the skills and knowledge required for effective performance and for
the employees to complete their tasks.
Task analysis
Designing the Training Programs/Training Objectives [ENUMERATION]
a. Instructional objectives
b. Organizational and Departmental objectives
c. Individual and growth objectives
What impact will the training have on the
behavioral and attitudinal outcomes of the individual trainee and on the personal
growth of the trainee?
Individual and growth objectives
What impact will the training have
on organizational and departmental outcomes such as absenteeism, turnover,
reduced costs, improved productivity, accident rate, and the like?
Organizational and Departmental objectives
What principles, facts, and concept should be learned in
the training program taking into consideration the positions of the participants?
Instructional objectives
The design of the training program can be undertaken only when a clear training objective
has been produced.
Training Design
The ____ clarifies what goal has to be achieved by the end of the
training program, i.e., what the trainees are expected to do at the end of their training.
training objective
It assist trainers to design the training program.
training objective
Introduce and validate the training before a representative audience.
Once the staff, course, content, equipment, and topics are ready, the training is
implemented. Completing the training design does not mean that the work is done because
implementation phase requires continual adjusting, redesigning and refining.
Implementation of the Training Program
Implementation of the Training Program [ENUMERATION]
a. The trainer
b. Physical setup
c. Establishing rapport with participants
d. Reviewing the agenda
This will keep check whether training has had the desired effect. Training
evaluation ensures that candidates are able to implement their learning in their respective
workplaces, or to the regular work routines
Training Evaluation
Purposes of Training Evaluation [ENUMERATION]
a. Feedback.
b. Research.
It helps in ascertaining the relationship between acquired knowledge, transfer of
knowledge at the workplace, and training.
Giving feedback helps the candidates define the objectives and link them to
learning outcomes.
Process of Training Evaluation [ENUMERATION]
- Before the Training
- During the Training
- After the Training
The learner’s skills and knowledge are assessed before the training because this can help
determine whether the actual outcomes are aligned with the expected outcomes of training.
Before the Training
This is the phase at which instruction is started. This usually consists of short tests at regular
During the Training
This phase is designed to determine whether training given had the desired effect at
individual departments and organizational levels.
After the Training
One can also measure the success of the training program according to:
a. Reaction of the Learner
b. Learning Level
c. Behavior of the Learner
d. Results
Determine the level of improvement in job performance and assess needed maintenance to
ensure continuous good performance.
This is to measure the degree to which learners apply newly acquired
skills and knowledge to their jobs.
Behavior of the Learner
This refers to how well the trainees understood and absorbed the principles, facts, and skills
Learning Level
The learner’s immediate reactions to the training can determine if they are already bored
while the training is ongoing.
Reaction of the Learner
Training Options [ENUMERATION]
- Outsourcing
- Internal Training
- Product-related Training
- Independent Professionals:
In this option, the
responsibility of training is entirely on the individual and a better-trained professional will
always have better market worth than others.
Independent Professionals
The dealer who delivers the apparatus or installs the system
offers the initial training.
Product-related Training
Some outsource companies recruit
external trainers and call them to the company site top train employees.
Internal Training
Organizations go
for outsourcing to save training costs, gain access to practical and technical proficiency,
Outsourcing the Training of Employees
It also allows companies to deliver the best training to their employees so they
can get the clients to the best of their abilities.
Trainers need to understand the pros and cons of each method and its impact
on trainees keeping their background and skills in mind before giving the training.
Training Methods
There are various methods of training, in which can be divided into _____ and ____ methods.
cognitive and
dwell on giving theoretical training to the trainees.
Cognitive methods
- Lecture/Discussion Approach
- Demonstration/Hands-on Method
- Computer-based Training (CBT)
- Virtual Reality
Virtual reality
It involves transmitting large amount of factual information to a large number of people
at a given time.
Lecture/Discussion Approach
This method is a visual display of how something works or how to do something.
Demonstration/Hands-on Method
This is an interactive training experience in which the computer provides the learning
stimulus where the trainee must respond.
Computer-based Training (CBT)
It is a training method that puts the participant in a 3-D environment
Virtual Reality
Sensory devices
provides audio and visual information
provide tactile information
transmit how the trainees are responding in the virtual workplace to
the computer
Sensory devices
used for creating a sense of movement
They s are more of giving practical training to the trainees.
Behavioral methods
This method stimulates learning because participants are actively involved and
they mimic the competitive nature of business.
Games and Simulations
Behavioral methods [ENUMERATION]
- Games and Simulations
- Case Studies and Role Playing
- On-The-Job Training (OJT)
In this type of training, participants assume specific characterizations and act out
a particular situation or problem.
Case Studies and Role Playing
It involves having a person learn a job by actually performing it. The employee
is shown how to perform the job and is allowed to do it under a trainer’s supervision.
On-The-Job Training (OJT)
Techniques for the on-the-job development [ENUMERATION]
Job Rotations
Job Instruction Techniques (JIT)
this technique uses a strategy with focus on
Job Instruction Techniques (JIT)
Movement from one position to another provides employees with
exposure to a number of different job functions and a broad of grasp of the overall
purpose of an organization
Job Rotations
The coaches and mentors acts as consultants who assist
companies to prepare for succession by identifying and training future top executives
Refers to training while actually working on the job
On the job training
In charge in the orientation of newly hired employees
Human resource department
Cite two major problems in the use of e-learning
Poor telecommunication infrastructure
Cost of appliance
A training option that can help the company save on training costs while
providing the best training available
Refers to the process used to determine if training is necessary
Training Needs Analysis
Training method that can transmit large amount of factual information to a
large number of people at the same time and is considered less costly compared to other means
Lecture/ Discussion Approach
Training method used by pilots and other airline crews
Demonstration/ hands on method
Training method where trainees are expected to analyze complex problems
faced by employees, their managers, and supervisors in the organization
Case studies and roleplay
_______________ and ___________________ are benefits of computer-based training.
Increases access to training
Reduces the cost of training